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March 23, 2023                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                      PLYMOUTH - CANTON
                                                      PLYMOUTH - CANTON

        School district planning multiple safety upgrades

           Plymouth-Canton Community Schools                                                                               time, and direct first responders to an
        Superintendent Monica Merritt recently                                    ”                                        exact location in a building so we can act
        reassured parents of the safety measures              Thanks to these new state funds, P-CCS can                   in a timely manner, whatever the emer-
        in place at all district buildings. She said                                                                       gency.”
        the district continues to make significant            enhance and expand our security coverage                        Other safety enhancements that have
        investments in a wide range of security            using technology that is discreet and unobtrusive.              been deployed at district schools include
        measures on campus, including call boxes                                                                           the recent “hiring” of Echo, a K-9 dog
        and enhanced protections at building                                                                               trained to detect firearms and explosives
        entrances.                             and safety. With 16,252 students at the time  every student is safe while they're at  and provide comfort to students, teachers
           “At Plymouth-Canton Community       the 2023 funds were allocated, the approx-  school, in a place that is both welcoming  and staff. Echo's training comes from a
        Schools, we are laser focused on the   imately $109-per-student amount repre-  and secure at the same time,” Meier said.  $13,000 donation from Kiwanis Club of
        importance of helping ensure all students,  sents some of the most significant recent  “With these funds - and the leadership of  Colonial Plymouth as part of an ongoing
        teachers, staff and visitors are safe, and  funding for safety and security in a  Superintendent Merritt and the board of  community effort to help boost safety at
        that means using resources innovatively,  Michigan school district, Merritt noted in a  education -- we're going to enhance our  Plymouth-Canton schools.
        creatively and efficiently,” Merritt said.  prepared statement.              security coverage in ways that can keep  The district security and safety meas-
        “From our community partners and elect-  The state funding must be used for  our students and staff safe while preserv-  ures are the result of close collaboration
        ed leaders to our board of education and  infrastructure and operations. In  ing our schools' nurturing learning envi-  with law enforcement agencies at the
        teachers, staff, administrators and fami-  Plymouth Canton, the funds will be invest-  ronment.”                   local, state and federal levels, Merritt said.
        lies, all of us at P-CCS have wrapped our  ed in cutting-edge technology and imple-  The state funds will be used for a wide  In addition to long-standing partnerships
        arms around the goal of keeping our stu-  ment new operations for each of the 25  range of new equipment and enhance-  with the City of Plymouth, Canton
        dents and staff safe.”                 buildings spread across the sprawling  ments, including emergency call boxes for  Township and Plymouth Township police
           That commitment and district  efforts  60.5-square-mile district, explained  the area around Salem, Plymouth and  departments, district officials also work
        recently received a boost when the     Director of School Safety and Security  Canton high schools; enhanced security  with outside agencies such as the
        Michigan School Aid Fund for 2023 includ-  Josh Meier.                       measures at building entrances; protec-  Michigan State Police and the FBI. A
        ed a $1.8-million allocation for security  “Our No. 1 priority is to help ensure  tive glass; improved public address sys-  recent third-party independent audit of
                                                                                     tems and mass notification capabilities;  the Plymouth-Canton district security
                                                                                     visitor and emergency management soft-
                                                                                                                           upgrades resulted in a highly positive
           Radio                              junior), Nathaniel Behrens (Plymouth   ware and two-way radio and communica-  review, noting the district demonstrates
                                                                                                                           many best practices in safety and security.
                                                                                     tions equipment upgrades.
                                              Saravanan (Plymouth junior)              The new equipment will enhance the     “Thanks to these new state funds, P-
           FROM PAGE 1                           Sports     Public      Service      capabilities of the district on-site central  CCS can enhance and expand our security
                                              Announcement                           command center, a rarity on school district  coverage using technology that is discreet
           (Canton junior) and Avneet Pandher    Second Place - Simon Oszust         campuses, officials added. Installed in  and unobtrusive,” said P-CCS Board of
           (Salem junior)                     (Plymouth senior), Mady Bajorek        2021 following a voter-approved bond pro-  Education Vice President Lauren
              Second Place - Emma Johnston    (Salem senior) and Ariel Ooms          posal, the command center allows district  Christenson. “Through responsible finan-
           (Plymouth 2022 graduate)           (Plymouth senior)                      security professionals to see and hear  cial stewardship of the 2020 voter-
              Honorable Mention - Ariel Ooms     Sports Announcing Team              activity in any school building in real time  approved bond, P-CCS is making critical
           (Plymouth senior)                     First Place - Andy McLaren          during a safety or medical emergency.  investments in safety and security meas-
              Promotional Announcement        (Plymouth junior) and Leo Popp (Salem  They can then coordinate with law     ures that protect our students, staff and
              Second Place - Daniel Schoenherr  sophomore)                           enforcement for quicker, more precise  families. The allocation of an additional
           (Salem 2022 graduate) and Emma        Second Place - Andy McLaren         responses, Meier explained.           $1.8 million in Michigan's School Aid Fund
           Johnson (Plymouth 2022 graduate)   (Plymouth junior) and Brody Klein        “With our command center and inte-  for security enhancements will help us
              Honorable Mention - Ariel Ooms  (Plymouth junior)                      grated security operation, law enforce-  continue to build on the positive steps
           (Plymouth senior)                     Honorable Mention - Ben Vertin      ment or medical personnel aren't walking  we're taking as a district to create a safe
              Public Service Announcement     (Plymouth 2022 graduate) and Andy      into a situation blind,” Meier said. “At P-  and welcoming place for students to learn
              First Place - Simon Oszust (Plymouth  McLaren (Plymouth junior)        CCS, we provide eyes and ears, in real  and thrive.”
           senior) and Nadia Halim (Plymouth     Use of Social Media
           junior)                               First Place - Mady Bajorek (Salem
              Second Place - Simon Oszust     senior), Alia Mulbagal (Salem junior)
           (Plymouth senior)                  and Simon Oszust (Plymouth senior).            To subscribe to The Eagle visit
              Public Service Announcement        The school district radio station has
           OK2SAY                             been in operation since Feb. 14, 1972
              First Place - Nadia Halim (Plymouth  and is managed by  Bill Keith.
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