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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 19, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

                         Due to health concerns and government mandates,                                                             About Gift of Life Michigan
                      some events may have been postponed after press time.                            Gift                            Gift of Life Michigan is a fed-
               A call to organizers or check with the respective websites is suggested.                                              erally designated organ pro-
                                                                                                       FROM PAGE 1                   curement organization that
        When There Are Nine            p.m. For more information, call  For more information, call                                   serves the state of Michigan as
                                                                                                                                     the intermediary between
        continues in Canton            (734) 394-5460.                (248) 202-1518. The meeting is   seven years before he got the  donors, their families and hos-
           The Village Theater at Cherry                              open to the public.              call that a potential match had  pital staff. In collaboration with
        Hill will present "When There  Indoor Farmers Market set                                       been found.                   Eversight, Gift of Life provides
        Are Nine", a multi-media         It may not yet be spring, but  Maybury Sanitorium is topic      Bailey said he learned his  all services necessary for
        women's art exhibit, which will  that isn't stopping the Farmers  Maybury Sanitorium: Fresh    situation was not an uncom-   organ, eye and tissue dona-
        feature nine female artists show-  Markets in Canton.         Air Care will be the topic of two  mon one among African       tion. For more information, or to
        casing their 2D and 3D artwork   The township will host special  presentations in Northville in  Americans and other minority  sign up on the Donor Registry,
                                                                                                                                     visit or call
        as a beacon of women's causes  off-season markets from 10 a.m.  April.                         groups. Due to high rates of  866.500.5801. For information
        and issues during National     until 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 22  Both presentations will begin  diabetes, high blood pressure  about minority outreach, visit
        Women's History Month.         and April 26 at the Summit on  at 7 p.m. The April 6 presenta-  and heart disease, African    www.detroitmottepfounda-
           Approximately 50 works of art  the Park, located at 46000  tion will take place at the      Americans are three times
        will be on display and available  Summit Parkway, while choosing  Northville District Library in  more likely to develop kidney
        for sale in the Gallery@VT until  from a variety of vendors.  downtown Northville and the      failure than other ethnic     “Organ donation is a hard
        March 30.                        Bridge Card and Double Up    April 7 presentation will take   groups. They represent about  sell for some people. A lot of
           This and all art exhibits at  Food Bucks transactions will  place at Northville Township    13 percent of the population of  them, right off the bat, say: 'oh
        The Village Theater at Cherry  also be accepted.  Tokens may be  Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road,    the U.S., but more than 35 per-  no. I'm not giving up my
        Hill are free and open to the pub-  purchased at the Canton Leisure  Northville.               cent of all patients receiving  organs; they're going to take
        lic from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.  Services table.  Plenty of parking  The moderator of the pro-   dialysis. It's estimated that  my organs.' You hear a lot of
        Monday through Friday, one     is typically available toward the  grams will be Joe Oldenburg, a  more than 4.9 million African  things that are not fact,” Bailey
        hour prior to and during public  rear of the Summit parking lot.  local historian, who is a member  Americans are living with  said. “You have to take the
        performances at the theater, as  Market-goers are encouraged to  of the Northville Township    either diagnosed or undiag-  time to educate people. It's a
        well as by appointment.  The   enter through the banquet doors.   Historic District Fund.      nosed diabetes, too.        good feeling when you talk to
        Gallery@VT is closed on holi-    For   additional   Canton      The presentations are free but   In Michigan, about 2,228  people and you explain to
        days.                          Farmers              Market    due to the popularity of the pro-  people are on the waiting list  them why it's important to be
           The Village Theater at Cherry  information,visit www.canton-  grams, reservations are highly  to receive a new kidney. Of  organ donors and then, two
        Hill is located at 50400 Cherry or contact Driscoll at  recommended and can be made  those, about 35 percent are  years later, they come back
        Hill Road in Canton. For more  cantonfarmersmarket@canton-    at (248) 349-3020.               African American; in fact, all  and tell you they signed up
        information, call (734) 394-5300 or or by calling (734) 394-                           minorities combined make up  because of what you said.”
        visit  5375.                        Blues at the Elks featured       more than 1,000 of the names  Educating the community
                                                                        Blues at The Elks takes place  on the list.                and encouraging people to
        Senior Tax help offered        Jazz at the Elks featured      from 7 until 10 p.m. on the sec-   Bailey's advocacy started In  sign up on the Donor Registry
           AARP Foundation Volunteer     Jazz at the Elks takes place  ond Tuesday of the month in     2014, when he was one of four  is also another way to honor
        Tax Aides will offer free tax  from 7 until 9:30 p.m. on the last  partnership with the Detroit  Detroit-area  clergymen   the people who donate their
        preparation services at the    Tuesday of the month. There is a  Blues Society.                appointed to launch the     organs, which he said was an
        Northville Community Center    $10 donation at the door which   Motor City Josh and the Big 3  Angels for Life program     act of great love and compas-
