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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 12, 2020

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Make A Wish

        Benefit gala set to fund charity

                                  Julie Brown  people dress up in prom or ball gowns, and
                                  Staff Writer  have somewhere to go,” said Miller. Close
                                               family members of Miller have done Make
           The Whatabouts musical group is plan-  A Wish benefit work, so The Whatabouts
        ning a Glamour Ball this spring for Make A  decided to follow suit.
        Wish Foundation.                         The Whatabouts perform musical num-
           The Make A Wish nonprofit group helps  bers of the 1940s to 1960s.
        ailing children and their families with  Suzy Hoover of Livonia and Deb Mulka
        treks to favorite destinations. Kelly Miller's  of Livonia are fellow Whatabouts music
        three-person Whatabouts musical ensem-  group members.
        ble will perform Friday, May 15, at the  Said Miller, “We have done other
        charity benefit at Joy Manor banquet hall.  fundraisers in the past,” including for mili-
           Joy Manor is at 28999 Joy Road in   tary veterans and the American Cancer
        Westland (south side of Joy). The Glamour  Relay for Life.
        Ball of “Vintage Glam or Fashion Today”  Miller's musical group also supports
        gives folks a chance to help sick children  battered women and children with benefit
        as well as dance, eat dinner, and enjoy an  work supporting the Christian Joyce  Kelly Miller of Farmington Hills, Suzy Hoover of Livonia, and Deb Mulka of Livonia are
        open bar.                              Meyer Ministries. “We try to give back to  the musical Whatabouts who will perform at a May 15 benefit for the Make A Wish
           The May 15 event costs $50 per person  the community,” said Miller.       Foundation in Westland.
        and will continue from 6-11 p.m. Miller, a  Her friend has used Make A Wish pro-  more cool.”                      donations are greatly appreciated.
        Farmington Hills resident, formerly of  gramming for herself. On May 15 at     Kelly Miller's website at www.the-     “I never get to go to any of her events.”
        Garden City, has ticket information at (734)  Westland Joy Manor Miss Glamour and Mr. has more information.  Having fun in vintage glam or fashions of
        377- 1745.                             G Cool will be crowned. The male honorif-  She and her coworking organizers are  today while supporting the nonprofit is her
           “We thought this would be fun to have  ic is to be “kind of glamour for guys but  seeking raffle items such as gift cards and  aim, Miller said.
        Westland reappoints 2 to city commission terms

           Two long-serving Westland residents  by a nine-member board appointed by the  Education, the Westland City Council, the
        were re-appointed to city entities last  mayor and subject to confirmation by  Wayne-Westland    Credit    Union
        month.                                 members of the city council.  Members of  Supervisory Board and the Wayne High
           Members of the city council confirmed  the commission serve three-year terms.  School Alumni Association Board.
        the re-appointment of Debra Fowlkes to  Members must reside, work or have own-  The DDA is governed by an 11-member
        the Westland Planning Commission and   ership interest in property in the City of  board appointed by the mayor and subject
        the re-appointment of Sharon Scott to the  Westland.                         to the approval of the members of the city
        Downtown Development Authority during    The planning commission reviews and  council. The Downtown Development
        their regular meeting Feb. 18.         recommends to city council all applica-  Authority implements an improvement
           Fowlkes' new three-year term will   tions for amendments to the zoning ordi-  and business development plan in a com-
        expire Feb. 18, 2023 and Scott's four-year  nance or zoning map, applications for spe-  mercial district along Ford Road and
        appointment will conclude Feb. 18, 2023.   cial land uses, site plan approvals and  Wayne Road south of Ford and members
           Fowlkes, a long-time resident of    planned unit developments. Meetings are  help firms by providing design assistance  Sharon Scott   Debra Fowlkes
        Westland, has served on the planning com-  scheduled for 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of  for redevelopment of commercial proper-
        mission since May 2015.  She previously  each month at city hall.            ties. Regularly scheduled board meetings  sions during their previous terms and I
        served on the police and fire Civil Service  Scott is also a long-time Westland resi-  take place at 8 a.m. the fourth Thursday of  look forward to continuing to work with
        Commission.                            dent and has served on the DDA since  every month at city hall, located at 36300  them throughout their upcoming terms,”
           Fowlkes also served on the Wayne-   2004.  She currently serves as treasurer of  Warren Road. The meetings are open to  commented Mayor William R. Wild.  “I am
        Westland Community Schools Board of    the Wayne County Community College    the public.                           pleased to support their re-appointment
        Education and was president of the board.  District Board of Trustees and previously  “Debra and Sharon have worked hard  and welcome their continued service and
           The planning commission is governed  served on the Wayne-Westland Board of  on their respective boards and commis-  commitment  to the community.”

