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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 24, 2022


        Finance director presents budget overview

           Sumpter Township Finance    been expended. “Again, that is                                                              dict as “we don't know how many
        Director Scott Holtz gave mem-  because of collections,”he told                          ”                                 fires we will have.”
        bers of the board of trustees a  the board members.                            If we do not collect it all,                  Trustee Don LaPorte agreed
        quick overview of the municipal-  “If we do not collect it all,           Wayne County buys our delinquent                 noting that the number of fire
        budget situation during the regu-  Wayne County buys our delin-                                                            responses has increased dramat-
        lar meeting Feb. 8.            quent taxes and will make us                 taxes and will make us whole.                  ically from year to year with the
           Holtz said his purpose was an  whole,” he explained.                                                                    number of new homes in the
        effort to give the trustees a quick  He said the rubbish fund bal-                                                         township.
        summary of the finances of the  ance was light but that was due  “doing OK” but could be doing  upcoming contract negotiations  Trustee Matt Oddy said the
        township as they approach the  to the billings from July through  better. “I need to do some more  so the board could see the effect  township budget is always short
        end of the fiscal year. He said  January not yet recorded. He  research,” he said.          on the budget.                 in the police and fire depart-
        that as the township had been  noted that there was a transfer of  State revenue sharing is down  Deputy Supervisor/Trustee  ments and the funds have tradi-
        through 75 percent of the fiscal  $160,000 that had not been  2.87 percent, he said, although  Tim Rush asked Holtz how the  tionally been transferred to
        year by Dec. 31, 2021, there   recorded and that a budget     he did not know the reason.   rate of inflation would affect the  cover the expenses.
        should be 25 percent of the bud-  amendment for that amount was  While inflation is at 7 percent, he  township finances.  Holtz said  Hurst suggested that some
        geted amounts left in the various  going to be necessary. He noted  said, taxable value would proba-  that while he thought there  communities charge insurance
        categories.                    that there were also some other  bly increase by only 2 to 3.3 per-  could be problem, he also felt  companies for having the fire
           “The General Fund is in pret-  transfers that needed clarifica-  cent in the township.    the township could “cover it.”  department at the scene and
        ty good shape,” he told the board  tion or amendments.          Holtz asked the board mem-     Township Clerk Esther Hurst  asked if any of that expense was
        members. He said that the fire   Holtz explained that the town-  bers if they would prefer to  asked Holtz if the current mill-  tracked in Sumpter.
        fund had spent about 60 to 70  ship had received $490,000 from  return to quarterly budget  ages were enough to cover the    LaPorte was solidly against
        percent of the allotted budget  the American Recovery Act in  reports and said he wanted to  operating costs of the fire and  that proposal.
        but that only about 45 percent of  December. He said that is half of  know “What do we want to  police departments. Holtz said  “While I'm pretty sure the law
        collections have come in. He   the total amount and the remain-  accomplish in the next fiscal  that those departments are  allows for it, I don't think that
        said the police budget had only  der is expected in December  year.” He said that he prefers to  always covered by royalty fees  would sit well with our public.”
        collected about 6 percent but  2022.                          work on a multi-year budget   although the costs in the fire   Trustees agreed that such a
        that almost all of the funds have  He said the water fund was  especially when dealing with  department were difficult to pre-  charge would not be acceptable.

                                                                                                           Sumpter Township Regular Board Meeting
                                                                                                              Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
                                                                                                         23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 Minutes
                                                                                      Meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 6:18 pm. Roll call: Supervisor T. Bowman, Treasurer
                                                                                      V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Clerk E. Hurst and Trustee Morgan excused. Also showing present: Attorney Young,
                                                                                      Deputy Clerk Burdick, Public Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke, Fire Chief Brown, DPW Director Danci and 17 attendees.
                                                                                      3. Agenda: Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve the Agenda with the following amendments;
                                                                                           TABLE:    14. New Business, Agenda Item A.
                                                                                           ADD:      14. New Business, Agenda Item G.
                                                                                           “Consider approval of Joanne Gardner as an alternate member of the Sumpter  Township Parks & Recreation
                                                                                           14. New Business, Agenda Item H.
                                                                                           “Consider approval of an amendment to existing Sumpter Township Zoning Ordinance Article 4, Section 4.15.2 and
                                                                                                     Article 6, Section 6.37 to provide that outdoor sales of automobiles or vehicles in light industrial zon-
                                                                                                     ing districts shall be permitted land use subject to provisions of Section 33 Special Land use.”
                                                                                           14. New Business, Agenda Item I.
                                                                                           “Consider approval to set a public hearing for the 2022-2023 Operating Budget at 6:00 pm on March 8, 2022 that will
                                                                                                     conducted immediately preceding the scheduled Township Board Meeting.”
                                                                                      Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      4. Public Comment/Open Floor: Two (2) spoke
                                                                                      5. Minutes:
                                                                                      Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of January 11, 2022. Roll call vote: Yes:
                                                                                      Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to accept the Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2021.
