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March 3, 2022                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                         SUMPTER - WAYNE
                                                         SUMPTER - WAYNE

        Township amends marijuana growing rules

           Members of the Sumpter      ing the current marijuana licens-                                                           interruption. If they shut down
        Township Board of Trustees     ing with current township zon-                 The ordinances will affect                   for any amount of time, and then
        unanimously approved changes   ing.”                                                                                       reopen, it would have to be in a
        to local ordinances governing    The changes will restrict the              any new commercial growers                     light industrial zone,” he said.
        zoning for the growing of mari-  growing of marijuana in the                    in Sumpter Township.                         A decision by the Michigan
        juana.                         township for commercial purpos-                                                             State Supreme Court allows
           The changes to the local ordi-  es to areas zoned as light indus-                                                       municipalities to regulate loca-
        nances were recommended to     trial. The changes will not affect  place for provisioning centers  we would consider them legal  tions of marijuana growing
        the board of trustees by members  current commercial growers or  but the Michigan Townships  under MMA,” Oddy explained in  through zoning regulations.
        of the township planning com-  those growing marijuana under  Association recommended a     response to a question from      Discussion of the amend-
        mission in an effort to reconcile  the Michigan Marijuana Act  change to ensure compliance  Trustee Peggy Morgan about the  ments took place at planning
        the local ordinances with state  (MMA) in their primary resi-  with all state laws. Oddy    effect on current commercial   commission meetings and at
        regulations, explained Trustee  dence. The ordinances will affect  explained that the ordinance  growers.                  three public meetings. A public
        Matt Oddy, who also serves on  any new commercial growers in  amendment does not restrict      Township attorney Rob Young  hearing on the matter took place
        the planning commission. He    Sumpter Township.              caregivers growing at homes or  said commercial operations   in December.
        explained that the recommenda-    Oddy explained that the     current commercial operations.  would remain within the law “as  Trustee Don LaPorte was
        tion was “in the spirit of match-  township had ordinances in   “If they are already operating  long as they continue without  excused from the meeting.
        Call home

        Wayne police collect used

        cell phones for servicemen

           Wayne police are collecting  Cell Phones for Soldiers
        used or broken cellular tele-  was founded by teens Robbie
        phones to help those serving  and Brittany Bergquist from
        in the armed forces stay in  Norwell, MA, with $21. Since
        contact with their families.  then, the registered 501c3 non-
        The phone collection is a part-  profit organization has raised
        nership with a non-profit    almost $2 million in donations
        organization called Cell     and distributed more than
        Phones for Soldiers.         500,000 prepaid calling cards
           Cell Phones for Soldiers  to service men Used or dam-
        representatives sends the bro-  aged cell phone can be
        ken or used cellular phones to  dropped off at the Wayne
        ReCellular which recycles    Police Department 24 hours a
        them.                        day or at any City of Wayne
           ReCellular pays Cell      government building during
        Phones for Soldiers for the  normal business hours.
        used cell telephones which     For more information
        then purchases pre-paid      about the program and its     Welcome to Wayne
        phone cards for service men  benefits to our troops, see the
        and women stationed abroad.  website Cell Phones for       Wayne Police Chief Ryan Strong, right, was on hand to welcome new Ofc. Raquel Ogarek to the depart-
        The pre-paid phone cards pro-  Troops.                     ment during the Feb. 15 meeting of the city council when she took her official oath of service. Ogarek
        vide the service men and       The     Wayne     Police    joined the Wayne force after serving for three years with the Westland Police Department where she was
        women with one hour of cell  Department is located at      also an advisor to the police Explorers program in the city.
        time to talk to their families.  33701 Michigan Ave. in Wayne.
        Township employee earns association certification

           Dawn Hadyniak, an election  2018, but the COVID pandemic   tain her certification.
        specialist in Sumpter Township  extended the usual 3-year pro-  The certification program was                 She must now continue
        Clerk Esther Hurst's office, was  gram for all candidates.  She  launched in January of 2014 to
        recently awarded the Michigan  earned her official designation  encourage city, township and vil-            to obtain education points
        Professional Municipal Clerk   from the state association last  lage clerks to seek continuing              to maintain her certification.
        designation by the Michigan    year after completing all the  education specifically related to
        Association of Municipal Clerks.  requirements including 120  the duties of their offices, accord-
           Hadyniak, who has been with  hours of educational program-  ing to a prepared statement from  essential for municipal clerks to  face of constant legislative
        the township for 5 years, began  ming. She must now continue to  the organization. The group  provide informed, quality leader-  change and increased demands
        studying for the certification in  obtain education points to main-  believes a focus on education is  ship for their communities in the  on public servants.
        SKYWARN training is set                                                         To subscribe to The Eagle visit