        At last

        Avery Hall, an Army veteran who left Wayne Memorial
        High School when he was 17, before graduation, to
        serve in the Korean War was awarded his high school
        diploma during a special ceremony Feb. 28 at Taft-
        Galloway Elementary School. Hall's military career
        included service in Vietnam, Germany, Alaska and Fort
        Sill.  Now 84, he currently resides in a veteran's home in
        Oklahoma.  He attended Cady Elementary School in
        Westland in the 1940s and grew up in what was Nankin
        Township. After serving 20 years in the military, he
        worked for Lawton Public Schools for 24 years.

                                 PUBLIC AUCTION     KNDMB233586241896     1FAFP55UX3G159186     CHRYSLER 4 DR.        05 ACURA TL           05 CHEVROLET
                                 MARTIN’S TOWING    2005 MERCEDES         2012 HYUNDAI          1C3XM66P9KW303311     19UUA66245A064829     2G1WF52EX59149570
           THE FOLLOWING         17180 DIX TOLEDO   WDBRF61J55F591851     KMHTC6AD2CU060203     04 CHEVROLET          05 FORD               08 CHEVROLET
         VEHICLES HAVE BEEN       BROWNSTOWN        2002 HONDA            2009 FORD             1GNDT13SX42248804     1FMZU62K15UA46820     2G1WT58K281366118
         DEEMED ABANDONED            MI 48193       1HGES26792L07585      1FAHP35N99W145574     02 PONTIAC            11 MITSUBISHI         97 FORD F-150
            BY THE INKSTER        MARCH 16, 2020    2002 DODGE            2010 CHRYSLER         1G2WP52K62F170580     4A4JN2AS6BE025257     2FTDX18WXVCA91564
             POLICE DEPT.           10:00 AM        1D7HU18Z42S572962     2A4RR5D18AR299591     11 HYUNDAI            08 MERCEDES E350      01 CHEVY
             AND WILL BE      2004 CHRYSLER         2003 HONDA            2003 JAGUAR           KMHCM3AC3BU206643     WDBUF87X68B349115     3GNFK16T41G111022
           SOLD AT A PUBLIC   2C3HD36M34H704346     1HGEM21913L048646     SAJEA01U83HM76945     04 BUICK              06 PONTIAC G6         02 FORD
               AUCTION        1975 HONDA            2002 FORD             1997 CHRYSLER         3G5DA03E845584739     1G2ZG558464129315     2FMZA52432BA36585
                 AT           CL3602021122          2FTRX17222CA57327     3C3EL45X9VT576551     03 CHRYSLER           08 CHRYSLER           04 HONDA
             BISHOP AUTO      2010 CHEVROLET        1998 MERCURY                                2C8GT64L63R212794     1C3LC56R38N255851     5J6YH28594L030085
            WRECKING LLC      2G1WB5EK4A1154303     4JGAB54E8WA048281      DEARBORN HEIGHTS     96 CHEVROLET          02 CHEVROLET          02 CHEVY
          AT 2780 SPRINGHILL  2010 CHEVROLET        2001 TOYOTA                  POLICE         2G1FP22P3T2123945     1GNCS18W52K177227     2G1WG52E829153676
           INKSTER, MI 48141   1GNLRFED6AJ263193    5TDZT38A71S052513      25637 MICHIGAN AVE.  06 CHEVROLET          00 LINCOLN LS         02 CHEVROLET
            ON THURSDAY       1996 POLARIS          2002 CADILLAC           DEARBORN MI 48125   2G1WC581X69293537     1LNHM86S9YY780846     1GCGG25R621180370
            MARCH 19, 2020    PLE13709C696          3GYEK63N82G272704        THE FOLLOWING      01 CHEVROLET          11 CHEVROLET          20 CHICAGO SCOOTER
        2002 PONTIAC          2010 MITSUBISHI       2004 CHEVROLET         VEHICLES HAVE BEEN   2CNBJ634716944146     2G1WD5EM8B1220137     L4HCATA14L6000092
