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March 23 – 29, 2023                                     NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 12                                                                                    www

                                       Northville clerk, trustee switch official positions

                                          Cynthia Jankowski was offi-  became clerk.
               Vol. 138, No. 12        cially sworn into her new office  Both  Jankowski     and
            The guard is changing at   as Northville Township Clerk  Lundberg were elected to the
          the Sumpter Township         March 16. Judge James Plakas  board of trustees in November
          Police Department with the   of the 35th District Court    of 2020.
          retirement of two veteran    administered the oath of office  “Having the same faces on
          officers and promotion of    to Jankowski just before the  our board respects the wishes
          two others to the rank of ser-  regular meeting of the board of  of voters from the 2020 elec-
          geant.                       trustees.                     tion,”    said    Township
                          See page 2.     “I accept this role with   Supervisor Mark J. Abbo.
                                       pride,” Jankowski said. “It's an  “We're a terrific team and stay-
                                       exciting time to help Northville  ing together means we can con-
                                       Township and our residents.   tinue to tackle the vision we set
                                       I'm here to ensure that our   forth in 2020.”
                                       elections are safe and secure.   Lundberg was sworn into
                Vol. 76, No. 12        Every vote truly counts,”     office as a trustee during the  Judge James Plakas of the 35th District Court administered the
            Federal officials have     Jankowski said.               same meeting along with       oath of office to Northville Township Deputy Clerk Katie Anderson
          charged a 50-year-old Canton    Jankowski accepted the     Deputy Clerk Katie Anderson,  and new Township Clerk Cynthia Jankowski.
          Township man with sexual     appointment to the full-time  who retained her title.
          harassment of multiple       position    when     former      As a member of the board,
          women seeking to rent prop-  Township     Clerk    Roger   Jankowski represented the
          erties he owned.             Lundberg submitted his resig-  Senior Advisory Commission
                          See page 2.
                                       nation during the February    and the Northville Youth
                                       board of trustees meeting. As  Network Commission.
                                       provided in state law, board     Prior to joining the board,
                                       trustees selected Jankowski,  she spent nine years on the
                                       who was serving as a trustee, as  Northville Board of Education.
                                       Lundberg's replacement. The   She had three terms as presi-
               Vol. 76, No. 12         appointment process allows    dent, and also served as board
                                       the township to avoid the cost  secretary, treasurer, trustee and
             Inkster police officers
          Megan Summers and J.         of a special election, township  vice president. While on the
                                       officials said.
                                                                     school board, she served as a
          Wilder paid a special visit to  Lundberg submitted his res-  liaison to the Landfill Working
          Hicks Elementary School      ignation effective March 16 not-  Group. She also is a member of  Judge James Plakas of the 35th District Court administered the
          recently.                    ing that he wanted to spend   the Northville Historical     oath of office to former clerk and new board of trustees member
                          See page 6.                                                              Roger Lundberg.
                                       more time with his family.  He  Society.
                                       said he did, however, want to    Jankowski has had careers     Jankowski received her     Santiago College in California.
                                       continue to serve the township.  in  both  Michigan   and   associate degree in accounting   “I'm looking forward to
                                       Board members responded by    California as a real estate leas-  from Tiffin University in Ohio  working with great folks and
                                       appointing him to fill the term  ing coordinator and a 30-year  and her ABA-approved parale-  tackling challenges as a team,”
                Vol. 23, No. 12        vacated by Jankowski as she   paralegal.                    gal certificate from Rancho   Jankowski added.
            The Northville Historical
          Society has been awarded a
          $95,000 state grant to fund     Sounds of success
          improvements at Mill Race
          Village.                        Student radio station named as Audio Station of the Year
                          See page 4.
                                            The Plymouth Canton stu-  Year last week during the Great  tion has received the award.  The student staff also
                                          dent radio station, 88.1 The  Lakes Media Show in Lansing.  WSDP has been recognized as  received 16 of the 29 individual
                                          Park, was named as 2023 High   This is the sixth consecutive  the High School Station of the  awards in the high school audio
                                          School Audio Station of the  year the student operated sta-  Year 12 times since 2001.  competition. This included
                                                                                                                                sweeping the On Air Personality
                Vol. 23, No. 12                                                                                                 of Team and Sports Play-by-Play
            Plymouth- Canton                                                                                                    categories. The students also
          Community        Schools                                                                                              received seven First Place
          Superintendent Monica                                                                                                 awards.
          Merritt recently reassured                                                                                              Student Awards include:
          parents of the safety meas-                                                                                           Current Event Story
          ures in place at all district                                                                                           First Place - Anuya Shetty
          building.                                                                                                             (Canton junior)
                          See page 3.                                                                                             Second Place - Emma
                                                                                                                                Johnston (Plymouth 2022 gradu-
                                                                                                                                  Daily     Newscast/News
               Vol. 138, No. 12                                                                                                   First Place - Anuya Shetty
                                                                                                                                (Canton junior), Avneet Pandher
            Hometown heroes in the                                                                                              (Salem junior) and Leo Popp
          city of Romulus will be hon-                                                                                          (Salem sophomore)
          ored during a special event                                                                                             On Air Personality or Team
          next month during a                                                                                                     First Place - Anuya Shetty
          Firefighter Appreciation
          Ceremony.                       Students at 88.1 The Park celebrate their win as Audio Station of the Year along with 16 other   See Dog, page 3
                                          awards the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools radio station was awarded.
                          See page 5.
                                       Local disposal of train wreck toxic waste criticized by county

