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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            March 3, 2022


        Caribbean concerts planned by Philharmonic

           It may still be winter in Michigan  Gershwin piece.
        but music lovers everywhere can enjoy  Born and raised in the twin-island
        a warm evening of Caribbean sounds  Republic of Trinidad & Tobago,
        on Friday, March 11 as the Michigan  Francis is an internationally known
        Philharmonic presents a tropical    steelpan performer and music educa-
        adventure featuring the pulsating   tor. She has performed at venues such
        rhythms of dynamic steelpan soloist  as the Kennedy Center and Carnegie
        Josanne Francis.                    Hall, and has appeared as a guest artist
           Led by Conductor and Music       and clinician at festivals and universi-
        Director Nan Washburn, now in her   ties across the United States.
        23rd season, the orchestra will perform  Francis was one of six Artists in
        a number of pieces featuring Francis  Residence at Strathmore Music Center
        and the steelpan, including Jan Bach's  for the 2017-2018 season and has pre-
        unique “Concerto for Steelpan and   sented at Arts Education and STEAM
        Orchestra.”                         conferences in Maryland and
           Sure to be a vibrant and joyous  Washington, DC. She currently oper-
        evening, this concert mixes all of the  ates her own educational steelpan pro-
        cultural sounds of Latin America and  gram called Steel on Wheels which has
        the Caribbean, including sultry themes  had residencies across the state of
        galore, from Louis Moreau Gottschalk's  Maryland, Washington DC, and New
        “Symphony No. 1: A Night in the     York.
        Tropics” to Morton Gould's “Tropical.”  For tickets, contact the Michigan
        Other pieces include George         Philharmonic                    at
        Gershwin's “Cuban Overture” and or call (734) 451-
        Arturo Márquez's “Conga del Fuego   2112 or
        Nuevo.”                                All Philharmonic concerts are sub-
           The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m.  ject to time and date changes as well as
        in the First United Methodist Church  health restrictions already in place at
        of Plymouth and also includes a side-  the venues listed. To protect everyone
        by-side performance with the        involved in their performances the
        Michigan Philharmonic Youth         Philharmonic is asking patrons to wear
        Orchestra Symphony during the       masks during the performances.       Josanne Francis is an internationally known steelpan performer and music educator.
        Whipple Award nominations sought in Plymouth

           Nominations are now being   protest. She remained, however,                                                             City Commission and full-time
        accepted in Plymouth for the   a leader in the Plymouth commu-                   The nomination form                       employees of the City of
        Ruth Huston-Whipple Award for  nity, championing the improve-                                                              Plymouth are not eligible to be
        Civic Engagement.              ment of inhumane conditions at                       is available at                        nominated.
           The award is named in honor  a local juvenile detention center                                                            The nomination period closes
        of Ruth Huston-Whipple, the first  and addressing environmental                        April 30 of each year when a
        female elected Plymouth City   and beautification concerns in                                                              selection committee comprising
        Commissioner (1934-1949), first  the city. The purpose of the Ruth  and/or leadership qualities;  of time.                 two mayor-appointed city com-
        female mayor of Plymouth (1940-  Huston-Whipple Award for Civic  actively participated in commu-  A person nominated must  missioners and a representative
        1942) and first female Wayne   Engagement is to honor a com-  nity or civic organizations whose  have demonstrated civic and/or  from the City of Plymouth admin-
        County Board of Supervisors    munity member who, like Ruth   sphere of influence falls within  philanthropic engagement with-  istration will select and notify the
        member. She was a 1913 gradu-  Huston-Whipple, has positively  the City of Plymouth and exem-  in the City of Plymouth.    winner(s).
        ate of Plymouth High School and  impacted the quality of life in the  plified accomplishments and  Examples of impact should show  The nomination form is avail-
        later worked as a teacher and  City of Plymouth through his or  contributions to the economic  a community benefit, delivered  able at
        debate coach at the school.    her exceptional civic and/or phil-  vitality and/or residential quality  with integrity and perseverance.  tion.
           Mrs. Whipple fought against  anthropic engagement in the   of life in the City of Plymouth.  Married couples can be nominat-  Past Ruth Huston-Whipple
        school policies that discriminat-  community above and beyond   Nominees must have demon-   ed although past Ruth Huston-  Award Winners were Debra
        ed against married women and   reasonable expectations; demon-  strated engagement, leadership  Whipple Award recipients, cur-  Madonna in 2020 and the late
        eventually left the district in  strated character, commitment  and achievement over a period  rent members of the Plymouth  Jim Jabara in 2021.
        Warm results

        Ice Festival helps city business

           According to survey results, the 40th  about 35.29 percent of businesses “a lot”
        Annual Ice Festival in Plymouth was a  while it helped 23.53 percent “a little”.
        great success.                         Only 5.88 percent said the game did not
           The survey, sent out to local merchants  help at all. Of the respondents, 35.29 per-
        and businesses by the Downtown         cent said they did not participate in the
        Development Authority, asked local busi-  bingo game.
        ness owners and operators to answer five  Comments on the survey included com-
        questions about the festi-                           pliments about the ice
        val which took place                ”                being displayed through-
        throughout the down-        Merchants said was       out the downtown area.
        town area Feb. 11                                    Merchants said was a
        through 13.                    a great way to        great way to keep
           According to the sur-   keep crowds moving.       crowds moving through
        vey, nearly 65 percent of                            town and showing off the
        the respondents saw an                               businesses and features
        in crease in foot traffic in                         in the community.
        their business during the event this year,  Having more public events, restrooms
        while 17.65 did not and 17.65 percent said  and warming tents or fire pits like Campus
        the foot traffic was about the same. At the  Marius provides along with marshmallow
        same time, 52.94 of the respondents saw  roasts was also suggested. In addition, hav-
        an increase in sales during the weekend  ing the business name on the sculptures
        while 29.41 percent did not and 15.65 per-  was suggested.
        cent said business was about the same as  Some merchants felt scheduling the
        last year.                             event around the Superbowl and
           The Bingo Scavenger Hunt helped     Valentine's Day “wasn't a good idea.”


