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March 24, 2022                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Legislator sentenced to probation, community service

           State Representative Jewell                                                                 “Unless he has a significant
        Jones, D-Inkster, was sentenced                           ”                                 revelation, I do not believe he
        to two-years of probation for the         Unless he has a significant revelation,           will be successful on HYTA
        misdemeanor and felony charges        I do not believe he will be successful on HYTA        (Holmes Youthful Training Act)
        incurred during a drunk-driving                                                             probation,” Richards told the
        arrest last April.                      (Holmes Youthful Training Act) probation.           court.
           Livingston County Circuit                                                                   As part of the plea deal, Jones
        Court Judge Michael Hatty sen-                                                              entered guilty pleas to four mis-
        tenced Jones to the probation  the scene after multiple         Assistant Livingston County  demeanors and two felonies
        period with 61 days of time    motorists called 911 to report an  Prosecutor Christina Richards  including two counts of resisting
        served and 100 hours of commu-  erratic driver along Interstate 96,  and one of the Michigan State  and obstructing, operating while
        nity service as part of a plea  according to prosecutors.     troopers with whom Jones      intoxicated, possession of a
        agreement. The judge said the    According to police reports,  became physically abusive urged  firearm while under the influ-
        sentence would allow Jones time  Jones refused to provide any  more jail time for Jones, noting  ence of alcohol, reckless driving
        to “grow up and move past the  identification and was abusive  his three previous violations of  and escape of lawful custody.
        incident.”                     and uncooperative, telling offi-  bail conditions, his multiple  The resisting and obstructing
           Prosecutors in the case had  cers he was “going to call    attempts to tamper with the   and weapons convictions are eli-
        continued to lobby for more jail  Gretchen.” As he became more  court-ordered ankle monitor and  gible for eventual dismissal
        time for the 26-year-old state leg-  erratic and combative, he was  the discovery of a handcuff key  under the HYTA, which allows
        islator whose blood alcohol level  pepper sprayed and tasered in  taped to the bottom of his foot  individuals up to the age of 25 to
        at the time of his arrest was 0.19,  attempts to subdue and arrest  during jail intake procedures.  keep convictions private upon       Rep. Jewell Jones
        more than three times that     him.  His companion was report-  Richards also cited Jones con-  successful completion of sentenc-
        allowed under Michigan State   ed as “unresponsive” by EMTs   tinued social media posts mock-  ing and parole.             ing a weapon into a county jail
        Law. Jones had also become bel-  and transported from the scene  ing the court procedures, his tar-  As part of his plea agreement,  and an escape attempt.
        ligerent and combative with offi-  to a nearby hospital. Officers also  diness to court hearings and his  additional charges against Jones  Jones was stripped of all state
        cers at the scene when he and a  observed a loaded handgun in  marketing of t-shirts quoting  were dismissed, including other  house committee assignments
        female companion were found    plain sight on the console of the  comments he made regarding  resisting and obstructing counts,  and suspended from the Inkster
        outside his black Chevy Tahoe in  vehicle, according to police  Gov. Gretchen Whitmer during  operating a motor vehicle with a  Auxiliary Police Force while
        a ditch. Officers were called to  reports.                    his arrest.                   high blood alcohol content, bring-  charges were pending.

        Photo                                  at the time of his death at the age of 49.                                             Helping
                                               His stepdaughter confirmed his identity
                                               and said that he still resembled the high                                              hand
        FROM PAGE 1                            school photo.                                                                          A spring approaches,
                                                 She recalled Mr. Ogletree as a “a lov-                                               many area residents are
        was information enough.                ing man who played an important role”                                                  looking to clean out their
           Abdo went to the Romulus Historical  in her life, and a “skillful electronics                                              closets of gently-worn gar-
        Society where, she said, “Pearl (Varner)  repairman.”                                                                         ments or refresh their
        has every yearbook since 1940 on.” The   Abdo said she attempted to find any                                                  wardrobes to welcome
        two spent a Sunday afternoon and even-  other family members or friends in the                                                warmer         weather.
