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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 19, 2020

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Northville Public Schools are named ‘Best in State’

           The Northville Public       form the national averages of                                                               per student; student to teach
        School District received top   both the ACT and SAT tests on                   Students outperform the                     ratio and percent of students
        marks                   from   a regular basis.                                                                            scoring above the proficient, a rating   Northville was closely fol-                  national averages of both                    level in standardized state
        system that determined the top  lowed   by   Lake    Orion            the ACT and SAT tests on a regular basis.            math, reading and language
        100 schools in the state.      Community Schools in second                                                                 tests, according to the
           Northville was rated as the  place and Hudsonville Public                                                      website.
        best school district in the state,  Schools in third while the Novi                                                        Data from a total of 10,247 pub-
        the district consistently has a  Community School District was  tricts.                     of students enrolled in kinder-  lic school districts was used to
        graduation rate of more than 96  placed at fourth among         The rating was based on     garten through 12th grade;     compute a score for each
        percent and students outper-   Michigan public school dis-    variables including the number  graduation rate; school funding  school district.
        Plymouth commissioners OK plan for Kellogg Park Fountain

           Members of the Plymouth City  This newly approved funding is in                                                         bid   from   B   Clean   Air
        Commission authorized the      addition to the previous authori-                         ”                                 Maintenance to perform air duct
        agreement for funding of the new  zation of $20,000 in funding from    This newly approved funding is in addition          cleaning at both Plymouth City
        fountain in Kellogg Park at their  the Downtown Development        to the previous authorization of $20,000 in funding     Hall and the Department of
        March 2 meeting.               Authority bringing the city contri-                                                         Municipal Services.
           The grant agreement between  bution for the fountain to $50,000.   from the Downtown Development Authority.               Emergency repairs to the city
        the city and the Wilcox          Construction on the new foun-                                                             water system stemming from the
        Foundation is for the amount of  tain is expected to begin in late                                                         water main break in December
        $1,170,449.10 for the construction  June of this year, officials said.  low bid of $34,892 from  In addition, commissioners  near Hamilton and Red Ryder
        and installation of the new foun-  Commissioners also approved  Automated Energy System of  awarded Plymouth Trading Post  were also approved by the com-
        tain. Commissioners also author-  upgrades to the geothermal com-  Madison Heights was approved.  the contract for the purchase of  missioners before they went into
        ized the expense of an additional  puter control system at the  The system upgrades are expect-  soccer equipment for the 2019-  closed session to discuss a legal
        $30,000 for the fountain project.  Plymouth Cultural Center. The  ed to take place this May.  2020 fiscal year and approved a  matter.
        Cost of repairs to MainCentre parking lot are discussed

           There is no dispute that    the city as part of the original                                                            matter of future repairs and
        improvements to the lower level  contract between Singh and the                          ”                                 maintenance is not clearly
        of the two-story parking deck at  City of Northville. Kilgore told  According to a report from City Manager Pat Sullivan,   defined in the original contract
        Center and Cady streets in down-  members of the city council that    the repairs are the responsibility of Singh,         and that an assessment of the
        town Northville are needed, but  Singh bought parking credits of                                                           property should be completed.
        who funds the repairs is a matter  just under $1 million to be able  the company that owns and operates MainCentre.          The council members agreed
        of opinion.                    to use the lower level of the park-                                                         to prepare and adopt a resolu-
           According to a report from  ing deck and add gates so it                                                                tion to have the city assessor pre-
        City Manager Pat Sullivan, the  could be used exclusively by res-  contract and that Singh does not  paid for the painting of the lower  pare a special assessment roll
        repairs are the responsibility of  idents of MainCentre. He told  intend to pay the assessed cot of  level and funds the janitorial  for the MainCentre Parking
        Singh, the company that owns   the council members during a   $227,950. He told the council  services for the bridge and eleva-  Deck Special Assessment
        and operates MainCentre. Singh  public hearing earlier this   members that Singh is prepared  tor attached to the parking deck  District and a  public hearing on
        attorney Lawrence Kilgore, how-  month that the city is responsible  to take the issue to the State Tax  which are used by the public.    the matter was to be scheduled
        ever, maintains that the respon-  for all repairs and maintenance  Tribunal and reminded officials  City of Northville attorney  at the March 16 city council
        sibility for the repairs rests with  to the deck based on the original  that Singh pays the electric bills,  Greg Need responded that the  meeting.
        Conference of Western Wayne board officers are selected

