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March 5 – 11, 2020 NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST 75¢
No. 09 www
Vol. 135, No. 09
Belleville Councilman
Tom Fielder expressed his
frustration with repair
expenses to Belleville City
Hall during the regular Municipal clerks throughout the area are
council meeting last week preparing for the upcoming presidential
See page 3. primary election next Tuesday, March 10.
Several local communities also have
THE CANTON issues on the ballot. There is no political
EAGLE party registration requirement and any
Michigan registered voter can participate in
Vol. 73, No. 09 the presidential primary. At the polling
place and on the absentee ballot applica-
Canton Fire Department tion, voters will be asked to select a presi-
personnel reported no dential primary ballot for either the
injuries in a house fire in Democratic or Republican parties that also
Cherry Hill Village Sunday, may contain local election items. Voters
Feb. 20. who do not wish to participate in the presi-
See page 5. dential primary may request a ballot that
contains only the local items in their com-
LEDGER STAR p.m. on Election Day. If a resident isn't regis-
Citizens may register to vote up until 8
Vol. 73, No. 09 tered, or needs to update their address, they
may do so by appearing in person at their request an absent voter ballot at the same at the polls, such as a Michigan driver's
The Presidential Primary city or township clerk's office and providing time they register. If they request their AV license or identification card. Anyone who
Election ballot in the City of proof of residency, according to the office of ballot the day before the election or on does not have an acceptable form of photo
Inkster will include a Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. Election Day, they must vote the ballot in ID or failed to bring it with them can still
request from the Westwood All voters can visit the Michigan Voter the clerk's office. vote. If the voter does not have a photo ID,
Community School District Information Center at to Voters can also check with their local the voter may sign a brief affidavit attesting
for a 3 mill Sinking Fund check their registration status, find out how municipal clerk regarding the availability of to their identity. Their ballots will be includ-
Millage. to register and be able to vote on March 10, a permanent absent voter list in their juris- ed with all others and counted on Election
See page 4. view the candidates and questions that will diction. If their clerk offers the service, vot- Day, according to Benson's office.
be on their ballot, get a map to their polling ers can have an absent ballot application If a voter wishes to take a photo of their
THE NORTHVILLE place and other helpful information. automatically mailed to them in advance of marked or unmarked ballot in the voting
EAGLE Polls are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Anyone in any future elections. booth, they may do so, but images of a voted
Although some of the presidential pri-
Vol. 20, No. 09 line at 8 p.m. will be allowed to vote. mary candidates have suspended their ballot may not be shared within 100 feet of a
polling place. Any other type of photogra-
Additional information regarding the
Voters in the Northville Michigan presidential primary can be campaigns nationally, state law required the phy within the area where people are vot-
Public Schools District will found at Voter candidate listing to be finalized in ing is prohibited. Selfies are only allowed
be asked to replace the cur- Assist Terminals will be available for voter December 2019. To have their name outside the polling place.
rent sinking fund millage on with disabilities and any other voters who removed from the ballot, candidates had to
property tax. wish to use them. submit a formal request in writing to with- Detroit Institute of Arts Millage Renewal
See page 2. As a result of the constitutional amend- draw their name to the Bureau of Elections The renewal of the Wayne County Art
ment approved by voters in 2018, all eligible by Dec. 13. Therefore, the presidential pri- Institute Authority Millage will appear on
THE PLYMOUTH and registered voters in Michigan may mary ballots list some candidates who have the ballots throughout the community. In
EAGLE request an absent voter ballot without pro- since left the race. 2012, voters approved a 10-year millage to
If a voter wishes to spoil an absentee bal-
Vol. 20, No. 09 viding a reason. They can visit their local lot they have already voted, they can submit provide Wayne County residents with serv-
ices from the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA).