        tually located Mr. Ogletree.           area, who remembered Mr. Ogletree,                                                     Donations are now being
           “I went through every yearbook I    but was unsuccessful.                                                                  accepted at Helping
        could. It just seemed the right thing to  “It was the right thing to do and I was                                             Hands at 37501 West
        do,” Abdo said. “We were pretty excited  honored to do it,” said Abdo who added                                               Huron Dr. in Romulus
                                                                                                                                      while shoppers are wel-
        when we found him.”                    that visiting the memorial is on her “to-                                              come to take advantage of
           Abdo said the connection between    do list.”                                                                              the recently received items
        teacher and student made her want to     The museum - which is beneath the                                                    throughout the shop. The
        find out more about Mr. Ogletree. He   Memorial Plaza and opened in 2014 - is                                                 facility is open from 10
        was born on Christmas Day in 1951 and  still asking anyone with information                                                   a.m. until 3 p.m. Tuesday
        grew up in Romulus with his parents    about Mr. Ogletree to contact staff mem-                                               through Thursday.
        and a sister, Elizabeth. He moved to   bers there.
        New York City, married and was work-     Mr. Ogletree's name also is etched
        ing in the North Tower in Food Services  into the memorial panel N-24.


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              2012 Volvo            2017 Ford             2010 Ford             THESE VEHICLES WERE   1LNLM81W2VY747736     2008 Dodge
                              4V4NC9EJ3CN538738     3FA6P0H79HR146129     1FAHP2EW2AG150004     TOWED BY: SUMPTER     2014 Ford             108HN44H48B100454
                              2010 Dodge            1999 Buick            1993 Mazda            POLICE DEPARTMENT     1FA6P0H78E5370894     2010 Chevrolet
        On Wednesday, March   3D4PG4FB0AT105266     2G4WB52K4X1448400     JM2UF6148P0374933                           2006 Nissan           1G1ZC5EB4AF225230
        30th , 2022 at 11: 30 am,  2000 Mitsubishi   2011 Ford            1994 Ford                                   1N4AL11DX6N348232     2018 Nissan
        Great  Lakes  Towing  JA4MT31H9YP817933     1FAHP3GN6BW164327     1FTJW36K1REA03163     NOTICE OF AUCTION AT  2007 Ford             3N1CN7AP7JL878096
        Impound and Recovery  2008 Mercedes-Benz    1995 Ford             1994 Toyota            J&T CROVA TOWING     1FMEU53827UA11377     2011 Ford
        Division located at 42350  WDBUF87X28B263817  1FBHE31H7SHB30019   JT2SK12E1R0250547        36573 GRANT ST,    2010 Mercedes-Benz    3FAHP0HA6BR274842
        Van Born Rd, Belleville,  2006 Chevrolet    2009 Ford             2004 Saturn                ROMULUS,         WDDGF8BB2AR090572     1998 Honda
        Mi, County of Wayne, will  1G1AK55F667753825  1FTRF12W59KB48790   1G8AW12F44Z131423           Ml 48174        2017 Ford             1HGEJ6672WL049770
        conduct a public auction  2005 Kia          2008 Ford             2007 Chrysler             (734) 699 - 5300  1FT7W2B63HEC86175     2003 Chevrolet
        of   Impounded   and  KNDJC733255442394     1FMCU03168KD74436     3A4FY48B47T621233      THURSDAY APRIL 7TH,  2010 Nissan           1GNDT13S132170105
        Abandoned vehicles. The  2017 Kia           2010 Dodge            1998 Honda               2022@ 11:00 AM     1N4AL2AP6AN566497     2002 Saturn
        following vehicles will be  KNDJP3A5XH7426941  2B3CA3CV7AH285815  1HGCG5659WA123406     1997 Ford             2013 Chevrolet        1G8JS54F92Y598923