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              She and her husband   and nephews, Joshua   12DBC2421K1113134     1G2WK52J32F190193     2007 FORD             2010 CHEVROLET
                              owned an accounting busi-  Haver and John Gerweck.  2007 FORD     2008 PONTIAC          2FMZA51627BA18010     KL1TD5DE3AB119551
                              ness in Belleville for 40  Her family said she will be  2FMDK49C57BA61798  1G2ZG57B484242015  2004 LINCOLN    2006 FORD
                              years.                sadly missed by all who  2013 CHEVROLET     2014 CHEVROLET        1LNHM87A44Y610099     2FMZA55216BA07862
                              Mrs. Stoner was described  knew her.        1G11C5SA5DF136389     2G1115SLXE9268386                           2009 VOLKSWAGEN
                              as thoughtful, kind, and  In lieu of flowers, contribu-  2011 DODGE  2010 FORD            PRICES START AT     3VWRM71KX9M177151
                              generous who was a cre-  tions can be made to:  2D4RN7DG5BR741832  1FMCU0D70AKA34904        TOWING AND        2008 COOLSTER
                              ative and talented artist.;  2009 TOYOTA      2006 FORD              STORAGE CHARGES      LBX1GB3A68X080934
                              She  loved  living  on  Humane Society of Ann  4T1BE46K69U844183  3FAFP081X6R214785                           2014 FORD
                              Belleville Lake and watch-  Arbor; or  2006 CHEVROLET     2008 CHEVROLET           THE FOLLOWING      1FADP3K2XEL327806
                              ing the pair of eagles,  A memorial gathering in  1G1ZT53876F135763  2G1WT58N381284232    CARS HAVE BEEN      2007 CHRYSLER
                              foxes, squirrels, and the  the coming months will be  2006 CHEVROLET  2007 DODGE         DEEMED ABANDONED     3A4FY48B37T527408
                              variety of wild birds that  announced on Facebook  1GNDV23L76D129429  2B3KA43GX7H601946    BY THE INKSTER     2002 FORD
                              came to their feeders. She  at a later date.  1998 FORD           2003 CHEVROLET            POLICE DEPT.      1FTRX17222NA53868
                              loved spending time with  Arrangements  were  2FTZF1727WCA73158   1GNET16S236118703         AND WILL BE
                              her grandchildren and then  entrusted to the David C.  2003 MERCURY                          SOLD AT A          PRICES START AT
                              with her great grandchil-  Brown Funeral Home in  2MEFM74W03X661277                      PUBLIC AUCTION AT        TOWING AND
                              dren, her family recalled.  Belleville.     2017 CHEVROLET           THE FOLLOWING          BISHOP AUTO        STORAGE CHARGES
                              In addition to her husband,                 1G1ZB5ST4HF239669       CARS HAVE BEEN         WRECKING LLC
                              she is survived by her                      2008 PONTIAC           DEEMED ABANDONED      AT 2780 SPRINGHILL
          Carlene Jo Stoner   daughter, Ronda (Sande);                    1G2ZG57B284279175            BY THE           INKSTER, MI 48141        Need a job?
        Carlene  Jo  (Gerweck)  a son, Robert Stoner III;                 2004 FORD              WAYNE POLICE DEPT.       ON THURSDAY
        Stoner, 79, of Belleville,  grandchildren: Jacquelyn  PUBLIC AUCTION  1FAFP38Z54W191076     AND WILL BE         MARCH 11th,2022          Find it fast in
        died after a prolonged ill-  (Roberto) Moran, Kristen  MARTIN’S TOWING   1997 LINCOLN        SOLD AT A              AT 10AM              The Eagle’s
        ness on Feb. 15, 2022. She  Stoner and Robert Stoner  17180 DIX TOLEDO   1LNLM82W0VY690435  PUBLIC AUCTION AT  2012 FORD                 Classifieds.
        passed peacefully at home  IV, and two great-grandchil-  BROWNSTOWN MI  1998 CHEVROLET      BISHOP AUTO       1FAHP3J24CL445009
        surrounded by her family.   dren, Max, and Ellie Moran.  48193    1GCCS19W2W8195386        WRECKING LLC       1995 FORD                     Call
        Mrs. Stoner was the   She is also survived by her  MARCH 9, 2022  2007 VOLKSWAGEN        AT 2780 SPRINGHILL   1FALP42T7SF10055          734-467-1900
        beloved wife of Robert J.  sister, Holly (Craig) Simon  10:00 A.M.  WVWBA71F97V046781     INKSTER, MI 48141   2009 PONTIAC               to place your
        Stoner for 61 years. She  of Monroe.        2014 CHEVROLET        2008 JEEP                 ON THURSDAY       1G2ZG57B094112296)
        grew up in Monroe and  Mrs. Stoner was preceded  2GNFLEEK9E6320755  1J8FF28W08D515123      MARCH 10th,2022    2007 FORD                  classified ad
        lived with her family in  in death by her parents,  1988 FOUR WINNS  2008 FORD                AT 10AM.        2FMDK46C47BA55141           or email
        Plymouth for many years  Carl and Arlene Gerweck; a  4WNMV065D888  3FAHP08Z78R210081    1998 PONTIAC          2004 FORD    
        before moving to Belleville.  brother, Ronald Gerweck,  1989 EAGLE  2002 PONTIAC        4G2JB3216WB204194     1FAFP53U04A110795
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