                                          Romulus officials received                                                             Agency (EPA) to receive solid
                                       another vote of support in                               ”                                waste from the derailment,
                Vol. 76, No. 12        their protest of the toxic waste      There are other less populated and less             including contaminated soil.
            The Wayne Rotary Club      from the Feb. 3 train derail-              environmentally sensitive areas                   Waste shipped to the county
          helped mark Reading Month    ment in New Palestine, Ohio                                                               included vinyl chloride, a
          with a $5,000 check to the   being sent to their city for dis-          where waste can be shipped.                    known cancer-causing agent,
          local library to help support  posal.                                                                                  the commission statement
          literacy throughout the com-    Last week, Wayne County    populous county in the state  waste from the Ohio train     said.
          munity.                      Commissioners unanimously     and it is bordered by our     derailment to sites in Romulus   The resolution calls on
                          See page 5.  approved a resolution oppos-  nation's largest fresh water  and Van Buren Township with-  EGLE and the EPA to provide,
                                       ing any further transport of  supply,” commission Chair     out prior notice to county, state  “immediate advance notice of
                                       toxic waste to sites within the  Alisha Bell (D-Detroit) said.  and local officials.      and to engage in open discus-
                                       county, supporting new dia-   “There are other less populat-   Some 219,000 gallons of    sion regarding the transport
                                       logue between the county, state  ed and less environmentally  diluted toxic waste fluid was  through and/or disposal of
                                       and federal agencies and      sensitive areas where waste   transported to a deep injection  toxic waste in Wayne County
                Vol. 76, No. 12        strengthening laws regarding  can be shipped.”              well site in Romulus while a  with the public officials and
            Members of the Westland    transport of toxic waste by rail,  The resolution was present-  site in Van Buren Township  institutions established to pro-
          City Council officially recog-  according to a prepared state-  ed by Bell and Commissioners  has been authorized by the  tect the local community and
          nized the three winners of   ment from the commissioners.  Tim Killen and Monique        Michigan Department of        residents.”
          Random Acts of Kindness         “We understand there is a  Baker McCormick.              Environment, Great Lakes and     It also supports Wayne
          awards this month.           need to dispose of this waste,   The resolution came in     Energy (EGLE) and the federal
                          See page 6.  but Wayne County is the most  protest of the transport of toxic  Environmental Protection           See County, page 5

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