                                     CORRECTION                                       Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      6. Warrants:
                                                                                      Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the warrants totaling $920,518.40. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman,
                                                                                         Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
             Trustee Peggy Morgan voted in favor of the proposal to pursue information
           regarding a potential pedestrian/bike path in Sumpter Township and the hiring of  7. Parks & Recreation/Chambers Report - Rush
                                                                                           Trustee Rush thanked Donna Stewart and Sharon Pokerwinski for the cleaning of the Parks & Recreation Building.
           a new employee in the clerk's department during the Feb. 8 meeting of the board.  •  DPW Director Danci has committed to replacing the hot water heater and the installation of a
             Last week, The Eagle incorrectly reported that she voted against the suggested  •  utility sink for the Commission's use.
                                                                                           Commission is working on updating the Master Plan for the Parks & Recreation.
           $6.5 million federally funded bike path project to be administered by Wayne   •  The appointment of Joanne Gardner as an Alternate Member of the Commission. Joanne was the primary source of the
                                                                                           new Butterfly Garden installed at Banotai Park.
           County and the hiring of a full-time employee to work in Clerk Esther Hurst's  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve the Parks & Recreation/Chambers Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor
           office.                                                                    Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
             The vote of the board members was unanimous on both issues with Township  8. Water & Sewer Report - Warren
           Supervisor Tim Bowman excused from the meeting.                               •  Treasurer Warren spoke of the recent BS&A Training provided for the back-up Water Billing Clerk functions and relat-
                                                                                           ed information.
             The Eagle regrets the error and any confusion or inconvenience it may have  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve the Water & Sewer Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer
           caused.                                                                    Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      9. Treasurer's Report - Warren
                                                                                         •  Treasurer Warren reported that the Treasurer's Office is operating efficiently, smoothly and implementing new tools to
                                                                                           meet all of the banking issues, compliance needs and working with the Finance Director for cohesiveness.
                                      Township of Sumpter                             Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the Treasurer's Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer
                                            2022                                      Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                     March Board of Review
                                                                                      10. Planning & Zoning Report - Oddy
                   NOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS AND PROPERTY OWNERS OF SUMPTER TOWNSHIP.      •  One item of consideration for Planning & Zoning is being considered this evening (New Agenda Item H.) as it refer-
          THE SUMPTER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF REVIEW WILL BE MEETING AT THE SUMPTER TOWNSHIP HALL, 23480  ences approval of a Zoning Text Amendment and Special Land Use. The Township currently has a similar operation
                       SUMPTER ROAD, BELLEVILLE, MI 48111 ON THE FOLLOWING DATES:          which borders the subject property and zoning district.
                                                                                      Motion by Rush, supported by Bowman to approve the Planning & Zoning Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman,
                Tuesday, March 8th, 2022     4:30 PM Organizational Meeting           Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                Monday, March 14th, 2022     1:00 PM - 9:00 PM Appointments           11. Seniors Report - Hurst
                                                                                         •  The Seniors wish to pass on a Special Thank you to the Board of Trustees for the Christmas cookie tins! Approx 200
                Wednesday, March 16th , 2022   9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointments              were handed out or delivered to our Community's Seniors Members, Homebound Seniors, Meals on Wheels and Focus
                                                                                           Hope recipients.
         All hearings are by appointment only and must be accompanied by a petition form.  Please call one of the numbers below for an  •  A list is being compiled for N95 masks distribution, when the masks become available in our community.
         appointment.  Petitions are available at the Sumpter  Township Supervisors Office or download a petition for at   •  Working with Wayne County, Clerk Hurst has secured 149 Covid Tests that, when available, will be distributed to our click on forms: type in form number L-4035.            Senior Ctr Members free of charge.
                                                                                         •  Clerk Hurst and Treasurer Warren have expressed a desire to sponsor a Blood Drive in our Community. The Senior's Ctr
         Written appeals are accepted as well and must be accompanied by a petition form and received in the assessing department by  and Clerk's Office are working on the details and availability of this program.
         Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 12:00 pm.  No postmarks are accepted.  Mail petitions to:  Sumpter Township Board of Review  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve the Seniors Report as presented by Deputy Clerk Burdick. Roll call vote: Yes:
         23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111.                                    Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Hardship/poverty exemptions are accepted as well.  Please call the assessing department for more information on this exemption.  12. Ordinance Report - Chief Luke
                                                                                         •  The Ordinance Report provided is a 2021 Recap of the Ordinance activities.
         Any questions regarding the Board of Review, contact the Supervisor's Office at (734) 461-6201 ext. 2229, or the Assessing  Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve the Ordinance Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer
         Department, Tuesdays & Thursday at (734) 461-6201 ext. 2236.                 Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      13. Board Response: None.
