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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 24, 2022

                                                       CANTON - ROMULUS
                                                        CANTON - ROMULUS

        Romulus library reopens with new carpeting

           Visitors at the Romulus Public  on ways to improve the library,”                                                        the updated sections expanding
        Library this week will see new  said Romulus Public Library                              ”                                 throughout the adult services
        carpeting throughout a complete-  Director Patty Braden.                  When people see what we've done                  area and new shelving compliant
        ly renovated adult services area.  “There were requests for            with the space I think they will be pleased         with the Americans with
           The latest renovations to the  expanded space, mobile tables                                                            Disabilities Act
        computer area, circulation desk  and more comfortable seating.          to see that their vision has come to life.           The renovations are support-
        and meeting room will conclude  When people see what we've                                                                 ed by the Romulus Public
        the updates to those spaces in  done with the space I think they                                                           Library budget.
        the library, a spokesman noted.  will be pleased to see that their                                                           Taxpayers will not see an
           The library closed for a week  vision has come to life.”   better lighting and a more user-  room designed to serve as one  increase in taxes to support the
        to accomplish the installation   Building renovations began in  friendly shape and size; a new  large room, or, with a partition,  funding of the renovations,
        and reopened yesterday, Feb. 23.  late October and are expected to  larger computer area with power  two smaller rooms; a sink, cabi-  Braden stressed.
           “When developing our strate-  conclude in early spring.    and data outlets on the floor for a  nets and outlets for patrons to  To learn more about the
        gic plan four years ago, we asked  Improvements include: a func-  cleaner space and easier inter-  prepare drinks or snacks for  Romulus Public Library, visit
        residents to share their thoughts  tional modern service desk with  net access; an expanded meeting  their groups; new carpeting in
        Be-Bop Spartans will perform in Canton Saturday

           The Michigan State University Be-Bop  The Be-Bop Spartans are conducted by
        Spartans, a 25-member student jazz orches-  internationally renowned bassist Rodney
        tra under the direction of Conductor Rodney  Whitaker. A professor of jazz bass and direc-
        Whitaker, will perform selections from their  tor of jazz studies at Michigan State
        repertoire of jazz, soul, swing, and blues at  University, Whitaker has performed and
        The Village Theater at Cherry Hill at 7 p.m.  toured with more than 100 legendary per-
        Saturday, Feb. 26.  Joining the MSU perform-  forming jazz artists.
        ers will be special guest Stefon Harris, one  Comprised of jazz orchestra I students,
        of the premier jazz xylophonists, along with  the instrumentation includes saxophone,
        the Plymouth High School Jazz Band.    trombone, trumpet, bass, drums, piano, and
           Harris belongs to the grand lineage of  guitar.
        vibraphonists in jazz and is a master player  Tickets to this special performance are
        and true virtuoso. Recognized as “the real  $10 general admission or $5 for students and
        deal” at a young age, Harris performed with  can be purchased  online at www.cantonvil-
        Joe Henderson, Wynton Marsalis, Buster or by calling (734) 394-5300.
        Williams, Kenny Barron, Cassandra Wilson,  Tickets can also be purchased at The Village
        and many other legends - and made his  Theater Box Office one hour prior to show-
        recording debut as a leader on Blue Note  time.
        Records in 1998, when he was only 25.    The Village Theater at Cherry Hill is
        Winner of “best vibraphonist” awards in  located at 50400 Cherry Hill Road, Canton,
        DownBeat and JazzTimes polls, Harris has  MI 48187. For additional information, visit
        gone on to become a mentor to a new gener- or call (734)
        ation of players.                      394-5300.                                                                              Jazz xylophonist Stefon Harris
        Canton hosting indoor Farmers’ Markets at Summit