        offered for sale to the  2018 Chevrolet     2014 Kia              2006 Buick            1FTHE2425VHA24931     1G11C5SA0DF181854     2016 Yamaha
        highest bidder.       1G1ZD5ST5JF228115     KNDJP3A51E7036094     2G4WD582461221790     1996 Dodge            2003 Ford             JYARM06ESGA007704
        2018 Volkswagen 4DR   2006 Chrysler         2007 Dodge            2000 Buick            1B6MF3655TS517778     1FAFP44423F312001     2007 Kawasaki
        1V2KR2CA4JC573805     2A4GP44RX6R753408     2D4GP44L27R200371     1G4CU5414Y4291619     2007 Ford             RINKER BOAT           JKAZX4J1X7A066958
        The above vehicles are  2011 Ford           1995 Ford             2008 Dodge            2FMZA51697BA00720     RNK15250E484
        impounded through the  1FMCU0DG0BKA49131    1FTHF25H8SLB41766     2D8HN54P68R822653     2001 Dodge            2003 Lincoln          THESE VEHICLES WERE
        City of Livonia Police  1996 lnfiniti       1984 Oldsmobile       1997 Toyota           1B3ES46CX1D236756     1LNHM82W43Y609293     TOWED BY: ROMULUS
        Department. All paper-  JNKCP01DXTT542105   1G3AK47A5ER404113     JT3HN87R9V0112329     2012 Chrysler         2007 Saturn           POLICE DEPARTMENT
        work must be picked up  2009 Ford           2007 Pontiac          2003 Ford             1C3CCBAB1CN319001     5GZDV531870160407
        from the  City of Livonia  3FAHP08Z39R109900  2CKDL63F476038868   2FMDA50473BB05101     2011 Chevrolet
        Police Department within  2012 Ford         2006 Pontiac          2004 Pontiac          1GlZB5ElXBF256638
        48 hours of the sale.  2FMDK4AKXCBA75211    1G2ZF55B564290612     3G7DA03E24S504245     2006 Chrysler
        1995 GMC P/U          2000 Ford             1991 Cobia Boat       2007 Dodge            2C3KA53G66H256373
        2GTEC19K3S1558052     1FMYU70E8YUB00441     SERIAL# MD220         1D7HU18P87J518608     2009 Scion xB Gray
        The above vehicles are  2007 Ford           CBAMD220E091          2007 Ford             JTLKE50E691068902
        impounded through the  2FMDK38Cl7BB35259    1981 Red Beard Sailing   3FAHP06Z17R136335  2005 Dodge
        Canton Township Police  2002 Mazda          SERIAL# MS146         2001 Dodge            2D4GZ48V25H646948
        Department. All paper-  JM3LW28A720325310   RBMMS146M81L          1B7GL22X71S146199     2010 Dodge
        work must be picked up  2002 BMW            1989 Four Winns       2008 Chrysler         2D4RN4DE5AR380095
        from   the    Canton  WBAET37452NJ18135     Inc MC8053            2C3KA43R88H320850     1997 Lincoln
        Township       Police  2004 Ford            NRSERIAL # MK127
        Department within 48  1FTRX12514KC88798     4WNMK127E989                       LEGAL NOTICES
        hours of the sale. There is  2009 Chrysler   1997 JAYCO
        a $100.00 buyer fee per  2A8HR54179R521110  RV TRAILER
        vehicle     purchased  2007 Jeep            1UJBJ02RXV1ST0052
        through the auction made  1J8HG48K87C546073  2004 FLEETWOOD                                               CITY OF ROMULUS
        payable separately to  2007 Saturn          1ECR292XH4233313                                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
        Canton Township.      1G8ZS57N67F211138     1969 starcraft                                              March 28, 2022 at 6:45 PM
        2011 Jeep SW          2005 Chrysler         SSR-0464
        1J4NT4FB7BD181231     2C4GM68405R658041     BOAT                              The Romulus City Council will hold a public hearing at the Romulus City Hall in the Council
        2015 Chrysler 4DR     2009 Chrysler         POP UP CAMPER                     Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174 to approve the application submittal for the
        1C3CCCAB4FN710122     2A8HR54139R617249     APACHE CAMPER                     Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant for the Romulus Historical Park enhancements
        The above vehicles are  2003 Mitsubishi     SNOW PLOW                         and upgrades.