        1G2NF52F92C286469     JA4JT5AX1AZ012072     1G1JC52F647146662      DEEMED ABANDONED     99 MAZDA              06 CADILLAC CTS       FORD FLEX
        2005 CHRYSLER         2010 CHEVROLET        2003 TOYOTA            AND WILL BE SOLD AT  JM1NB35X0130998       1G6DP577X60178684     2FMDK52CX9BA48547
        2C3AK53G35H656544      1G1AD5F54A7155256    1NXBR32EX3Z064323        PUBLIC AUCTION     11 FORD               08 CHEVROLET          02 MAZDA TRIBUTE
        2013 CHRYSLER         2010 FORD             2007 CHEVROLET           MARCH 20, 2020     3FAHPOJA2BR184145     1GNDT13S482110357     4F2CU08192KM37937
        1C3CCBCG2DN674012     1FAHP3FN7AW188832     2G1WB58K679387041          AT 12:00 P.M.    13 CHEVROLET          98 CHEVROLET          07 MITSUBISHI
        2007 CHEVROLET        1961 SPECSHAW         2001 CHEVROLET           DALTON TOWING      1G11B5SA2DF134456     1GCCS19X4W8187055     4A3AB76T87E026249
        1GNDV33137D105294     5083JR                1GNEK13T41R134543         27218 CURRIER     06 DODGE              07 CHEVROLET          08 CHEVROLET
        2007 CHRYSLER         2007 NISSAN           2003 CHEVROLET         DEARBORN HEIGHTS     2D4GP44L66R719292     2G1WB58K479354166     3FNDA13D08S554508
        1C3LC56K57N543923     5N1AR18W77C618140     1GCGG25U931152052            MI 48124       02 FORD F-250         15 CHRYSLER 200       06 MAZDA 3
        1996 CHEVROLET        2006 GMC              2008 CHEVROLET             734-946-1336     1FTNW21F02ED15048     1C3CCCAB0FN580159     JM1BK32F961482332
        1GCCS1448TK202104     1GDGG31V161900121     1G1AK58F387309025     00 BUICK              92 BUICK              07 FORD               03 MERCURY
        2014 CHEVROLET        2011 CHEVROLET        1994 PLYMOUTH         1G4HP54K8Y4141793     1G4BN5377NR407232     3FAHP07Z67R266139     2MEHM75W23X632693
        1G11B5SL5EU142470     1G1ZC5E17BF233833     1P3AP28DXRN120374     01 INFINITI           00 FORD               05 FORD               05 NISSAN
        2008  BUICK           2010 MITSUBISHI       2005 JEEP             JNKCA31A11T011980     1FMPU18L6YLA25224     1FAFP34N85W318164     1N4BA41E95C835629
        5GAER23738J298535     4A32B2FF6AE010964     1J4GR48K55C719083     02 DODGE              02 VOLKSWAGEN         03 FORD               02 FORD
        2008 CHEVROLET        2006 DODGE            2008 GMC              1B3EL46X92N277231     3VWDC21V52M808632     3FAFP31343R133662     1FAFP33P62W329386
        2G1WB58KX81365091     1D7HU18296S677070     1GKER13728J307920     08 YAMAHA CYCLE       97 TOYOTA             07 FORD               PLEASE NOTE: THE BID-
        PLEASE NOTE THE BID-  2012 CHEVROLET        2010 FORD             JYARJ16E68A003256     4T1BG22K0VU116941     1FAFP34N97W320699     DING START AT THE TOW-
        DING WILL START AT THE  2G1WB5E30C1264096   1FAHP2DW0AG133493     12 MINI BIKE          04 FORD               11 NISSAN             ING  AND   STORAGE
        TOWING AND STORAGE    2003 NISSAN           2007 FORD             L0BPTNMY2T0000414     1FAFP53U34A134220     3N1AB6AP8BL622934     CHARGES. NOTE CARS
        CHARGES.              1N4AL11D63C280373     3FAHP08147R115020     08 SATURN             07 PONTIAC G6         03 PONTIAC            MIGHT NOT BE AT THIS
                              2008 KIA              2003 FORD             3GSDL43N38S668861     1G2ZH58N174247080     1G2HX52K534183018     LOT FOR VIEWING.
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