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March 4, 2021                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Trustees blast incorrect warming center claims

           Members of the Sumpter Township                                           meeting the needs of the community and I  He was critical of the erroneous infor-
        Board of Trustees stressed the availability           ”                      want to make it very clear that we are  mation as was city attorney Rob Young.
        of the warming center in the community        Whatever is going on           open whenever citizens need help.        “This has gone on for decades,” Young
        during inclement weather.                                                    Whether the center is open or not, call us  said. He added that this negativity about
           Supervisor Tim Bowman commented                in your home,              and we will help you. Call the police or  the township had been continuous and
        during the Feb. 23 meeting of the board        if you are not safe,          fire department and we will help you.  was an inaccurate representation of the
        members that he had received a phone                                         That's what we do.”                   community and could impact those think-
        call from Wayne County questioning the               call us.                  He said the information about the   ing of moving to or investing in Sumpter.
        availability of the center following a letter  We will find you help.        availability of the warming center was on  Oddy said that the misinformation was
        to the editor printed in a local newspaper                                   the police department website, the police  printed in a letter to the editor and the
        claiming that the center were not avail-                                     department Facebook page and on       accuracy of the claims was never checked.
        able or open to the public. He said it was  ing in or moving to the township would be  Channel 12 in the township continuously  “Whatever is going on in your home, if
        disturbing to realize that such misinforma-  negatively influenced by inaccurate  telling people that whenever it is not safe  you are not safe, call us. We will find you
        tion was circulated in the township.   reports of the township failing to provide  in their home to call the police or fire  help,” Luke said. “We are in business to
           Trustee Matt Oddy was even more     services to residents.                department.                           help our residents,” he concluded.
        adamant in his criticism of the false claim  He asked Police Chief Eric Luke to
        that the center was not open for Sumpter  clarify the situation.                                    Sumpter Township Regular Board Meeting
                                                                                                              Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 6:00 p.m.
        residents during the recent cold tempera-  Luke said the published information                    23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 Minutes
        tures which presented a serious health  about the warming centers was not correct
        threat. He said that the report was part of  and that he had taken advantage of every  NOTICE:
                                                                                       To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;
        “continued negative reporting” from the  means possible to inform Sumpter resi-  this Board of Trustees' meeting was conducted virtually in compliance with State of Michigan Governor's Executive Order(s) and
        paper.                                 dents that the warming center was open  MDHHS directive(s) regarding remote public meetings.
           Oddy said he was very concerned that  and available.                        Meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 6:36 pm. Roll call: Supervisor T. Bowman (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI),
        people who might be interested in invest-  “This paper said that we were not   Clerk E. Hurst (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), Treasurer J. Clark (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), Trustees: Oddy (Wayne Cty,
                                                                                       Sumpter Twp, MI), Rush (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI) and Morgan (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI). LaPorte excused. Also
                                                                                       showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Deputy Supervisor Bednark, Deputy Treasurer Clark, Finance Director Cole, Public
                                                                                       Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke, HR Bellingham and 10 attendees.
                               Sumpter Township Regular Board Meeting                  3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy supported by Hurst to approve the Agenda as amended;
                                 Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 6:00 p.m.                           Remove:  12. Unfinished Business, Item A.
                             23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 Minutes                    Table:  12. Unfinished Business, Item B.
                                                                                       Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None.
         NOTICE:                                                                       LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
         To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;
         this Board of Trustees' meeting was conducted virtually in compliance with State of Michigan Governor's Executive Order(s) and  4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: No Comments.
         MDHHS directive(s) regarding remote public meetings.
                                                                                       5. Minutes:
         Meeting called to order by Supervisor Bowman at 6:27 pm. Roll call: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark,  A.  Motion by Oddy supported by Rush to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of January 12, 2021. Roll call vote:
         Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Also showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Deputy Treasurer Clark, Finance  Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte
         Director Cole, Public Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke, Fire Chief Januszyk and 20 attendees.  excused. Motion carried.
         3. Agenda: Motion by LaPorte supported by Oddy to approve the agenda as amended;   6. Warrants:
                   TABLE: 13. Unfinished Business, A. Tabled until February 23, 2021.    A.  Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to approve the warrant total of $513,807.36 with an explanation to the Board of
                   ADD: 14. New Business, Item F.                                          Trustees relative to Benefits expenditures for past Deputy Supervisor Armatis beyond her separation date of 11/20/2020.
         Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay:  Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay:
         None. Motion carried.                                                             None. LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
                                                                                         B.  Motion by Hurst supported by Rush to accept the Revenue & Expenditure Report period ending 12/31/2020. Roll call
         4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: No comments were received.               vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None.
                                                                                           LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
         5. Minutes:                                                                   7. Parks and Recreation/Chambers Report:
         Motion by Oddy, supported by Hurst to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of January 26, 2021 as amended;  A.  Trustee Rush reported that the recent Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting indicated that, due to virus restrictions,
                   ADD: To 11. Board Response, 2nd Motion;                                 most 2021 activities have been suspended with possible planning for the Turkey Shoot Weekends in October and an addi-
                   “and Mr. Bednark agrees to accept in full satisfaction of all claims through December 15th, 2020.”  tional fall event. This to be determined by Executive Order(s) or MDHHS further restrictions.
         Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay:
         None. Motion carried.                                                         8. Water Report:
         Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the Special Board Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes:  Motion by Hurst, supported by Morgan to receive and file the Water Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk
         Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion car-  E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
                                                                                       9. Planning & Zoning:
         6. Warrants:                                                                    A.  Trustee Oddy requested that the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals be set up for virtual meeting activ-
         Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve warrants totaling: $1,109,402.25.  ities to continue services to the residents. Several items for consideration are on hold due to the restrictions.
         Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay:
         None. Motion carried.                                                             Motion by Hurst, supported by Oddy to approve the Planning and Zoning Report and to direct the Financial Director to
                                                                                           determine the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals members' individual capabilities to participate in a
         7. Supervisor's Report - Bowman:                                                  virtual Zoom Meeting environment and determine accommodations needed to participate, if required. Roll call vote: Yes:
            •  The Township Hall will be closed on Monday, February 15th in observation of Presidents’ Day.  Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte
            •  I am appointing myself, Timothy P. Bowman as liaison to the Building Department / Ordinance.  excused. Motion carried.
            •  I am appointing Trustee Rush as liaison to Sumpter Township Parks and Recreation.
            •  I recognize Clerk Hurst as liaison to Sumpter Senior Center             10. Senior Report: No report.
            •  I recognize Trustee LaPorte as liaison to Sumpter Township Fire Department.
            •  I recognize Trustee Oddy as Liaison, member and ex-officio of Sumpter Township Planning Commission and Zoning  11. Board Response:
              Board of Appeals.                                                          •  Trustee Morgan discussed the recent issue with transference from old Account Administrators to new assignments for
            •  Please remember that the last day to pay taxes at the Township is Monday, March 1st, 2021. Motion by Rush, support-  all  Township Financial Accounts and emphasized the necessity for immediate action on these types of issues and
              ed by Oddy to approve the Supervisor's report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J.  accountabilities.
              Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.  •  Trustee Morgan requested immediate Board action to resolve the outstanding Deputy Supervisor pay issues in question.
         8. Attorney's Report - Young:                                                     Motion by Oddy, supported by Hurst to, for clarification, recognize that the duties of the Deputy Supervisor are limited
         Twp Lawsuits & Adversarial Proceeding 3%, Insurance matters 2%, Township Board meetings 9%, Meeting with Twp Officials  to the statutory duties of the Supervisor. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark;
         11%, Water & Sewer 8%, Police, Fire & Prosecutions 25%, Ordinance & Blight 5%, Labor Contract/LOU 6%, Republic 2%,  Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
         Planning 6%, Library 1%, Parks & Recreation 2%, Storm Water Management & MDEQ 2%, Board Direction 6%, Audit/Finance
         7% and Misc. 4%.                                                              **  Motion by Oddy, supported by Hurst to pay Deputy Supervisor Bednark, as full compensation from November 20th,
            •  Attorney Young recognizes Judge Lisa Martin 34th District Court as an attendee on the virtual Board Meeting. Her  2020 to December 15th, 2020, the hourly rate paid to the preceding Deputy Supervisor plus an additional one-time con-
              Honor can attest to the challenges of conducting business within the court systems due to COVID restrictions.  sideration of $500.00 without additional benefits consideration and Mr. Bednark agrees to accept in full satisfaction
            •  Attorney Young is working with the Water Department on a Grant application for infrastructure repair and upgrades.  of all claims through December 15th, 2020. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J.
              Hennessey Engineering is involved in this project, as well.                  Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
            •  Attorney Young is working with HR Bellingham and FD O'Connell on the Collective Bargaining Agreement to get dis-
              cussions and activities restarted that were paused by the virus impacts. Closed Sessions can be expected with these activ-  •  Trustee Rush reminds the Board that if there are technical difficulties experienced, by protocol, the meeting must be halt-
              ities.                                                                       ed for 15 minutes until all members rejoin and if not remedied, the meeting be suspended for (24) hours.
            •  Attorney Young provided an update on the service & separation agreement currently in process with DS Bednark and
              his attorney.                                                            12. Unfinished Business:
         Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve the Attorney's report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E.
         Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.  A.  Consider approval of termination request for the employment of Daniel Frost as a firefighter with Sumpter Township.
         9. Police Report - Chief Luke:                                                  B.  TABLED until Regular Board Meeting, February 9, 2021 to consider approval to appoint Eric Partridge to the Planning
         Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve the Police report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor  Commission with an effective term expiration of 01/11/2024.
