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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            March 5, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

        When There Are Nine            Blues at the Elks featured     Super from 5 p.m. until sold out on  Mark Twain in Michigan  vres.
        continues in Canton              Blues at The Elks takes place  Wednesday, March 11 at the     The Belleville Area Museum    The Dave Bennett Quartet will
           The Village Theater at Cherry  from 7 until 10 p.m. on the second  church, 36925 Willow Road in  will present When Mark Twain  perform March 31.
        Hill will present “When There Are  Tuesday of the month in partner-  New Boston.            Came to Michigan with Al and     The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks
        Nine”, a multi-media women's art  ship with the Detroit Blues   Carryout service will begin at  Dave Eicher from 6-8 p.m.  Lodge 325 is located at 41700 Ann
        exhibit, which will feature nine  Society.                    4:30 p.m. Dinners are priced at $12  Thursday, March 19.     Arbor Road in Plymouth, one mile
        female artists showcasing their 2D  Big Ray and the Motor City  and include fried chicken, mashed  The program is free for muse-  west of I-275.
        and 3D artwork as a beacon of  Kings will perform Tuesday,    potatoes, green beans, biscuits and  um members and there is a $5 fee  For more information, call
        women's causes and issues during  March 10.                   gravy, cole slaw, dessert and cof-  for non-members.         (734)453-1780.
        National Women's History Month.   The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks  fee, hot tea or milk. Meals for chil-  The museum is located at 405
           Approximately 50 works of art  Lodge 325 is located at 41700 Ann  dren 12 and younger are $5.  Main St. in Belleville. For informa-  Fairy Garden workshop set
        will be on display and available  Arbor Road in Plymouth, one mile  For more information call (734)  tion, call (734) 697-1944.  The Wayne Historical Society
        for sale in the Gallery@VT until  west of I-275. For more informa-  654-9020.                                              will sponsor a Fairy Garden
        March 30.                      tion, call (734) 453-1780.                                   Rosie the Riveter visits       Workshop from 1-3 p.m. Saturday,
           This and all art exhibits at The                           Women pilots to be topic         The Belleville Area Museum  April 4 at the museum, 1 Town
        Village Theater at Cherry Hill are  Photography club to meet    Historian Daniel Mason will  will celebrate National Rosie the  Square, in downtown Wayne.
        free and open to the public from  Members of the only 3D photog-  discuss the 107 female pilots who  Riveter Day from 1-4 p.m.  The $20 fee includes all sup-
        10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Monday    raphy club will meet from 7-9:30  flew aircraft in and out of what is  Saturday, March 21 with visits  plies for the make and take work-
        through Friday, one hour prior to  p.m. Wednesday, March 11 at   today Detroit Metro Airport at 7  from original and tribute Rosies  shop.
        and during public performances   the Livonia Civic Park Senior  p.m. March 12 at the Wayne Public  along with Suffragette reenactors.  For more information, call (734)
        at the theater, as well as by  Center, 15218 Farmington Road,  Library.                     Dressing up as a Rosie or      722-0113.
        appointment.  The Gallery@VT is  just south of Five Mile Road. The  The library is located at 3737  Suffragette is encouraged, organiz-
        closed on holidays.            program will include a screening  South Wayne Road in Wayne.   ers said.                    Garden Club to meet
           The Village Theater at Cherry  of the award-winning entries in                              There will be a female empow-  Members of the Country
        Hill is located at 50400 Cherry Hill  the International Stereo Sequence  Ghost hunt is planned  erment group photo at 2:30 p.m.  Garden Club of Northville will
        Road in Canton. For more infor-  competition.                   The Wayne Historical Society  and light refreshments and activi-  meet at 11 a.m. April 1 at Ward
        mation, call (734) 394-5300 or visit  Following a refreshment break,  will present a Ghost Hunt at the  ties are planned.   Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in      there will be a drawing and the  140-year-old museum from 7 p.m.  The museum is located at 405  Northville.
                                       regular monthly competition.   until midnight March 13 with the  Main St. in Belleville. For informa-  The speaker will be Tony
        Senior Tax help offered          As always, the meetings are  Great Lakes Ghost Hunters.    tion, call (734) 697-1944.     Panapucci whose topic will be
           AARP Foundation Volunteer   free to attend, and visitors are  Tickets are priced at $20.                                Garden Excavator.
        Tax Aides will offer free tax prepa-  always welcome.           The museum is located at 1  Mom to Mom sale scheduled        Snacks will be provided.
        ration services at the Northville  Stereo cameras, 3D movies,  Town Square in Wayne at the cor-  Canton Leisure Services will  For more information, call (248)
        Community Center again this year.  and educational videos are avail-  ner of Main and Biddle. For infor-  sponsor Mom To Mom Sale from 8  202-1518. The meeting is open to
        Tax preparation is by appoint-  able for members to borrow or  mation call the museum at (734)  a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Saturday,  the public.
        ment only and is offered from 9  rent.                        722-0113.                     March 21 at the Summit on the
        a.m. until 2 p.m. each Thursday at  For more information, visit                             Park, located at 46000 Summit  Blues at the Elks featured
        the Northville Community Center., or call (248)  Kids Crafty Saturday    Parkway. Find more than  65      Blues at The Elks takes place
        First appointments began this  398-3591.                        The Van Buren Township      booths featuring gently-used baby  from 7 until 10 p.m. on the second
        week and the last day will be                                 Recreation Department will host  and kids clothing, shoes, and more  Tuesday of the month in partner-
        Thursday, April 9.  This service is  Business Awards dinner   Kids Crafty Saturday from 10 until  all at a fraction of the cost!  ship with the Detroit Blues
        provided to taxpayers with     planned in Plymouth            11:30 a.m. March 14.          Admission is $2 from 8-9 a.m. and  Society.
