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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 12, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

        When There Are                   Contact the Northville Art   Knives Out at library
        Nine continues in Canton       House for more information at    The William P. Faust Library
           The Village Theater at Cherry  (248) 344-0497.             will be hosting a Saturday Movie
        Hill will present "When There                                 Matinee at 1 p.m. Saturday
        Are Nine", a multi-media       Ghost hunt is planned          March 14. The library is located
        women's art exhibit, which will  The Wayne Historical Society  at 6123 Central City Parkway.
        feature nine female artists show-  will present a Ghost Hunt at the  This week, the  movie will be
        casing their 2D and 3D artwork  140-year-old museum from 7    Knives Out, rated PG-13. Doors
        as a beacon of women's causes  p.m. until midnight March 13   open at 12:45 p.m.
        and issues during National     with the Great Lakes Ghost       Snacks and refreshments are
        Women's History Month.         Hunters.                       provided - donations are accept-
           Approximately 50 works of art  Tickets are priced at $20.  ed and appreciated.
        will be on display and available  The museum is located at 1
        for sale in the Gallery@VT until  Town Square in Wayne at the  Art entry deadline nears
        March 30. The special event is  corner of Main and Biddle. For  The Arts and Acts Festival     Scott Ciscon, Jem Sharples, and Paul Martin of Tenors
        open to the public as a celebra-  information call the museum at  will take place on the streets of  Unlimited. Photo courtesy of Tenors Unlimited
        tion of Women's History month.   (734) 722-0113.              downtown Northville June 19-21
           Featured performers include                                this year.                       Tenors to perform
        music by flutist Wanda Jones,  Kids Crafty Saturday             The three fairs feature fine
        and solo dance work by Brianna   The Van Buren Township       artisans and crafters from
        Jahn, assistant professor of   Recreation Department will     Michigan and across the country.    The number-one selling   such as Pavarotti, Lanza,
        dance at The University of     host Kids Crafty Saturday from   The weekend celebrations       classical vocal trio, 'Tenors  Sting, Bublé and Freddie
        Southern Mississippi.          10 until 11:30 a.m. March 14.  will include the 3rd Annual      Unlimited,' will perform their  Mercury.
           This and all art exhibits at  Staff will available to provide  Maker's Mart Juried Art Fair  new show "That's Amore"        As a college student,
        The Village Theater at Cherry  craft supplies and instruction.  which includes artisans selling  beginning at 7:30 p.m.    Tenors Unlimited member
        Hill are free and open to the  The event is designed for those  handcrafted crochet to stained  Thursday, March 19, at The  Scott Ciscon spent several
        public from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.  in kindergarten through fifth  glass, soap to handmade bags  Village Theater at Cherry Hill.   summers in Michigan and is
        Monday through Friday, one     grade.  The cost is $5 per stu-  and home décor to clothing.       Known as the 'Rat Pack of  excited to bring this show to
        hour prior to and during public  dent. Register by calling the  The online application dead-   Opera,' Tenors Unlimited    his adopted home state where
        performances at the theater, as  Parks   and    Recreation    line for artisans is 11:59 p.m.  have performed alongside    family still resides in both
        well as by appointment.  The   Department at (734) 699-8921.   Sunday,   March    15    at     such notables as Sting, Lionel  Livonia and Northville.
        Gallery@VT is closed on holi-    The event will take place at  Maker'                    Richie, Beyoncé, Hayley        Tickets are currently on
        days.                          46425 Tyler Road in Van Buren                                   Westenra, Simply Red and the  sale priced at $30 for adults;
           The Village Theater at Cherry  Township.                   Mark Twain in Michigan           Royal       Philharmonic    $25 for seniors and $20 for stu-
        Hill is located at 50400 Cherry                                 The Belleville Area Museum     Orchestra among others.     dents and can be purchased
        Hill Road in Canton. For more  City Lights concert set        will present When Mark Twain       For more than 15 years,   online at www.cantonvil-
        information, call (734) 394-5300  City Lights Chorus, an award-  Came to Michigan with Al and  Tenors Unlimited has been or call or visit
        or visit  wining, all-male acapella  Dave Eicher from 6-8 p.m.       entertaining audiences world-  The Village Theater Box
                                       ensemble based at Ward Church  Thursday, March 19. The pro-     wide using talents honed in  Office between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
        Senior Tax help offered        in Northville is preparing for the  gram is free for museum mem-  their previous solo careers in  Monday through Friday.  Calls
           AARP Foundation Volunteer   second annual spring show, The  bers and there is a $5 fee for  opera and theatre.          will be accepted at (734) 394-
        Tax Aides will offer free tax  Simple Life, set for 7 p.m.    non-members.                       In this new show, Scott   5300. If tickets remain, they
        preparation services at the    Saturday, March 14 at Ward       The museum is located at 405   Ciscon, Jem Sharples, and   will be available for purchase
        Northville Community Center    Church in Northville..         Main St. in Belleville. For infor-  Paul Martin will take audi-  one hour prior to show open-
        again this year. Tax preparation  Along with the chorus the   mation, call (734) 697-1944.     ences on a journey through  ing time.
        is by appointment only and is  show will feature two world                                     some of the best-loved songs  The Village Theater at
        offered from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.  class quartets, Frontier, the 2018  Wild Wings vs. Red Wings  of the last century, made  Cherry Hill is located at 50400
        each Thursday at the Northville  Next Gen Varsity Quartet       Mayor William R. Wild, along   famous by other 'icons of song'  Cherry Hill Road in Canton.