         Posted:  February 8, 2022
         Published: The Eagle - Associated Papers                                     14. New Business:
                February 17th, 2022                                                      A. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve to TABLE until February 8, 2022 the post, publish and hiring for the
                February 24th,, 2022                                                       responsibilities of Payroll & Personnel Clerk, reporting to the Clerk's Office, effective January 26th, 2022 at the current
                March 3rd, 2022                                                            AFSCME-CBA position and rate of pay. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy,
                                                                                           Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Esther Hurst                                                                    B. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve of the Supervisor's recommendation to appoint Paul Armstrong as Board
         Clerk                                                                             of Review Member, term to expire January 1, 2024. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees:
         Sumpter Township                                           ST0097 - 022422  2.5 x 4.187  Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         C. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve of the Supervisor's recommendation to appoint Sandi Armstrong as
                                                                                           Board of Review Member, term to expire January 1, 2025. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren;
                                                                                           Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                  CITY OF ROMULUS                                        D. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve to amend the current pay practice for the Sumpter Township Board of
                               2022 BOARD OF REVIEW                                        Review Members to a flat rate compensation of $50.00 per member/per session for up to 3 hours and $75.00 per mem-
                                                                                           ber/per session for 3 hours or more. For mandated training or education, a reimbursement of up to $100.00 annually will
                                                                                           be paid per member. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay:
         To the taxpayers of the City of Romulus: The Board of Review will meet in the Romulus City Hall,  None. Motion carried.
         Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174 on the following dates and times by  E. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve to purchase water & sewer inventory items from Core & Main totaling
         APPOINTMENT ONLY for the purpose of reviewing the assessment roll. Please come prepared, as  $22,970.75. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None.
                                                                                           Motion carried.
         a ten (10) minute time limit before the Board will be strictly adhered to.      F. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve to purchase two (2) Ford Police Interceptor Utilities for the police
                                                                                           department under the FY2022/23 Budget Atchinson Ford for $81,212.80. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman,
                March 14, 2022:              9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm      Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                March 15, 2022:              6:00 pm to 9:00 pm                          G. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve Joanne Gardner as an alternate member of the Sumpter Township
                                                                                           Parks & Recreation Commission. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush,
                March 16, 2022:              1:00 pm to 4:00 pm                            LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         H. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve an amendment to existing Sumpter Township Zoning Ordinance
         Residents and Non-Residents may appeal by (1) making an appointment to appear before the Board  Article 4, Section 4.15.2 and Article 6, Section 6.37 to provide that outdoor sales of automobiles or vehicles in light
         OR (2) in writing (personal appearance is not required).  The Board of Review MUST receive all  industrial zoning districts shall be permitted land use subject to provisions of Section 33 Special Land use. Roll call vote:
                                                                                           Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         written appeals/documentation no later than March 16, 2022 at 4:00 pm.          I.  Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve to set a public hearing for the 2022-2023 Operating Budget at 6:00
                                                                                           pm on March 8, 2022 that will conducted immediately preceding the scheduled Township Board Meeting. Roll call vote:
         Property owners may appoint and authorize a representative to appear on their behalf.  According to  Yes: Supervisor Bowman, Treasurer Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Ordinance, all Representatives or Agents MUST submit an original, notarized, current proof of  15. Announcements:
                                                                                           Trustee Rush advises that Spring is right around the corner and that means SkyWarn training for the community. He will
         authorization to act on behalf of the property owner as a prerequisite to appeal to the Board of  advise on dates and location.
         Review.                                                                         •  Trustee Oddy advised that he wanted to acknowledge the County Warming Centers and that Chief Luke advised the
                                                                                           Sumpter Twp Center is posted information for our residents. Sumpter Twp is 1 of only 4 county-wide centers that pro-
         To schedule an appointment to appeal to the March Board of Review, please call the City of Romulus  •  vides 24-hour access, as needed.
                                                                                           Trustee Rush advised that the Board-requested evaluations for Fire Chief R. Brown and DPW Superintendent J. Danci
         Department of Assessment at 734. 942.7520.                                        have been completed. He invited any Board Member who would like to review the evaluations to visit the Supervisor's
                                                                                           Office to review. However, due to the nature of the material, copies would not be provided.
         For the purpose of addressing clerical errors, mutual mistakes of fact, poverty exemptions, veteran's  •  Supervisor Bowman mentioned a recent conversation with Supervisor K. McNamara of Van Buren Twp referencing the
         exemptions, and principal residence exemptions, the Board of Review will meet in the Romulus City  Belleville Museum and its status. All agreed a committee of Supervisors Bowman, McNamara and Belleville Mayor K.
                                                                                           Conley to discuss the museum and its future. Future donations by surrounding communities will be suspended until the
         Hall, Council Office, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174 on:                    museum is opened.
                                                                                      16.    Adjournment; Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to adjourn at 7:03 pm. Motion carried.
                July 19, 2022:                      9:30 am
                December 13, 2022:                  9:30 am                           Minutes prepared by;
                                                                                      Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
                                                                                      Sumpter Township
         All Board of Review meetings are open meetings in compliance with the “Open Meetings Act”.
                                                                                      __________________________            _________________
         Publish:      02/24/2022                                                     Esther Hurst, Clerk         Date
                       03/03/2022                                                     __________________________            _________________
                       03/10/2022                                  RM0632 - 022422  2.5 x 5.232  Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date               ST0098 - 022422  2.5 x 16.482
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