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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 23, 2023

                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND
                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND

        Students’ Acts of Kindness recognized by council

           Members of the Westland City
        Council officially recognized the
        three winners of Random Acts of
        Kindness awards this month.
           The program is a partnership
        between members of the Westland
        Compassionate City Committee
        and    the   Wayne-Westland
        Community Schools. The three
        winners this month were Emily
        DeLane of Adams Middle School,
        Monique Oliver, also from Adams
        Middle School, and Naomi
        Dugger of Stevenson Middle
           DeLane was selected for her
        attention and interaction with
        special education students at
        Adams Middle School. DeLane
        spends her lunch hour with the
        students every day and handmade
        each of the students a backpack  City officials, teachers and family members were on hand for the March presentation of awards to students who demonstrated Random Acts
        with their names.              of Kindness in the Wayne-Westland schools. Winners this month were Emily DeLane, Monique Oliver and Naomi Dugger.
           Oliver was nominated by     ness, and leadership while work-  a differently abled student to  of her way to help other students,  amazing and we can hope others
        teacher Simone Argue and the   ing with students. Her teacher  encourage understanding and  according to her nomination. She  will follow her lead, her nomina-
        Peer to Peer students at Adams  said students in the Peer to Peer  friendship.              eats breakfast with students who  tion form noted. She is also a stu-
        Middle School. She is being recog-  Program adore Oliver. The Peer to  Dugger was cited as a model  would otherwise be alone. Her  dent in the “Students who Need a
        nized for her compassion, kind-  Peer Program pairs students  with  student and is noted for going out  kindness and respect for others is  Pal” class at Stevenson.
                                                                                     Leaf pick-up program to resume

                                                                                       Westland residents are welcoming the  to multiple requests from residents who
                                                                                     return of a popular city service beginning  continually asked for the return of the
                                                                                     next fall.                            service.
                                                                                       Members of the city council and  Mayor  Reinstatement of  the Leaf Pickup
                                                                                     Michael P. Londeau have approved the  Program will be funded by savings real-
                                                                                     reinstatement of the Curbside Leaf    ized from the renegotiated contract with
                                                                                     Pickup Program which was eliminated   the city landfill provider, officials said.
                                                                                     several years ago due to budget cuts and  As arrangements for the program are
                                                                                     the cost of the service.              finalized, feedback and input from resi-
                                                                                       In a prepared statement, officials said  dents is an important component of the
                                                                                     city residents who currently have curbside  successful implementation of the service,
                                                                                     trash pickup will also receive leaf pickup  officials noted. There is a brief survey on
                                                                                     service at no additional cost. This fall, resi-  the city website to allow residents to pro-
                                                                                     dents can rake leaves into the street for  vide opinions and suggestions about the
                                                                                     pickup and removal. Leaves can also be  program.
                                                                                     bagged for pickup on resident's regular  Officials urged residents to complete
           Arresting                                                                 trash pick up day. Londeau said the rein-  the        survey            at
                                                                                     statement of the program was in response
           Inkster police officers                                                     To subscribe to The Eagle visit
           Megan Summers and J.
           Wilder paid a special
           visit to Hicks Elementary
           School recently and
           brought along official
           police "badges" and
           special stickers for excit-
           ed students. Teachers
           and officers said the stu-
           dents welcomed the visit
           and the interaction with
           Inkster police. Hicks
           Elementary School is
           part of the Wayne-
           Westland Community
           Schools district.
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