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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            March 3, 2022

                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND
                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND

        Marijuana information

        meeting is scheduled

           The City of Inkster will host a free  associate member of the Government
        cannabis workshop and conference on   Policy Practice Group and focused on
        Saturday.                             election, campaign finance, and lobby
           The workshop, hosted by attorney   law; cannabis licensing; immigration
        Soujoud Hamade and the City of        law; energy law; and laws impacting
        Inkster, is for educational purposes only  nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations.
        and will not offer legal advice and will  The conference is an effort to edu-
        not create an attorney-client relation-  cate the residents of the city and others
        ship, officials said.                 about the state regulations regarding
           Hamade is the Founder of HNH Law   cannabis licensing. The city licensing
        Group, a Dearborn Heights law firm    permit process, the business of
        with a focus on assisting businesses,  cannabis, opportunities in the industry
        start-ups, and non-profits, ranging from  and other related topics will be dis-
        their formation to their long-term com-  cussed, officials said.
        pliance needs and strategic planning.    The event is scheduled to take place
        The firm specializes in cannabis law,  from noon until 3 p.m. on Saturday,
        business law, property and real estate  March 5 at Inkster City Hall, 26215    Boots vs.Badges
        law, contract law, and laws affecting  Trowbridge in Inkster.
        nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations.  For more information, call (734) 210-  The City of Westland recently hosted an American Red Cross Blood Drive during
           She began her legal career at      4721 or emailshamade@hnhlaw              which officials hoped to collect 24 units of desperately needed blood donations.
        Dykema Gossett, where she was an                               Currently, according to officials, there is a severe blood crisis in the state and
                                                                                       across the country due to the COVID pandemic and multiple weather disasters.
        Inkster teen charged                                                           The annual Boots vs. Badges competition in Westland resulted in the collection of
                                                                                       32 units of blood which will help 96 patients in need. This year, Westland Fire and
                                                                                       Rescue personnel put the flame out on the Westland Police Department 2-year hot
                                                                                       streak of recruiting the most donors. Representatives of each department were on
        with shooting at car                                                           hand recently to accept the thanks of the community.

           An Inkster man is facing multiple  at in Detroit. The caller, who had a 1-  Patient stabs employee at
        counts, including fleeing and eluding offi-  month-old infant in their vehicle, said
        cers, malicious destruction of police  they were following the suspect car on
        property and reckless driving.        the freeway near the Southfield freeway.  Reuther psychiatric facility
           Kallen Larenz Careathers, 19, was  Police reports indicate that officers
                                arrested Feb.  responded immediately and attempted to
                                15        by  stop the suspect vehicle, driven by the  Michigan State Police were called to  the incident.
                                Southfield    defendant.                             the Walter Reuther Psychiatric Hospital  The assailant was restrained by other
                                police in con-   Police reports said the driver slowed  on Palmer Road in Westland last week in  patients and staff members, according to
                                nection with  down and then attempted to flee from   response to the stabbing of an employee  officials, and the injured man transported
                                the shooting  officers by striking the patrol car with his  by a patient.                  to a nearby hospital by Westland emer-
                                that    took  vehicle. In an ensuring pursuit, officers  Troopers were called to the facility at  gency responders. After medical treat-
                                place     in  used a precision intervention technique,  1:55 p.m. Feb. 8, according to police  ment, he was expected to recuperate from
                                Detroit.      or PIT, which disabled the suspect vehi-  reports of the incident.           the non-life-threatening injuries sustained
                                  A caller    cle near Parkside and Santa Clara in     The patient allegedly retrieved a piece  in the attack, according to reports.
                                reported to   Detroit.                               of metal from the ceiling in his room and  The name of the patient involved has
                                Southfield       Careathers was arrested at the scene.  hid it in the waistband of his pants. He  not been released by authorities but will
                                police around  He was arraigned Feb. 20 in 46th District  then approached an employee in the hall-  be included in an investigation report
                                11:20   a.m.  Court in Southfield on multiple charges  way of the facility and without warning  which will be submitted to the office of the
                                that they had  and remains in the Oakland County Jail  stabbed the man repeatedly in the neck  Wayne County prosecutor, according to
         Kallen Larenz Careathers  just been shot  in lieu of a $25,000 bond.        and shoulder area, according to reports of  police sources.
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