           The Canton Farmers Market will      Grrrl, featuring organic spices, teas and  Markets will pick up where the outdoor  For additional Canton Farmers Market
        return with special Off-Season Markets at  salts; STEAP, featuring loose leaf teas;  regular season of the Canton Farmers  information, visit,
        the Summit on the Park community recre-  The Cheese People of Grand Rapids, fea-  Market left off. The new season of the out-  contact the Farmers Market Coordinator
        ation center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March  turing a variety of cheeses; and The  door Canton Farmers Market will re-open  at
        20, and April 24.                      Rustic Red Head, featuring candles.   from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Sunday, May 8, and  or call (734) 394-5375.
           A variety of local food growers and   “Every winter we look forward to host-  will continue every Sunday through Oct.  The Summit on the Park is located at
        producers have signed on to participate  ing our monthly off-season markets at the  16 in Preservation Park, located at 500 N.  46000 Summit Parkway in Canton, MI,
        in these Off-Season Farmers Markets,   Summit on the Park to provide conven-  Ridge Road, Canton, MI, 48187.       48188.
        including: Baubles by Barb, featuring  ient access to our vendors,” said Canton
        handmade jewelry; Bittersweet Garden &  Health and Wellness Specialist Jennifer
        Bakery, featuring a variety of baked   Franz. “Now more than ever we are glad
        goods; Blue Lilac Skincare, featuring  that we're able to help support these local
        skincare items; Boblin Honey - featuring  farmers and crafters who provide access
        honey; Deliteacious, featuring loose leaf  to healthy food sources and unique
        teas and tea gift sets; Jessica's      items.”
        Confectionery, featuring chocolates and  Bridge Card and Double Up Food
        baked treats; Kapnick Orchards, featuring  Bucks transactions will also be accepted.
        cold storage produce and baked goods;  Tokens may be purchased at the Canton
        Kapolnek Farms, featuring a variety of  Leisure Services table. Market-goers are
        meat; One Tough Cookie, featuring deco-  encouraged to enter through the banquet
        rated sugar cookies; Pick Michigan featur-  doors. Social distancing will be required
        ing   greenhouse    produce;    Sign   when shopping in the market area and
        Woodworks, featuring home and festive  face masks will be highly recommended.
        holiday signs and decorations; Spice     All of these indoor Off-Season Farmers

                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900

                              from the  City of Livonia  EGXJW179130      the sale.             work must be picked up
                              Police Department within  2017 JEEP SW      2014 CHEVROLET SW     from the City of Westland
                              48 hours of the sale.  1C4BJWDG6HL624301    2GNALBEK5E1151517     Police Department within
        On Wednesday, March   2004 CHRYSLER 4D      2017 JEEP SW          The above vehicles are  48 hours of the sale.
        2nd , 2022 at 11: 30 am,  2C3HD36MX4H664962   1C4RJEBG3HC793655   impounded through the
        Great  Lakes  Towing  2009 LINCOLN 4D       2013 DODGE 4D         City of Wayne Police  All Vehicles are sold in
        Impound and Recovery  1LNHM94R29G620210     1C3CDFBH2DD330006     Department. All paper-  "as is condition". Bidding
        Division located at 42350  2006 FORD 4D     2019 RAM PU           work must be picked up  on all vehicles will start at
        Van Born Rd, Belleville,  1FAFP34N06W102987   1C6SRFJT9KN702132   from the City of Wayne  the amount due for tow-
        Mi, County of Wayne, will  2008 FORD SW     The above vehicles are  Police Department within  ing and storage. Vehicles
        conduct a public auction  1FMCU94128KC06912   impounded through the  48 hours of the sale.  may be deleted from this
        of   Impounded   and  2007 CADILLAC SW      Redford Township Police  2000 ASSEMBLED TRLR  list at any time prior to the
        Abandoned vehicles. The  1GYFK66847R225669   Department. All paper-  00000586479        start of the auction. This
        following vehicles will be  2005 SUZUKI MC  work must be picked up  The above vehicles are  is a cash only sale and all
        offered for sale to the  JS1GN79AX52100200   from  the   Redford  impounded through the  vehicles must be paid in
        highest bidder.       2006 HINO BOX         Township Police Depart-  City of Westland Police  full at the conclusion of
                              5PVNB6JKX62S10265     ment within 48 hours of  Department. All paper-  the auction.
        2016 KIA SW           The above vehicles are
        5XYPG4A31GG045401     impounded through the
        The above vehicles are  Canton Township Police
        impounded through the  Department. All paper-
        City of Dearborn Police  work must be picked up
        Department. All paper-  from  the   Canton
        work must be picked up  Township Police Depart-
        from the City of Dearborn  ment within 48 hours of
        Police Department within  the sale.  There is a
        48 hours of the sale.  $100.00 buyer fee per
        1992 MERCURY 4D       vehicle    purchased
        1MECM50U8NG639306     through the auction made
        The above vehicles are  payable separately to
        impounded through the  Canton Township.
        City of Livonia Police  2015 CHRYSLER 4D
        Department. All paper-  2C3CCAAG0FH763473
        work must be picked up  2018 JEEP SW 1C4HJX-
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