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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 24, 2022


        Mayor welcomes new businesses to community

           Recently, Westland Mayor    launch later this month, Wild                                                               The Legendary Axe celebrated a
        William R. Wild commented on   said.                                                     ”                                 grand opening March 12 and 13.
        the number of new businesses     Also recently opened are                    It's incredible to see so many                  For those looking to capture
        opening in the city.           Glass House Hookah Lounge and                 local entrepreneurs investing                 memories, The Selfie Studio
           “Despite the challenges     Glass House Kitchen, both locat-                                                            opened yesterday. Located at
        caused by the pandemic, the City  ed at 7900 Middlebelt Road. Both       in their passions and our community,              34524 Warren Road, The Selfie
        of Westland continues to attract a  celebrated a grand opening on                                                          Studio allows guests to enjoy 20
        number of unique dining and    March 9. These new businesses                                                               well-designed photo sets, provid-
        entertainment businesses repre-  are a reuse of a formerly vacant                                                          ing the perfect place to spend
        senting new commercial invest-  4,678 square foot Burger King  and first-time business owner  ner.                         time with family and friends.
        ment, not only in Westland's Shop  site and represent the first phase  who is realizing her family's long-  This location is the second of  This concept is the first of this
        and Dine District, but across the  of a complete redevelopment of  time dream of a family-owned  this concept in Michigan, with its  kind in the city and provides an
        city. Throughout the first quarter  the vacant storefronts at Ann  business. This new location  sister location having success in  innovative experience for those
        of 2022 a number of new estab-  Arbor Road and Middlebelt. On  boasts an impressive array of  Farmington Hills, Wild added.   who are fans of the digital age.
        lishments and have opened their  the hooka side, they feature more  sweet and savory crepe options  For people seeking entertain-  They also feature a 360-degree
        doors and many more are slated  than 100 different hookas and  as well as additional entrée and  ment and a unique experience,  camera for artistically creative
        to open in March,” Wild said.   various flavors while the neigh-  beverage features, the mayor  try The Legendary Axe. Located  videos. “It's incredible to see so
           Among those new to the city  boring restaurant offers an   said.                         at 37550 Cherry Hill inside of  many local entrepreneurs invest-
        are Egyptian Kitchen, located at  extensive menu available for  Just up the road, 2Booli 2Go  Hush Haunted Attraction, The  ing in their passions and our
        2717 S. Wayne Road which offi-  takeout. This redevelopment   has opened inside of the former-  Legendary Axe is a full-service  community,” commented Wild.
        cially hosted a “soft opening”  alone represents an $800,000  ly vacant 2,354 square foot   bar and restaurant which fea-  “These unique concepts are pro-
        earlier this year. Egyptian    investment and will employ 10  Mexican restaurant, located at  tures Metro-Detroit's largest and  viding our residents and visitors
        Kitchen serves distinctive     people, Wild said.             6308 N. Wayne Road. Owned by  most elaborate axe throwing    of Westland with so many great
        authentic    Egyptian    and     Aroma Creperie and Café,     the Ansara family, this restaurant  facility. Westland entrepreneur  options for dining and entertain-
        Mediterranean dishes. They are  located at 6629 N. Wayne Road is  offers a number of “build-your-  Cody Baily put extensive effort  ment and they ultimately help
        currently offering a limited menu  also open for business. Rajaa  own” Mediterranean dishes, for a  into creating an immersive expe-  shape the identify of our commu-
        with a full menu expected to   Aljburi is a Westland resident  quick lunch or convenient din-  rience, similar to that of Hush.  nity.”
        Council approves appointments to city appeals boards

           Four volunteer appointments  Wild to the Westland Board of  three-year term to expire in
        and reappointments to city     Review as an alternate to com-  March of 2025. Tockstein has                             ”
        boards were recently confirmed  plete an unexpired term. His  been a longtime resident of              I am pleased to have these individuals
        by members of the Westland City  appointment was made immedi-  Westland and has served on the
        Council.                       ately effective and will expire in  Commission on Aging in the city  continue to serve the City of Westland in their positions
           Former Westland City Clerk  September of 2023. Sullivan is a  since 2005 and the Board of      and look forward to the great work they will do...
        Eileen DeHart-Schoof has been  local attorney as served as a  Review since 2010. Koelzer is an
        reappointed to the city Zoning  Wayne County Commissioner     instructor at the William D. Ford
        Board of Appeals for a three-year  from 1999 until 2007. He has also  Career Technical Center teach-
        term to expire in May of 2025.  served on the Youth Assistance  ing construction technology.  confirm the appointment of John  work they will do in the All-
        DeHart-Schoof also previously  Advisory Board since March of    “Westland City Council is   Sullivan from Mayor William    American City,” commented
        served on the Westland City    2021 and the Local Development  pleased to nominate and approve  Wild to his position on the Board  Wild.
        Council and served as a State  Finance authority since April of  the reappointment of Eileen  of Review,” said Council       Anyone interested in serving
        Representative. She was nomi-  2021.                          DeHart-Schoof to the Zoning   President James Hart.          on a Westland board or commis-
        nated for reappointment by the   Mel Tockstein and Michael    Board of Appeals and have her    “I am pleased to have these  sion can find a complete list of
        members of the city council.   Koelzer have each been reap-   continue serving the community  individuals continue to serve the  vacancies, information, require-
           John Sullivan Esq. was      pointed to the Westland Building  as she has for many ears.  City of Westland in their positions  ment and explanations at
        appointed by Mayor William R.  Board of Appeals, each serving a  “We are equally as pleased to  and look forward to the great

        Request for ride in police                                                                visit
                                                                                                          To subscribe to The Eagle

        car ends with felony arrest

           One Westland resident got a bit more
        than he planned when he flagged down a
        police car seeking a ride home.
           According to police reports, Derrick
        Horne, 39, was walking though the
        Norwayne district March 11 when he
        waved down Ofc. Reed Zielinski and
        asked for a ride. The officer, mindful of
        both the Compassionate City and Protect
        and Serve mandates in the city, explained
        that while he would be glad to help a resi-
        dent in need, police procedures required
        that he search Horne for weapons before
        allowing him to ride in the patrol car.
           According to Zielinski's report of the
        incident, the interaction led to the discov-
        ery of Horne's criminal record as a con-                       Derrick Horne
        victed felon and a concealed firearm in
        his possession.                        District Court on six felony counts includ-
           Police officials detailed the encounter  ing felon in possession of a weapon, felon
        on social media, explaining, “We do not  in possession of ammunition, carrying a
        know what Horne's intentions were when  concealed weapon, two counts of felony
        asking Officer Zielinski for a ride, but this  firearm, and habitual offender-fourth
        goes to show how there is nothing routine  offense. Magistrate Laura Echartea issued
        about police work. We are proud of Officer  Horne a personal bond during a court
        Zielinski in his efforts to assist members of  appearance March 13.
        the community while at the same time     Horne is scheduled to appear at the
        assuring that he makes it home safely.”  18th District Court for a probable cause
           Horne was video arraigned by the 36th  conference today.
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