        impounded through the  4A3AE75H93E025402    Trailer Black
        Redford Township Police  1999 Honda         RENKEN BOAT
        Department. All paper-  1HGCG1654XA001367   GFL DUMPSTER                      The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions.
        work must be picked up  2014 Chevrolet      THESE VEHICLES WERE               Information will be available for viewing at City Hall between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday
        from  the     Redford  2G11Y5SL7E9218296    TOWED    BY:   MULIT              through Friday.  Written comments will be received by the Romulus City Clerk at 11111 Wayne
        Township       Police  2011 Ford            AGENCY DEPARTMENTS                Road, Romulus, MI 48174 no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the above meeting.
        Department within 48  3FADP4AJ6BM137834
        hours of the sale.    2012 Jeep                                               Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         All Vehicles are sold in  1C4PJLAK4CW207666  NOTICE OF AUCTION AT            City of Romulus
        “as is condition”. Bidding  2009 Ford         J&T CROVA TOWING         To subscribe to The Eagle visit  Publish: March 24, 2022
        on all vehicles will start at  1FMCU03G99KB70641  36573 GRANT ST,
        the amount due for tow-  2007 Chrysler        ROMULUS, Ml 48174
        ing and storage. Vehicles  2A8GF68X57R334406    (734) 699 - 5300                                          CITY OF ROMULUS
        may be deleted from this  2006 Chevrolet     THURSDAY APRIL 7TH,                                     NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
        list at any time prior to the  2G1WT58KX69364020  2022@ 11:00 AM                                        March 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM
        start of the auction. This  2019 Chevrolet   2005 Audi
        is a cash only sale and all  KL8CB6SA3KC753130  WAULC68E75A016444             The Romulus City Council will hold a public hearing at the Romulus City Hall in the Council
        vehicles must be paid in  2008 Chevrolet    2003 Ford                         Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174 to approve the application submittal for the
        full at the conclusion of  2G1WV58K981237772  2FTRX18W93CA78470               Department of Natural Resources Passport Grant for the MaryAnn Banks enhancements and
        the auction.          2009 Chevrolet        2008 Chrysler                     upgrades.
                              2G1WT57N091166867     1C3LC55R48N669383
                              1998 Chevrolet        2002 Ford
         NOTICE OF AUCTION AT  1GCEC14M0WZ116965    1FAFP36362W217048                 The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions.
          J&T CROVA TOWING    2014 Ford             2007 Chrysler                     Information will be available for viewing at City Hall between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday
           36573 GRANT ST,    3FA6P0H95ER387070     2A8GF68X27R176929                 through Friday.  Written comments will be received by the Romulus City Clerk at 11111 Wayne
          ROMULUS, Ml 48174   2005 Mercury          2001 Toyota                       Road, Romulus, MI 48174 no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the above meeting.
            (734) 699 - 5300  1MEHM55S95A613233     1NXBR12E41Z487528
         THURSDAY APRIL 7TH,  2009 Ford             1995 Ford                         Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
            2022@ 11:00 AM    1FAHP35NX9W145065     1FTHX26H3SKA35002                 City of Romulus
        2013 Chrysler         2006 Ford             1987 Buick                        Publish: March 24, 2022
        T2C4RC1BG0DR716147    1FAHP37N16W256614     1G4AH51R5HD426208                                                                           RM0644 - 032422  2.5 x 5.028
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