        Community Center.  The last day  Champions, and Instant Classic,  with his team of Westland Wild
        for appointments will be       the 2015 International Quartet  Wings, are once again getting  younger are admitted at no cost  Rhaesa will administer the oath
        Thursday, April 9.  This service  Champions.                  ready to lace up their skates to  with an adult.             of office for the new Wayne
        is provided to taxpayers with    Tickets are $25 for the front  challenge the Detroit Red Wing  Tickets are available for pur-  Chamber of Commerce board
        low/middle income with special  seven rows or $20 general     Alumni in the 11th Annual     chase at Westland City Hall, the  members.
        preference for appointments    admission and are available at  Hockey Night in Westland chari-  Mike Modano Ice arena, North  The cost for the luncheon is
        will be given to those 60 and or at  ty event.                    Brothers Ford, 33300 Ford Road,  $20. Reservations are now being
        older.                         the door,                        The event, being presented  and         online         at  accepted at (734) 721-0100 or
           Appointments are being                                     by North Brothers Ford, will  email
        accepted at (248) 305-2851.    Children's book sale set       take to the ice at 7 p.m. Friday,  020-hockey-night-in-westland/  Wayne Tree Manor is located
           AARP Tax Volunteers are       The Friends of the Westland  March 20 at the Mike Modano      Seating is limited so early  35100 Van Born Road in Wayne.
        certified for tax preparation and  Library will be hosting a  Ice Arena located at 6210 N.  ticket purchase is recommend-
        will electronically file federal  Children's Book Sale at the  Wildwood St. in Westland.    ed by organizers.              Rosie the Riveter visits
        and state tax returns. Tax payers  William P. Faust Library located  Doors open at 5:30 p.m.  6                              The Belleville Area Museum
        will leave the 1-1 ½ hour      at 6123 Central City Parkway,  p.m. the Westland Hockey      State of the City address planned   will celebrate National Rosie
        appointment with a copy of their  from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday,  Association Mini-Mites and  The deadline to register for  the Riveter Day from 1-4 p.m.
        e-filed returns, and the knowl-  March 14, and  from noon until 3  Mites will take the ice to show  Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa's  Saturday, March 21 with visits
        edge that their tax returns have  p.m.  Sunday March 15, In honor  off their skills.        State of the City is March 20.   from original and tribute Rosies
        been filed at both Michigan and  of March is Reading Month, for  The Red Wing Alumni and       The event is set for noon   along with Suffragette reenac-
        IRS acceptance sites.          two days all children's and    the Westland Wild Wings game  Wednesday, March 25 at Wayne   tors. Dressing up as a Rosie or
                                       young adult books will be only 10  will follow at 7 p.m.     Tree Manor.                    Suffragette is encouraged,
        Maple Syrup tours set          cents each.                      Tickets for the event are $10  The address and luncheon is  organizers said.
           Area residents have a unique  For more information, call   for adults and $5 for children  sponsored by the Wayne          For information, call (734)
        opportunity every weekend in   (734) 326-6123.                ages 6 to 12. Children 5 and  Chamber of Commerce and        697-1944.
        March at Maybury Farm.
           The farm will offer Making
        Maple Syrup tours every
        Saturday and Sunday which
        include a wagon ride to the
        Sugar Bush in the woods where
        the maple trees will be tapped
        for sap The wagon will then take
        visitors back to the Sugar Shack
        where the sap will be converted
        into maple syrup.
           Tours are set to begin every
        half hour from 1 until 4:30 p.m.
        and tastes of the syrup will be
        offered.  This event is popular
        each year and space is limited
        so arrive early to reserve a spot,
        organizers advised.  To schedule
        a private Maple Syrup Tour for
        groups of 15 or more, call (248)
           Maybury Farm is located at
        50165 Eight Mile Road in
        Northville.  The cost for Maple
        Syrup Tour is $8 per person and
        children younger than 2 are
        admitted free with an adult.
        to learn more.

        Young artists exhibit work
           The Northville Art House will
        present the 4th annual Young
        Artist Juried Art Fair showcas-
        ing young artists in grades 2
        through 12 from 10:30 a.m. until
        3 p.m. on Saturday, March 14..
        More than 30 young entrepre-
        neurs will have an opportunity
        to show their creativity and sell
           New this year, the fair will
        also showcase art from more
        than 300 young artists who have
        participated in Northville Art
        House Young Artist Outreach
           There will be free activities
        for those 12 and younger includ-
        ing cardmaking by Margene
        from Stampeddler Plus of
        Northville and STEM activities
        from STEMville of Northville.
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