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March 12, 2020                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE
                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Board OK’s air quality

        device on school land

           Members of the Northville Public    be shielded by a 10-foot fence according
        Schools Board of Education approved a  to current plans and the system will
        plan to allow Advanced Disposal        monitor for Sulfur Dioxide in the air.
        Systems to install an air quality moni-  The EPA has also required the testing
        toring system on Ridge Wood            be performed by a third party and that
        Elementary School property.            real-time results must be available to
           The system will be constructed and  the public as a further condition
        paid for by Advanced Disposal Systems  imposed by the agency.
        (ADS) and is in response to an order     School board president Matthew
        from the U.S. Environmental            Wilk noted that the district is not a party
        Protection Agency demanding the test-  to the agreement between the landfill
        ing system for air quality near the ADS-  owner and the federal agency. He
        owned Arbor Hills landfill.            added that he was concerned that cir-
           The school is within a mile of the  cumstances could change during the
        landfill which was cited by state offi-  five-year arrangement and the district
        cials for air-quality offenses several  might want to cancel the agreement     Construction sight
        times last year. The impact on air quali-  allowing the air testing system on the
        ty near the waste site has been dis-   school property.                        Volunteers turned out in droves last week during the Habitat for Humanity
        cussed at several meetings of the        Board trustee Angela Jaafar said the  International Women Build Week at a home site in Inkster. Among the volunteers
        Northville City Council members and    testing of the air quality at Ridge Wood  was 12th District Wayne County Commissioner Glenn Anderson who noted that
        numerous complaint letters have been   was long overdue and that parents have  twice as many volunteers as in the photo worked at the day-long event. The week
        sent to ADS. An air quality monitoring  been asking for a monitoring system for  took place March 1 through 8, the week leading up to International Women's Day.
        system at the landfill site was ordered  several months. She said the odors from  The event calls on women across the globe to raise a hammer to spotlight the
                                                                                       need for safe and affordable housing and provides the tools for women to
        by the U.S. Environmental Protection   the landfill have been a concern for    empower and educate themselves about skills used when repairing and restoring
        Agency last fall.                      parents of students at the school.      homes. This year, approximately 6,000 women volunteers in more than 235 com-
           The structure is expected to cost     The system will be installed on the   munities in the United States, India and Canada participated with the goal to build
        about $10,000 and must continue to     east side of the school parking lot which  and improve 540 homes while raising awareness of housing issues facing women
        operate for a minimum of five years,   is within the parameters set by the fed-  and their families.
        according to the federal agency. It will  eral agencies involved.
        History of Maybury Sanatorium to be lecture topic

                                          Maybury Sanitorium: Fresh                              ”                                 opened in 1921 as the Detroit
                                       Air Care will be the topic of two          The presentations are free but due               Municipal      Tuberculosis
                                       presentations in Northville in                                                              Sanatorium but was later named
                                       April.                                     to the popularity of the programs,               after William H. Maybury who
                                          Both presentations will begin         reservations are highly recommended.               led the development of the facili-
                                       at 7 p.m. The April 6 presentation                                                          ty. Ironically,  Maybury contract-
                                       will take place at the Northville                                                           ed the illness for which the  sana-
                                       District Library in downtown   Oldenburg will discuss the histo-  made at (248) 349-3020.   torium was built and died in his
                                       Northville and the April 7 pres-  ry  surrounding the facility.   Organizers noted that the pro-  farm house on the property in
                                       entation will take place at      Construction began 100 years  grams are so popular that they  1931.
                                       Northville Township Hall, 44405  ago this month at the site of what  fill to capacity, necessitating a the  In 1969 the sanatorium closed
                                       Six Mile Road, Northville.     is now Maybury State Park for  repeat presentation on the sec-  due to a lack of patients.  In 1972,
                                          The moderator of the pro-   the purpose of treating tubercu-  ond night.                 the Michigan Natural Resource
                                       grams will be Joe Oldenburg, a  losis. The presentations are free  Constructed from eight   Commission purchased the prop-
                                       local historian, who is a member  but due to the popularity of the  Northville Township farms,  erty from Detroit and in 1975
                                       of the Northville Township     programs, reservations are high-  Detroit owned and operated the  Maybury State Park was opened
                    William H. Maybury   Historic  District   Fund.   ly recommended and can be     tuberculosis sanatorium which  on the grounds.
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