         T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         C.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Bowman to approve to appoint Sherry Olds to the Zoning Board of Appeals as an
         10. Building/Ordinance Report - Bowman:                                           Alternate with an effective term expiration of 01/13/2024. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst,
         Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve the Building/Ordinance report as reported by Trustee Rush. Roll call vote:  Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Morgan. Nay: Trustees: Oddy and Rush. LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
         Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion
         carried.                                                                        D.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve of the reappointment of Karen Woodington as an alternate to the
         *Note: Trustee Oddy requested the Finance Director to review the data, specifically outflow cost, to ensure accuracy in report-  Board of Review with a term staring January 1, 2021 and set to expire January 1, 2024. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor
         ing.                                                                              T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte excused. Motion
         11. Fire Report - Chief Januszyk:
         Motion by LaPorte, supported by Morgan to approve the Fire report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor  E.  Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve to re-appoint Katrina Guisgand to Board of Review term to expire
         T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.  01/01/2024. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and
                                                                                           Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
         12. Board Response:
            •  Trustee LaPorte recognized that all things are running well and smooth and he looks forward to the continuation of the  F.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve to re-appoint Kathie Steigerwald to ZBA term to expire 12/17/2023. Roll
              recent level of communication by the Board Members.                          call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None.
            •  Trustee Morgan requested Board consideration for a new Category of Board and public interaction and exchange of ideas  LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
              - Topics For Discussion. Board discussion determined the best placement for this would be during the Workshop prior
              to each Board Meeting. The Clerk's Office is tasked with developing an Agenda-like format to support this during the  13. New Business:
                                                                                         A.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Hurst to approve of updated virtual meeting protocol as of 1-21-2021. Roll call vote: Yes:
         13. Unfinished Business:                                                          Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte
            A. TABLED until February 23, 2021 to consider approval of appointing Eric Partridge to the Planning Commission.  excused. Motion carried
         14. New Business:                                                               B.  Motion by Hurst, supported by Oddy to approve of the Treasurer's Office establishing an escrow account supporting
            A. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to accept the resignation of probationary Police Officer Nickolas Toth, with an  Sumpter Township's 2009 participation in the DIFS Fire Insurance Withholding Program and Resolution # 2021-05. Roll
              effective date of January 25, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark;  call vote: Yes: Supervisor
              Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.       T.  Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte excused. Motion
            B. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve of the Treasurer's Office requesting Cari Ford of Post, Smythe, Lutz
              & Ziel of Wayne, LLP to meet and assess the Treasurer's Office operations and recommend training. A cost proposal for  C.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve of the cooperative agreement for the Federal Community
              this service will be presented prior to the activities for Board of Trustees' approval. Cost not to exceed $3,500.00. Roll  Development Block Grant Program. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark;
              call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan.  Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
              Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         D.  Motion by Morgan, unsupported to approve of immediate change from part time to full position for the Treasurer's Clerk
            C. Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to approve of Resolution # 2021-01 regarding Township of Sumpter Poverty  Erica Campbell In the Treasurer's Office. This is to be consistent with the Union Bargaining agreement for AFSCME
              Exemptions. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush,  Local 1882.14. Motion failed.
              LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         E.  Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve of Attorney drafting (but not approving) the existing public safety direc-
            D. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve of the annual contribution to the Belleville Area Museum of  tors new work contract with the old one to expire in March 2021. Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark;
              $10,000.00. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush,  Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion carried.
              LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         F.  Motion by Hurst, supported by Morgan to approve tentatively reopening the Township Recycling Center on February
            E. Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve to continue the discussion with Belleville District Library regard-  6th, 2021, dependent on Governor's Executive Orders and/or MDHHS Directives. Initial scheduling to be determined by
              ing the Media Center/Sumpter Twp Coffee Shop. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer  the Clerk's Office. Further, begin planning and activities to fully reopen the Township Hall, Community & Senior
              J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.  Centers as permitted by Governor's Executive Order(s), MDHHS Directives and review and approval by the
                                                                                           Board of Trustees at the Regular Board Meeting, February 9, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
         **  F. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve Attorney Young's development of a Resolution to recognize an  Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
              increase of (7) to (9) Members of the Sumpter Township Planning Commission and presenting to the Board of Trustees
              for approval. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush,  14. Announcements:
              LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.                             •  Supervisor Bowman thanked all the Sumpter Township residences and employees for their kindness and well wishes due
                                                                                           to his family's recent loss. It is deeply appreciated.
         15. Announcements: None.                                                      15. Open Floor: No Attendees spoke.
         16. Open Floor: No one spoke.                                                 16. Adjournment: Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to adjourn at 8:04 pm. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
                                                                                       Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
         17. Adjournment: Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to adjourn at 7:14 pm. Motion carried.
                                                                                       Minutes prepared by;
         Minutes prepared by,                                                          Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
         Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk Sumpter Township                                Sumpter Township
         __________________________  ______________                                    __________________________  ______________
         Esther Hurst, Clerk      Date                                                 Esther Hurst, Clerk     Date
         __________________________  ______________                                    __________________________  ______________
         Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date                                              Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date
         *Amended during Regular Board Meeting                                         *Amended during Regular Board Meeting
         **Added during Regular Board Meeting                          ST0036 - 030421  2.5 x 15.406  **Added during Regular Board Meeting          ST0038 - 030421  2.5 x 17.077
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