        again this year. Tax preparation  includes hors d'oeuvres.    will perform Tuesday, April 14.  through Gift of Life Michigan  sion.
        is by appointment only and is    The Dave Bennett Quartet       The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks    Minority   Organ   Tissue     “To me, receiving my organ
        offered from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.  will perform March 31.      Lodge 325 is located at 41700 Ann  Transplant    Education   transplant was the greatest
        each Thursday at the Northville  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks  Arbor Road in Plymouth, one      Program (MOTTEP).           thing in the world - until I was
        Community Center.  This service  Lodge 325 is located at 41700 Ann  mile west of I-275. For more  “It really did what it was  humbled to the fact that it real-
        is provided to taxpayers with  Arbor Road in Plymouth, one    information, call (734) 453-1780.  planned to do, which was to  ly was not about me, it was
        low/middle income with special  mile west of I-275. For more                                   increase the number of      about the donor,” he said. “I
        preference for appointments to  information, call (734)453-1780.  Mayors' Ball tickets on sale  African American organ     live today because of the gift
        those 60 and older.                                             Tickets for the 7th Annual     donors. The numbers in the  that someone gave me. There's
           Appointments can be made by  Fairy Garden workshop set     Mayors' Ball benefiting the      state of Michigan went up,” he  no greater love than when a
        calling (248) 305-2851.          The Wayne Historical Society  Romulus and Donahey Boys and    said. “I just have to believe it  man or a woman can give of
           AARP Tax Volunteers are cer-  will sponsor a Fairy Garden  Girls Clubs of Southeastern      was because of education that  themselves so another can
        tified for tax preparation and  Workshop from 1-3 p.m. Saturday,  Michigan are now on sale.    minorities started to sign up.”  live. That's why I celebrate
        will electronically file federal  April 4 at the museum, 1 Town  Tickets, priced at $100 per     He has since frequently vol-  being a recipient, but I cele-
        and state tax returns. Tax payers  Square, in downtown Wayne.  couple, include the cocktail hour  unteered with Gift of Life  brate the donor more.”
        will leave the 1-1 ½ hour appoint-  The $20 fee includes all sup-  from 6-7 p.m. on Saturday, April  Michigan and MOTTEP, speak-  Bailey also spends time car-
        ment with a copy of their e-filed  plies for the make and take work-  25, followed by dinner at 7 p.m.  ing at church and other com-  ing for his wife, Imagene, who
        returns, and the knowledge that  shop.                        and dancing from 8:30 until 11   munity events as well as    is in long-term care after suf-
        their tax returns have been filed  For more information, call  p.m.                            through the media. He's     fering a stroke and dementia.
        at both Michigan and IRS accept-  (734) 722-0113.               There will be silent and live  earned a Shining Star Award  The two were teenage sweet-
        ance sites.                                                   auctions during the evening at   from the Secretary of State for  hearts who met at their first
                                       Garden Club to meet            the Belleville Yacht Club, 831 E.  his efforts, too. It's not always  jobs at McDonalds and subse-
        Maple Syrup tours set            Members of the Country       Huron River Dr. in Belleville.   an easy conversation to start,  quently married and had two
           Area residents have a unique  Garden Club of Northville will  Formal attire is encouraged   he said.                    children, Patrick and Jessica.
        opportunity every weekend in   meet at 11 a.m. April 1 at Ward  for the event. To purchase tickets
        March at Maybury Farm.         Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in  or more information, call Julie  from 7 until 9:30 p.m. on the last  Tuesday, April 28.
           The farm will offer Making  Northville.                    Wojtylke at (734) 320-3834 or the  Tuesday of the month. There is a  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks
        Maple Syrup tours every          The speaker will be Tony     Romulus Club at (734) 641-3382.  $10 donation at the door which  Lodge 325 is located at 41700 Ann
        Saturday and Sunday which      Panapucci whose topic will be                                includes hors d'oeuvres.       Arbor Road in Plymouth, one
        include a wagon ride to the    Garden Excavator.              Jazz at the Elks featured        T-Bone Paxton with the RJ   mile west of I-275. For more
        Sugar Bush in the woods where    Snacks will be provided.       Jazz at the Elks takes place  Spangler Quartet will perform  information, call (734)453-1780.
        the maple trees will be tapped
        for sap The wagon will then take
        visitors back to the Sugar Shack
        where the sap will be converted
        into maple syrup.
           Tours are set to begin every
        half hour from 1 until 4:30 p.m.
        and tastes of the syrup will be
        offered.  This event is popular
        each year and space is limited so
        arrive early to reserve a spot,
        organizers advised.  To schedule
        a private Maple Syrup Tour for
        groups of 15 or more, call (248)
           Maybury Farm is located at
        50165 Eight Mile Road in
        Northville.  The cost for Maple
        Syrup Tour is $8 per person and
        children younger than 2 are
        admitted free with an adult.
           Visit information at (248) 344-

        Rosie the Riveter visits
           The Belleville Area Museum
        will celebrate National Rosie the
        Riveter Day from 1-4 p.m.
        Saturday, March 21 with visits
        from original and tribute Rosies
        along with Suffragette reenac-
        tors. Dressing up as a Rosie or
        Suffragette is encouraged, organ-
        izers said. There will be a female
        empowerment group photo at
        2:30 p.m. and light refreshments
        and activities are planned.
           The museum is located at 405
        Main St. in Belleville. For infor-
        mation, call (734) 697-1944.

        Mom to Mom sale set
           Canton Leisure Services will
        sponsor Mom To Mom Sale from
        8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Saturday,
        March 21 at the Summit on the
        Park, located at 46000 Summit
        Parkway. Find more than 65
        booths featuring gently-used
        baby and kids clothing, shoes,
        and more all at a fraction of the
        cost. Admission is $2 from 8-9
        a.m. and $1 from 9 a.m. to 12:30
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