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March 4, 2021                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Sweeping success

        4th Annual Curling Royale

        generates funds for charity

           The fourth annual Curling   the house at the conclusion of
        Royale tournament in Romulus   each end, which is completed
        brought out several four-person  when both teams have thrown all
        teams to participate in the chari-  of their stones. A game usually
        ty event.                      consists of eight or 10 ends.
           This year, the event earned   Organized again this year by
        $2,300 for the Great Lakes Burn  Romulus Director of Public
        Camp for Kids. First place hon-  Services Robert McCraight, the
        ors for the day went to Team   below freezing temperatures
        Newman who defeated the rest   only inspired the “curlers.”
        of the hopefuls with their sweep-  McCraight said it was a beau-
        ing skills during the Feb. 20  tiful day on a perfect ice rink at
        event.                         Mary Ann Banks Park on
           Curling is a sport in which  Goddard Road.
        players slide stones on a sheet of  McCraight also said he want-
        ice toward a target area which is  ed to thank all the participants
        segmented into four concentric  and those who helped organize
        circles. It is related to shuffle-  the event including Kevin
        board. Two teams, each with four  Krause, Jimmy Crova and
        players, take turns sliding heavy,  Melissa Bellamy Crova, Michael
        polished granite stones, also  Laskaska, Jerry Frayer of the
        called rocks, across the ice curl-  Romulus Fire Department,
        ing sheet toward the house, a cir-  Jennifer Frayer, Jerry Fredrick
        cular target marked on the ice.   and the DPW crew, Suzie Que
           The purpose is to accumulate  “and of course them Leonard
        the highest score for a game;  girls.”
        points are scored for the stones  “This is my Romulus,” he said
        resting closest to the centre of  on his Facebook post.

                                                                                                                   Township of Sumpter
                                                                                                             Virtual Budget Public Hearing Notice
                                                                                                                     PUBLIC NOTICE:
                                                                                            To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter
                                                                                             Township residents; this Board of Trustees’ meeting was conducted virtually in compliance with State of
                                                                                             Michigan Governor’s Executive Order(s) and MDHHS directive(s) regarding remote public meetings.
                                                                                      The Sumpter Township Board will hold a virtual public hearing (by electronic remote access) on the proposed township budg-
                                                                                                et for fiscal year 2021-2022 during its Regular Board Meeting on March 9, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
                                     SUMPTER TOWNSHIP                                  *The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to support the proposed budget will be a subject of this hearing.
                                  MARCH BOARD OF REVIEW                                               A copy of the budget is available for public inspection at Clerk’s Office.
                   NOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS AND PROPERTY OWNERS OF SUMPTER TOWNSHIP.    The public may participate in the Township Board Meeting and the Budget Public Hearing through electronic remote access
            THE SUMPTER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF REVIEW WILL BE MEETING AT THE SUMPTER TOWNSHIP HALL,       via Zoom access by computer, smart phone/device using the following link:
                     23480 SUMPTER ROAD, BELLEVILLE, MI 48111 ON THE FOLLOWING DATES:
                                                                                                          Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
                       Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021   4:30 PM Organizational Meeting          Please click/use this URL to join.
                                                                                                                     Passcode: J5a6Q9
                       Monday, March 8th, 2021   1:00 PM - 9:00 PM Appointments
                                                                                                                     Or join by phone:
                       Wednesday, March 10th , 2021   9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointments                                  (646) 558 8656
                                                                                                                  Webinar ID: 970 5239 6485
         All hearings are by appointment only and must be accompanied by a petition form. Please call one of the numbers below for an  Passcode: 048744
         appointment. Petitions are available at the Sumpter  Township Supervisors Office or download a petition for at click on forms: type in form number L-4035.                                     Or visit our website:
         Written appeals are accepted as well and must be accompanied by a petition form and received in the assessing department by  to click the Zoom Meeting link
         Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 4:00 pm. No postmarks are accepted. Mail petitions to: Sumpter Township Board of Review
         23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111.                                                              Americans With Disabilities (ADA)
                                                                                        Notice The Sumpter Township board will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the
         Hardship/poverty exemptions are accepted as well. Please call the assessing department for more information on this exemption.  hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the
                                                                                       meeting upon a 5-day notice to the Sumpter Township board. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services
         Any questions regarding the Board of Review, contact the Supervisor’s Office at (734) 461-6201 ext. 2229, or the Assessing  should contact the Sumpter Township board by writing or calling the following:
         Department, Tuesdays & Thursday at (734) 461-6201 ext. 2236.                       Esther Hurst, Clerk at 23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 or by phone at; (734) 461-6201 ext. 2224.
         Publish: February 18th, February 25th, March 4th                                                  Notice complies with MCL 141.436 and MCL 211.24e
         Esther Hurst                                                                                                Esther Hurst, Clerk
         Clerk                                                                                                      Posted: March 4, 2021
         Sumpter Township                                               ST0035 - 030421  2.5 x 3.75                Published: March 4, 2021         ST0037 - 030421  2.5 x 5.072

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