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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            March 4, 2021

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Former councilman agrees to ‘discuss’ criminal plea

           Prosecutors in the criminal case      While Sanders has consistently denied                                  ”
        against former Wayne City Councilman   any involvement in the incident, he said
        Christopher Sanders have offered him a  he would “discuss” a plea deal. “I'm never     I also firmly believe that Mr. Sanders was the ringleader
        plea deal in lieu of a jury trial.     going to say I'm not open for discussion.         behind these horrible acts against the city manager
           During a court hearing last Wednesday,  I'm never opposed to discussion,” he said.
        prosecutors said they would extend an  Sanders will have until March 10 when he         and he needs to be held accountable for his actions.
        official offer of a plea deal this week in the  is next scheduled to appear before Third
        case which charges Sanders with filing a  Circuit Court Judge Donald Knapp to
        false report of a felony, conspiracy to com-  decide to accept or reject the offer.   of a lawsuit Nocerini filed against Sanders  sage still has not resonated with Mr.
        mit a false report of a felony and attempt-  Last week, Knapp refused Sanders'  claiming damages in the incident. As he  Sanders as he continues to embarrass the
        ed false report of a felony. The charges, all  motion to dismiss the charges noting that  was a city councilman at the time, the city  city and community with his unprincipled
        felonies, stem from an Oct. 16, 2017 inci-  he did not have the jurisdiction to grant  is liable for any financial compensation.  behavior. I also firmly believe that Mr.
        dent when Wayne City Manager Lisa      the dismissal due to previous court pro-  Following that settlement, to be paid by  Sanders was the ringleader behind these
        Nocerini claims to have found a starter  ceedings in the case. He did advise  the city insurance carrier, Mayor John  horrible acts against the city manager and
        pistol and “fake drugs” planted in her car.  Sanders to consider the plea agreement,  Rhaesa had strong words for Sanders.  he needs to be held accountable for his
           She reported finding the items to   when offered. He suggested that a plea to  “Mr. Sanders has been a stain on the  actions. Not to mention that these acts
        Wayne police and the investigation was  reduced charges could mean probation.   city for many, many years. The citizens of  occurred on city hall property which is
        referred to the Michigan State Police.   “It doesn't mean you have to accept any  Wayne spoke loud and clear when they  disgraceful. Especially when he was an
        When Jimmie Lee Chandler, 29, was      offer. It just provides you with some oppor-  finally voted him out during the 2018  elected public official at the time the
        arrested on a separate warrant two years  tunities to consider,” Knapp told Sanders.  recall election. Unfortunately, that mes-  crime was committed,” Rhaesa said.
        later, he implicated Sanders, saying he  Knapp did caution the former councilman
        had been paid to plant the items in the city  that should a trial be scheduled, such a
        manager's vehicle and then make the false  plea could no longer be accepted by the
        911 call.                              court. He also advised Sanders' attorney,
           Chandler, 29, of Van Buren Township,  John Cahalan, that should a trial be sched-
        entered a guilty plea to reduced misde-  uled, a motion to dismiss could be consid-
        meanor charges and was sentenced to    ered during those proceedings.
        community service and 18 months proba-   Last week, the City of Wayne approved
        tion earlier this month.               an estimated $25,000 to $50,000 settlement
        4,500 call mayor’s office to

        schedule virus vaccinations

           While all the appointments for      State of Michigan, and the CDC regarding
        COVID-19 vaccinations in Westland have  vaccinations and responses to the
        been filled, those who were unsuccessful  Coronavirus pandemic, city officials
        in scheduling inoculations this week will  advised. “That is also the easiest and
        be put on the list for the next Wayne  most convenient way to sign up for vacci-
        County clinic in the city.             nation clinic events,” they added.
           Officials said more than 4,500
        calls were handled in Westland
        from those older than 65
        attempting to secure an appoint-
        ment either Monday or yester-
        day at the VistaTech Center at
        Schoolcraft College. The calls
        for appointments were directed
        to the office of Mayor William R.
        Wild who praised his staff for
        handling the 4,500 calls.
           Following registration for a
        vaccination, seniors were called
        to set an appointment until all
        the available slots were filled.
           Wayne County personnel
        administered the Moderna vac-
        cine and those who received the
        inoculations will be scheduled
        for a second dose on either
        March 29 or March 31, officials
        said. The city will be maintain-
        ing the list even after this vacci-
        nation event and will continue
        to add names to it as residents
        register.  As more doses become
        available, Westland will sched-
        ule additional clinics until the
        entire senior population that
        chooses to be vaccinated has
        been vaccinated, officials said in
        a prepared statement.
           The event was offered for res-
        idents as another option to
        receive a vaccine for the
        Coronavirus. Residents are still
        encouraged to first contact their
        healthcare provider directly to
        ask them about getting vaccinat-
        ed.. Availability through hospital
        systems, health care providers
        and       the      Veteran's
        Administration is changing
        daily, Wayne County officials
        said, and residents are encour-
        aged to keep trying to secure a
        vaccination appointment.
           “Our team has been working
        closely with Wayne County CEO
        Warren Evans who has assured
        us that our community will
        receive a sufficient supply of the
        vaccine, based on availability,”
        commented Wild. “We will con-
        tinue to keep our residents
        updated with new develop-
        ments as they occur. This
        includes vaccinating other seg-
        ments of the population which
        will be determined by the
        Wayne      County     Health
        as it has been updated with the
        latest and most important infor-
        mation from Wayne County, the
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