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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            March 5, 2020


        Northville school district seeking millage OK

           Voters in the Northville Public  is earmarked for building and                        ”                                 wages, general operating
        Schools District will be asked to  site repairs, instructional tech-            This millage represents                    expense and maintenance or
        replace the current sinking fund  nology and safety and security                    no increase in                         classroom supplies and text-
        millage on property tax by     upgrades throughout the district.                                                           books. The funding can only be
        extending the 0.9519 rate through  According to the school dis-                   the current tax rate.                    used for construction and remod-
        2025.                          trict website, “Since NPS                                                                   eling of facilities, the purchase of
           According to district officials,  (Northville Public Schools) wants  replace the existing sinking fund  actually replacing the current tax  instructional technology equip-
        approval of the proposal would  to utilize future sinking fund dol-  millage with the new millage so  rate with the same tax rate. This  ment, other equipment and fur-
        not increase the current tax paid  lars for instructional technology  that those dollars can be used to  millage represents no increase in  niture, site improvements and
        in district. If voters approve the  and security equipment, the mill-  fund the expanded uses,.  the current tax rate.”    bus purchases.
        question, the tax will generate  age language cannot say renewal  “Although the ballot must state  By state law, the bond money  Voters will be asked to vote
        about $3 million annually which  because in fact the district will  that this is a new millage, it is  cannot be used for salaries or  yes or no on the question.
        Public meetings set to discuss revisions of city master plan

           The Northville Planning     Town, and South Center - are                                                                of Public Works and Craig Strong,
        Commission members have        being reviewed and will likely be    The sessions will be followed with workshops           principal at Code Enforcement
        scheduled several special ses-  revised, according to city offi-                                                           Services, the city building code
        sions to provide up-to-date infor-  cials.                              and other events to gather public input            consultants and inspection firm.
        mation from experts on core top-  Lewan spoke about planning               about the future of the sub-areas.                Future land use will be the
        ics of redevelopment in the city,  and zoning legislation in                                                               topic at the Tuesday, April 14 ses-
        in preparation for revisions to  Michigan and explained what's                                                             sion and the speaker will be Dick
        the Master Plan.               involved in reviewing new devel-  of public portions of the project,  ty.                   Carlisle, president, Carlisle
           The  first public information  opments. He noted that the  such as public streets and water  Information sessions will take  Wortman Associates (CWA).
        session Feb. 24 addressed the  Master Plan is the vision and the  mains. Grants and tax abate-  place at 7 p.m. at the Community  A final session is planned for
        planning, zoning and financial  zoning ordinances are the rules  ments, such as from a Brownfield  Center, 303 W. Main, Northville.   Tuesday, April 28 when the topic
        aspects of the Master Plan with a  for land development. The pres-  Redevelopment Authority, could  The speaker will be Jessica  will be demographics and
        presentation by Doug Lewan,    entation noted what the Master  offset the cost for the developer,  Katers,  project  manager,  schools. The speaker will be
        planning consultant and execu-  Plan envisions for each of three  but are not assured.      Municipal Engineering, OHM     Elminger.
        tive vice president at Carlisle  sub-areas under review along   Elmiger said the planning   Associates     (Engineering,     The sessions will be followed
        Wortman Associates (CWA). Sally  with the applicable zoning ordi-  commission plans to conduct a  Architecture and Planning firm).  with workshops and other events
        Elmiger, city planner, also of  nances.                       public survey in the spring and  A second speaker will be    to gather public input about the
        CWA, moderated the session,      Also detailed was assessing  host a public meeting in May or  announced.                  future of the sub-areas.
        which drew approximately 90    information for those sub-areas  June to gather public input about  Another session is set for  Questions or comments about
        people to the Northville       and an explanation of how new  the future of the sub-areas.   Tuesday, March 31 when the    the meetings should be referred
        Community Center.              development and  maintenance     The next public information  topic will be infrastructure and  to Northville City Manager Pat
           Three sub-areas of the      are paid for. Essentially the costs  session will be March 24 at the  Katers will again be one of the  Sullivan       at
        Northville Master Plan -       are borne by the developer with  Community Center and focuses  speakers along with Loyd or
        Racetrack, Cady Street/Cady    the city paying for maintenance  on traffic and walkability/mobili-  Cureton, director of Department  (248) 449-9905.
        MainCentre parking deck repairs discussed by city council