           Training sessions for the SKYWARN   sessions are open to the public. He
        volunteer severe weather spotter pro-  explained that this year, Huron                                  TOWNSHIP OF SUMPTER
        gram have been scheduled for 6 p.m.    Township officials have inquired about
                                                                                                              NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
        April 6 at Sumpter Township Hall, noted  joining Sumpter training in an effort to                     2022-2023 OPERATING BUDGET
        Assistant Supervisor/Trustee Tim Rush  qualify for SKYWARN certification for
        during a recent meeting.               early warning of weather-related emer-  The Sumpter Township Board of Trustees will hold a Public Hearing at the Sumpter Township Board Room, 23480 Sumpter
                                                                                      Road, Belleville, MI 48111 at;
           Sumpter Township is certified under  gencies.
        the SKYWARN criteria and the training    There is no cost for the training.                                  6:00 pm, Tuesday
                                                                                                                     March 8th, 2022
                                                                                                          (immediately preceding the Township Board Meeting)
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                          Regarding the 2022-2023 Operating Budget and related information.
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                    March 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM                                                 NATURE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                      This Public Hearing has been scheduled in accordance with the requirements of Public Act. 168, Section 0 of 1959 (amendments
         The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Northville Township Municipal Offices, 44405 Six Mile Road,  to the Township Rural Zoning Act. P.A. 184) to provide all interested citizens an opportunity to attend, express opinions, ask
         Northville, MI 48168 to consider a special land use request to construct a new childcare center on the northwest corner of 6 Mile  questions, and discuss in detail all aspects of the proposed use.
         & Beck Roads, Parcel # 77 032 99 0017 004 and 77 032 99 0017 005.
                                                                                      For those unable to attend the Public Hearing, written comments may be submitted to the Township Clerk's Office at Sumpter
         The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions. Plans will be available for view-  Township, 23480 Sumpter Rd, Belleville, MI 48111.
         ing at the  Township between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.  Written comments will be received by the
         Northville Township Planning Commission at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168 no later than 12:00 PM on the day on  Esther Hurst
         the above meeting.
                                                                                      Township of Sumpter
         Matt Wilk, Vice Chair
         Planning Commission
                                                                                      Published: The Eagle, February 24, 2022
                                                                                      Posted:   February 24, 2022                                ST0100 - 030322  2.5 x 3.443
         Publish: March 3, 2022                                        NT0174 - 030322  2.5 x 2.084
                                                                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                      Township of Sumpter                                                  2022 MARCH BOARD OF REVIEW DATES
                                     March Board of Review                            The Northville Township 2022 Board of Review will conduct hearings on the following dates for appeals from citizens, regard-
                                                                                      ing the 2022 assessment, at the Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road. All appeals are by appointment and can be in-
                   NOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS AND PROPERTY OWNERS OF SUMPTER TOWNSHIP.   person or submitted in writing. Letters of appeal must be received by March 17, 2022 by 8:00 p.m.  Postmarks are not
          THE SUMPTER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF REVIEW WILL BE MEETING AT THE SUMPTER TOWNSHIP HALL, 23480  accepted.  Please call (248) 348-5811 to schedule an appointment.
                                                                                      Tuesday  March 08, 2022      9:00 am  Organizational Meeting
                Tuesday, March 8th, 2022     4:30 PM Organizational Meeting
                                                                                      Appointment Dates for Hearing:
                Monday, March 14th, 2022     1:00 PM - 9:00 PM Appointments
                                                                                      Monday  March 14, 2022       9:00 am to 12:00 Noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
                Wednesday, March 16th , 2022   9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointments
                                                                                      Tuesday  March 15, 2022      1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
         All hearings are by appointment only and must be accompanied by a petition form.  Please call one of the numbers below for an
         appointment.  Petitions are available at the Sumpter  Township Supervisors Office or download a petition for at   Thursday March 17, 2022  9:00 am to 11:00 am and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm click on forms: type in form number L-4035.
                                                                                      All persons protesting their assessment must complete a petition (form L-4035) which can be obtained at Northville Township
         Written appeals are accepted as well and must be accompanied by a petition form and received in the assessing department by  Hall or on the Township website under Assessing,  click on Board of Review Assessment Information
         Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 12:00 pm.  No postmarks are accepted.  Mail petitions to:  Sumpter Township Board of Review  or at under forms.
         23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111.
                                                                                      The tentative ratios and the estimated multipliers for each class of real property and personal property for 2022 are as follows:
         Hardship/poverty exemptions are accepted as well.  Please call the assessing department for more information on this exemption.
         Any questions regarding the Board of Review, contact the Supervisor's Office at (734) 461-6201 ext. 2229, or the Assessing  Commercial………….48.66%
         Department, Tuesdays & Thursday at (734) 461-6201 ext. 2236.                                            Industrial…………….49.82%
         Posted:  February 8, 2022                                                                               Timber-Cutover…….50.00%
         Published: The Eagle - Associated Papers                                                                Developmental.........50.00%
                February 17th, 2022                                                                              Personal Property….50.00%
                February 24th, 2022
                March 3rd, 2022
                                                                                                                                               Roger Lundberg
         Esther Hurst                                                                                                                          Clerk
         Sumpter Township                                           ST0099 - 003322  2.5 x 4.187  Publish:  February 17, 24 and March 3, 2022       NT0170 - 022422  2.5 x 4.276
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