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February 24, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Legislator enters guilty plea on multiple charges

           After months of court appear-                                                            recorded at 0.17 percent follow-
        ances and legal wrangling, State                          ”                                 ing his arrest, according to the
        Rep. Jewell Jones (D-Inkster)            He will be sentenced on all the charges            police complaint, more than
        pleaded guilty in a Feb. 15 court       on March 17 before Judge Michael Hatty              twice the 0.08 percent limit at
        appearance to four misde-                                                                   which a person can be convicted
        meanors and two felony charges            of the Livingston County Circuit Court.           of drunken driving.
        stemming from his arrest on                                                                    He was originally allowed bail
        April 6, 2021.                                                                              by the court but violated those
           As part of a plea deal with  mum sentence of two years pro-  Chevrolet Tahoe, officers found  provisions at least three times
        prosecutors, Jones pleaded guilty  bation on the resisting and  the vehicle, registered to Jones,  prompting prosecutors to file for
        to charges including possession  obstructing police charges. The  in a ditch at the side of the inter-  a revocation of his bond and
        of a firearm while under the   act, however, does not allow for  state. Jones and a female passen-  remand to the Livingston County
        influence; operating a vehicle  reduced sentences for traffic  ger, who was reported as “unre-  Jail. During jail intake proce-
        while intoxicated; escape of law-  offenses and does not include  sponsive” by EMTs at the scene,  dures, officers discovered a
        ful custody and reckless driving.  any of the charges filed after  outside the vehicle, according to  handcuff key taped to the bottom
        He also entered a guilty plea to  Jones became 26, which could  police reports. Jones refused  of Jones' foot which resulted in
        two felony counts of resisting and  result in jail time.      multiple times to provide identi-  the charges of attempting to
        obstructing police officers.     In addition to the guilty pleas,  fication to police and became  escape lawful custody.
           He will be sentenced on all  Jones wrote two letters, on offi-  increasingly confrontational and  He was suspended from all
        the charges on March 17 before  cial  State    House     of   erratic, according to police  his duties on the Inkster
        Judge Michael Hatty of the     Representatives letterhead, to  reports. Officers used pepper  Auxiliary Police and stripped of          Rep. Jewell Jones
        Livingston County Circuit Court.  Michigan State Police Troopers  spray and a Taser to subdue and  all state Legislature committee  ing a police officer, operating a
           As Jones was 25 at the time of  involved in the incident which  arrest him at the scene. Officers  assignments as criminal charges  motor vehicle with a high blood
        his arrest, prosecutors will allow  took place on I-96 near   subsequently observed a loaded  continued to mount.          alcohol content, bringing a
        him to take advantage of the   Fowlerville. Following numerous  Glock pistol in plain view on the  As part of the plea deal, prose-  weapon into a jail, and attempt-
        Homes Youthful Trainee Act     911 calls from motorists report-  front console of the vehicle.  cutors agreed to dismiss two  ed escape while waiting trial for
        which could result in the mini-  ing the erratic driving of a black  Jones' blood alcohol level was  counts of resisting and obstruct-  a felony.
        Inkster OKs purchasing partnership for electric cars

           A new contract will allow the  give Inkster a competitive edge                                                          mented Thomas Wither, CEO of
        City of Inkster to purchase elec-  over other U.S. cities in vying for                   ”                                 AAW Infrastructure Partners,
        tric vehicles at the same price as  a portion of the $2.5 billion in   I'm excited to see greener transportation           L3C. “Mayor (Patrick) Wimberly
        gas-powered cars and includes  grant money to install EV charg-            alternatives in the City of Inkster,            is dedicated to the resurgence of
        the installation of electric vehicle  ing stations. Those funds will be                                                    his city, and we look forward to
        charging stations at no cost to  available to local communities as                                                         making Inkster one of the most
        taxpayers.                     part    the   Infrastructure                                                                EV-ready cities in America.”
           Members of the Inkster City  Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).  arrangements with businesses,  advertisers-sponsors to take  President Joe Biden recently
        Council unanimously approved a   ''I am extremely hopeful about  organizations, and individuals,  advantage of complimentary  set a new national target for the
        partnership with Royal Oak-    a more fundamental and a signif-  and applies those funds to ener-  energy assessments from DTE  adoption of electric vehicles, call-
        based AAW Infrastructure       icant future. I'm excited to see  gy-efficient projects that save  Energy to help businesses  ing for them to represent 40 to 50
        Partners, L3C to launch a new  greener transportation alterna-  money for cities. In turn, AAW  reduce their energy costs and  percent of all new auto sales by
        Inkster   EV-Mobility    and   tives in the City of Inkster,”' com-  promotes the advertisers-spon-  save money.           2030 and at her State of the State
        Economic Stimulus program.     mented Executive Assistant to  sors, encouraging customer traf-  “We are very pleased to have  address, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
           Officials said having an estab-  the Mayor Saif Alsenad.   fic and sales, according to the  one of Michigan's most progres-  said, 'Michigan put the world on
        lished EV program, in addition to  AAW raises funds through   proposed arrangement. AAW     sive mayors and the City of    wheels, and we will electrify it
        providing match funding, will  “hybrid” advertising-sponsorship  representatives encourage  Inkster join our initiative” com-  too'.

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