        low/middle income with special   The Plymouth Community         Staff will available to provide  $1 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For  Motor City Josh and the Big 3
        preference for appointments will  Chamber of Commerce has select-  craft supplies and instruction. The  more information, call (734) 394-  will perform Tuesday, April 14.
        be given to those 60 and older.   ed the recipients of the 2020  event is designed for those in  5460.                       The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks
           Appointments are still being  Business Awards. The winners  kindergarten through fifth grade.                           Lodge 325 is located at 41700 Ann
        accepted and can be made by call-  will be honored at the Sixth  The cost is $5 per student.  Indoor Farmers Market set    Arbor Road in Plymouth, one mile
        ing (248) 305-2851.            Annual Business Awards Dinner  Register by calling the Parks and  It may not yet be spring, but  west of I-275.
           AARP Tax Volunteers are certi-  set for 5:30-8 p.m. March 11 at Fox  Recreation Department at (734)  that isn't stopping the Farmers  For more information, call (734)
        fied for tax preparation and will  Hill Golf and Banquet Center.   699-8921.                Markets in Canton.             453-1780.
        electronically file federal and  Selected for the honors based  The event will take place at   The township will host special
        state tax returns. Taxpayers will  on their contributions to the  46425 Tyler Road in Van Buren  off-season markets from 10 a.m.  Mayors' Ball tickets on sale
        leave the 1-1 ½ hour appointment  Plymouth community were     Township.                     until 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 22  Tickets for the 7th Annual
        with a copy of their e-filed returns,  Independence  Village  of                            and April 26 at the Summit on the  Mayors' Ball benefiting the
        and the knowledge that their tax  Plymouth as the Large Business of  Art entry deadline nears  Park, located at 46000 Summit  Romulus and Donahey Boys and
        returns have been filed at both  the Year; Jacob Matthew Jewelers  The Arts and Acts Festival will  Parkway, while choosing from a  Girls Clubs of Southeastern
        Michigan and IRS acceptance    was chosen as the Mid-size     take place on the streets of down-  variety of vendors.      Michigan are now on sale.
        sites.                         Business of the Year and the   town Northville June 19-21 this  Bridge Card and Double Up     Tickets, priced at $100 per cou-
                                       Small Business of the Year award  year.                      Food Bucks transactions will also  ple, include the cocktail hour from
        Maple Syrup tours set          will be presented to Ace         The three fairs feature fine  be accepted. For additional  6-7 p.m. on Saturday, April 25, fol-
           Area residents have a unique  Strategies.                  artisans and crafters from    Canton Farmers Market informa-  lowed by dinner at 7 p.m. and
        opportunity every weekend in     Honored with the legacy award  Michigan and across the country.    tion,visit  dancing from 8:30 until 11 p.m.
        March at Maybury Farm.         will be former Mayor James       The weekend celebrations will  or contact Driscoll at cantonfarm-  There will be silent and live
           The farm will offer Making  Jabara.                        include the 3rd Annual Maker's or by  auctions during the evening at the
        Maple Syrup tours every Saturday  The cost for the strolling dinner  Mart Juried Art Fair which  calling (734) 394-5375.   Belleville Yacht Club, 831 E.
        and Sunday which include a     is $30 per person. For  sponsorship  includes artisans selling hand-                        Huron River Dr. in Belleville.
        wagon ride to the Sugar Bush in  options, contact Doug Wallace at  crafted crochet to stained glass,  Jaxx at the Elks featuredt  Formal attire is encouraged for
        the woods where the maple trees    soap to handmade bags and home   Jazz at the Elks takes place  the event.
        will be tapped for sap The wagon                              décor to clothing.            from 7 until 9:30 p.m. on the last  To purchase tickets or for more
        will then take visitors back to the  Church to serve dinner     The online application for arti-  Tuesday of the month.    information, call Julie Wojtylke at
        Sugar Shack where the sap will be  Willow United Methodist    sans is 11:59 p.m. Sunday, March  There is a $10 donation at the  (734) 320-3834 or the Romulus
        converted into maple syrup.    Church will serve a Chicken    15 at Maker'            door which includes hors d'oeu-  Club at (734) 641-3382.
           Tours are set to begin every
        half hour from 1 until 4:30 p.m.
        and tastes of the syrup will be
        offered.  This event is popular
        each year and space is limited so
        arrive early to reserve a spot,
        organizers advised.  To schedule a
        private Maple Syrup Tour for
        groups of 15 or more, call (248) 374-
           Maybury Farm is located at
        50165 Eight Mile Road in
        Northville.  The cost for the Maple
        Syrup Tour is $8 per person and
        children younger than 2 are
        admitted free with an adult.
           Visit to
        learn more.

        Young artists exhibit work
           The Northville Art House will
        present the 4th annual Young
        Artist Juried Art Fair showcasing
        young artists in grades 2 through
        12 during the month of March.
        More than 30 young entrepre-
        neurs will have an opportunity to
        show their creativity and sell origi-
        nal artwork.
           New this year, the fair will also
        showcase art from more than 300
        young artists who have participat-
        ed in Northville Art House Young
        Artist Outreach Program.
           There will be free activities for
        those 12 and younger including
        cardmaking by Margene from
        Stampeddler Plus of Northville
        and STEM activities from
        STEMville of Northville.
           Artists of all ages are invited to
        enter the Community Flag Contest
        where submitted artwork will be
        incorporated into a community
        flag installed at the Northville Art
        House. Prizes will be awarded.
        Artists may enter at the fair or
        online at https://northvilleart-
           Contact the Northville Art
        House for more information at
        (248) 344-0497.
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