           Northville City Manager Pat  required to upgrade the parking  period, Sullivan said.     Cady to Main Street along Center.   noting the terms and conditions
        Sullivan provided a report     deck across from MainCentre      Lower-level improvements,      Payment could be made in    of the needed improvements,
        regarding the condition of the  shopping area downtown. Based  which directly benefit the Singh  whole or installments over a 15-  Sullivan said. Council members
        MainCentre Parking deck to     on a detailed review from WGI,  company, are estimated to cost  year period with interest,  scheduled a public hearing for
        members of the city council at  the township engineering firm,  $227,950 - an amount that will be  Sullivan said. Northville would  last Monday, March 2, to hear
        their regular meeting last month.   improvements to the 26-year-old  charged as a special assessment  pay the remaining $224,250 as a  from those who would be affect-
           Sullivan's report outlined  structure would cost an estimat-  to the business, which owns the  general obligation.      ed by the proposed public
        needed capital improvements    ed $452,200 during a three-year  mixed-use building that spans  A letter will be sent to Singh  improvement.

                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, March 19, 2020 for the following:
                                    TREE MANAGEMENT PLAN
         Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at  or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a
         sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of pro-
         posal opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on
         the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
         Publish 3/5/2020                                               CN2040 - 030520  2.5 x 2.041

                                NOTICE TO CUT NOXIOUS WEEDS
         To the owner or occupant or any person or persons, firm or corporation having charge of any land in the Township of Canton:
         Notice is hereby given that all noxious weeds growing on any land in the Charter Township of Canton, Wayne County, Michigan,
         must be cut and destroyed on or before the 1st day of May, June, July, August, and September 2020 and/or as needed. And every
         owner, occupant, or person having charge of any such land must notify the Township that such weeds have been destroyed with-
         in three days of such cutting. Any person failing to comply with this notice on or before the date mentioned shall be liable to the
         imposition of the penalties set forth in Ordinance Number 64, of the Charter Township of Canton, Wayne County, Michigan, and
         shall be liable for all expenses incurred by the Township in destroying said noxious weeds, which expenses, if unpaid by the
         owner or to the occupant, shall be spread against the property on the next County and School Tax Roll or the next General
         Township Tax Roll and/or the Township may place a lien upon the property to secure the collection of such expense.
         The township may notify by certified mail, with return receipt requested, the owner, agent, or occupant, as shown on the current
         county and school tax roll, of any lands on which such noxious weeds are found growing. Such notice shall contain methods of
         treating and eradicating such noxious weeds and a summary of the provisions of this section. Failure of the township to give such
         notice shall not, however, constitute a defense to any action to enforce the payment of any penalty provided in this article or any
         debt created under this article.
         The township shall notify the violator of excessive lawn grass in the same manner as provided for in Ord. No. 78-2(c).
         (Ord. No. 64, as amended, § 6, 6-24-1997; Ord. of 8-9-2016(1), § 1)  CN2037 - 030520  2.5 x 2.812

                                   Canton Township Public Notice
                                  CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                     1150 S. Canton Center Road
                                        Canton, MI  48188
                                       NOTICE TO PUBLIC
                                 BOARD OF REVIEW APPOINTMENTS
         Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Michael A. Siegrist, Clerk of the Charter Township of Canton, County of Wayne, State
         of Michigan to all residents of the Charter Township of Canton the March Board of Review will be held in the Canton Township
         Hall on the first floor, at 1150 S. Canton Center Road.
         The following is the schedule for March Board of Review:
         Tuesday, March 3rd 2020            3:30 pm - 4:30 pm   Organizational Meeting
         Monday, March 9th 2020             9:00 am - 4:30 pm
         Tuesday, March 10th 2020           1:00 pm - 9:00 pm
         Wednesday, March 11th 2020  1:00 pm - 9:00 pm
         To schedule an appointment or If you have any questions regarding the March Board of Review, you may contact the Assessing
         office at (734) 394-5111.
                                      Michael A. Siegrist
                                      Charter Township of Canton
                                   ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS
                                  CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                   ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS
           In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who require special accommodations,
                      auxiliary aids or services to attend participate at the meeting/hearing should contact
                            Kerreen Conley, Human Resources Manager, at 734-394-5260.
                            Reasonable accommodations can be made with advance notice.
                   A complete copy of the Access to Public Meetings Policy is available at
                                                                        CN2036 - 030520  2.5 x 4.187
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