clerk's office for an absent voter ballot appli-
A sculpture design from cation or download one at a written request to their local clerk by mail The funding, according to officials, pro-
the Plymouth Community if it is received by 2 p.m. the Saturday vides free K-12 school field trips, free senior
Arts Council and the Detroit Voter requests to have an absent voter before the election. The voter must sign the group programming and unlimited free
Institute of Arts was selected ballot mailed to them must be received by request and state if they would like a new general admission to the museum. The DIA
by members of the city com- their clerk no later than 5 p.m. the Friday absentee ballot mailed to them or if they is requesting a renewal of 0.2 mill (20 cents
mission for Kellogg Park. before the election, which is tomorrow. If will vote at the polls. An absentee ballot per$1,000 of taxable property value). If
See page 5. voters are already registered at their cur- may be spoiled in person at the clerk's office approved, it is estimated that the millage
rent address, they can request an absent until 4 p.m. the Monday prior to the elec- would generate approximately $8,500,000 in
THE ROMULUS voter ballot in person at their clerk's office tion. The voter can obtain a new absentee 2022.
ROMAN anytime up to 4 p.m. on the day prior to the ballot there or vote at the polls. There is no through 2031.
The renewal is for 10 years, from 2022
election. If they're registering to vote or
option on Election Day to spoil an absentee
Vol. 135, No. 09 updating their address by appearing at ballot that has been received by the clerk. Voters will be asked to vote yes or no on
their clerk's office on Election Day, they can Voters will be asked to present photo ID the question.
Romulus City Council
members OK'd a resolution
“participate in a discussion
of the potential consolida-
tion of the 29th District Court
into the 34th District Court.”
See page 3.
THE WAYNE Sumpter commission delays paintball field permit
EAGLE Public opposition to a years. If this plan is not
Vol. 73, No. 09 planned low-impact, pneumatic I think it would upset him approved, Mary Ellen
Rounsifer said, the property
paintball field on Judd Road
Voters in the City of prompted members of the that this is upsetting would go back on the market
Wayne are going to be asked Sumpter Township Planning and suggested the next pro-
to approve three amend- Commission to postpone any to the neighbors. posed development might be
ments to the city charter on action on rezoning the land. even less attractive than the
the upcoming March 10 bal- More than 20 residents The township planning con- parking in front of the site and paintball field.
lot. spoke in opposition to the pro- sultant Chris Atkin said the four shipping containers Commissioner Matt Oddy
See page 4. posed plan which, residents large crowd and opposition to stacked to provide a temporary made a motion, seconded by
said, would threaten their the plan was unexpected. office. Gravel will be added for Virginia Belinski, to postpone
THE WESTLAND enjoyment of the rural lifestyle. He explained that the paint- the drive and parking, or other the rest of the public hearing
EAGLE Commissioners opted to ball field would not operate improved surface, he said. until the April 9 commission
Alex Mott showed the assem-
Vol. 73, No. 09 postpone the special land use after dark and that the area bled audience the planned site meeting in an effort to allow the
exception for the 58-acre parcel
developers and township offi-
beyond a stream which cuts
Westland voters will be during the Feb. 13 meeting. The through the property is desig- on a paper, hand-held map, cials time to answer questions
asked to approve a meeting drew a large crowd nated wetlands. He said no going from group to group of cit- about the tax impact of the pro-
Sanitation Millage ballot pro- who opposed the plan to use rezoning is planned from the izens. posal, the wetlands boundary,
posal next Tuesday, March the land on the north side of RF zoning and the use pro- Mary Ellen and Rene building requirements, a grade
10. Judd Road between Sumpter posed is very low impact. He Rounsifer, the heirs to the land, review of the planned parking
The millage, a proposed 1 and Martinsville roads as a added that the plans include said the 58 acres is land their area and any utility easements
mill to be levied on all tax- paintball field. Earl Mott and leaving the existing trees which father loved. “I think it would that could interfere with the
able property in the city for a his son, Alex Mott, who have a will act as 100-foot buffers, with upset him that this is upsetting planned project.
10-year period would be paintball store in Livonia are a 250-foot buffer to the south- to the neighbors,” Rene Commissioners unanimously
used to fund recycling and interested in buying the site east. More trees will be added Rounsifer said. approved the motion to post-
garbage services in the city. from the family of Ron at the east property line, he The land, the women noted, pone the request until further
See page 4. Rounsifer, who died last year. explained. The plan shows has been in their family for 100 information was provided.
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