           Belleville Mayor Kerreen Conley will  treasurer; David Glaab, supervisor of  a bi-partisan group representing nearly  association website.
        serve as the chair of the Conference of  Huron Township will act as secretary of  700,000 residents in the region. The group  The new leadership team was selected
        Western Wayne association for 2020.    the association and Robert Nix II will be  also served as the 911 service district for  during the meeting of the board members
           Canton Township Supervisor Pat      chair emeritus of the group.          Western Wayne County, according to the  which took place Feb. 14 in Romulus.
        Williams will serve as vice-chairperson;  The Conference of Western Wayne
        Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa will serve as  comprises 18 member communities and is                      CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                                                                                       ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS – PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                                                  April 15, 2020 – 7:00 PM
                                      Township of Sumpter
                               2020-2021 Budget Public Hearing Notice                 The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) has scheduled a public hearing for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at the Northville Township
                                                                                      Municipal Office Building, located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI. The ZBA will consider variance requests to Chapter
         The Sumpter Township Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed township budget for fiscal year 2020-2021 at 23480  170, Zoning Ordinance as follows:
         Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 on March 24, 2020 at 6:00 pm.
                  *The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied                   •   15500 Portis Rd. – Article 34 Land Division, Combination or Reconfiguration, to allow a land division where the result-
            to support the proposed budget will be a subject of this hearing.              ing lots will have a depth to width ratio that exceeds 3:1.
                                                                                         •   16220 Old Bedford Rd. – Article 22 Nonconforming Uses, Building & Structures, to expand a nonconforming setback.
         A copy of the budget is available for public inspection at Clerk's Office.      •   900 Spring Dr. – Article 18 Schedule of Regulations, to allow reduced front and side yard setbacks.
         The Sumpter Township board will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing
         impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting upon  Written comments regarding these requests will be received by the ZBA at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168. The
         a 5 day notice to the Sumpter Township board. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the  meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M.
         Sumpter Township board by writing or calling the following: Esther Hurst, Clerk at 23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 or
         by phone at; (734) 461-6201 ext. 2224.                                       Paul Slatin, Chair
                                                                                      Zoning Board of Appeals
                              Notice complies with MCL 141.436 and MCL 211.24e
                                                                                      Publish: March 19, 2020                                       NT0060 - 031920  2.5 x 2.415
                                        Esther Hurst, Clerk
                                       Posted: March 19, 2020
                                      Published: March 19, 2020         ST0001 - 031920  2.5 x 2.415
                                                                                                                PLANNING COMMISSION
                                                                                                             CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                                                                                              NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                NOTICE TO CUT NOXIOUS WEEDS
                                                                                      PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON, WAYNE
         To the owner or occupant or any person or persons, firm or corporation having charge of any land in the Township of Canton:  COUNTY, MICHIGAN.
         Notice is hereby given that all noxious weeds growing on any land in the Charter Township of Canton, Wayne County, Michigan,  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, of the State of Michigan, as amended, and pursuant
         must be cut and destroyed on or before the 1st day of May, June, July, August, and September 2020 and/or as needed. And every  to the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton  that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton
         owner, occupant, or person having charge of any such land must notify the Township that such weeds have been destroyed with-  will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 6, 2020, in the First Floor Meeting Room of the Canton Township Administration
         in three days of such cutting. Any person failing to comply with this notice on or before the date mentioned shall be liable to the  Building, 1150 S. Canton Center Road at 7:00 p.m. on the following proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance:
         imposition of the penalties set forth in Ordinance Number 64, of the Charter Township of Canton, Wayne County, Michigan, and
         shall be liable for all expenses incurred by the Township in destroying said noxious weeds, which expenses, if unpaid by the  FILMORE PLACE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PDD) - (FINAL PLAN)  - CONSIDER REQUEST TO
         owner or to the occupant, shall be spread against the property on the next County and School Tax Roll or the next General  ESTABLISH A PDD AS PERMITTED IN SECTION 27.04 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL NO.
         Township Tax Roll and/or the Township may place a lien upon the property to secure the collection of such expense.  125 99 0002 709.  Property is located north of Michigan Avenue and west of Beck Road.  (Second Public Hearing.)
         The township may notify by certified mail, with return receipt requested, the owner, agent, or occupant, as shown on the current  Written comments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received at the Canton Township Administration Building,
         county and school tax roll, of any lands on which such noxious weeds are found growing. Such notice shall contain methods of  1150 Canton Center S. prior to Thursday, April 2, 2020 in order to be included in the materials submitted for review.
         treating and eradicating such noxious weeds and a summary of the provisions of this section. Failure of the township to give such
         notice shall not, however, constitute a defense to any action to enforce the payment of any penalty provided in this article or any  SEE ATTACHED MAP  Greg Greene, Chairman
         debt created under this article.                                                                  Publish: Newspaper - March 18, 2020      CN2050 - 031920  2.5 x 8.038
         The township shall notify the violator of excessive lawn grass in the same manner as provided for in Ord. No. 78-2(c).
         (Ord. No. 64, as amended, § 6, 6-24-1997; Ord. of 8-9-2016(1), § 1)  CN2047 - 031920  2.5 x 2.805

                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                              ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AGENDA
                                        APRIL 9, 2020
         Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals THURSDAY, April 9, 2020 at 7:00 PM.
         The meeting will be held in the Board Room at the Township Administration Building located at 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
         Canton, MI 48188.
         7:00 P.M.
         Call to Order POSTPONED
         Pledge of Allegiance
         Roll Call: Jim Cisek, Vicki Welty, Craig Engel, Greg Greco, John Badeen.
         Alternate: Gregory Demopoulos
         Approval of Agenda for April 9, 2020
         Approval of Minutes:
         March 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes
         General Calendar:
         1.   Applicant Danny Veri, for property located on the east side of Lilley Road between Warren and Joy Roads, Zoning R-6.
              Appealing Section 26.02, variances to front setback, building height and number of stories in the R-6 district and Section
              6.03A, variances from building separation for multiple-family buildings and location of driveway relative to the wall of
              a building. Parcel ID 008-99-0001-707 (Planning)

         Written comments need to be submitted prior to 4:00 PM on the date of the hearing.  All written comments must be sent to the
         Charter Township of Canton. Clerk's Office, 1150 S. Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI  48188, Phone 734-394-5120.
                                  CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                   ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS
         In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who require special accommodations, aux-
                       iliary aids or services to attend participate at the meeting/hearing should contact
                            Kerreen Conley, Human Resources Manager, at 734-394-5260.
                           Reasonable accommodations can be made with advance notice.
                   A complete copy of the Access to Public Meetings Policy is available at  CN2048 - 031920  2.5 x 4.738
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