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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          February 6, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Art exhibition under way                 3. Workbook for journaling and per-
           The Gallery at City Hall in Westland is  sonal study exercises that reinforce the
        featuring a Martin Luther King, Jr. and  weekly session topics.                 Recycling is town hall topic
        Black History Month Art exhibition dis-  Attend any or all sessions to receive
        playing the artwork of local artists honor-  coping skills.                       The current status of city recycling  36300 Warren Road.
        ing the spirit and accomplishments of    A $15 registration includes a work-    will be the topic at a Westland town  The City of Westland suspended
        Black Americans in every area of endeav-  book/journal and weekly handouts.     hall meeting set for 6 p.m. Tuesday,  curbside recycling in 2019 due to rising
        or throughout history.                   More information is available at (734)  Feb. 11.                           costs associated with a change in the
           A free public reception is planned  941-1511 or access     The meeting will be facilitated by  global recycling market, officials said.
        from 4:30 until 7:30  tonight,  Feb. 6, dur-                                    Mayor William R. Wild and members of  The March 10, 2020 Primary
        ing which awards to artists will be pre-  Kids Crafty Saturday                  the city administration in an effort to  Presidential Election ballot will
        sented. The exhibition is organized by the  The Van Buren Township Recreation   update residents about recycling in  include a ballot proposal for Westland
        City of Westland and Three Cities Art  Department will host Kids Crafty         Westland and answer questions relat-  residents to consider a 1 mill increase
        club. For more information, call (313) 231-  Saturday from 10 until 11:30 a.m. Feb. 8.  ing to the upcoming sanitation fund  to stabilize the city sanitation fund.
        3939 .                                   Staff members will available to pro-   ballot proposal.                      The town hall meeting is open to the
           Westland City Hall is located at 36300  vide craft supplies and instruction. The  The meeting will take place in the  public. Financial information regard-
        Warren Road in Westland and the exhibi-  craft for February is descendants      Gene McKinney Grand Ballroom        ing the city sanitation fund can be
        tion is open during city hall hours    themed.  The cost is $5 per student.     inside Westland City Hall, located at  found at
        through the month of February.         Register by calling the Parks and
                                               Recreation Department at (734) 699-8921.
        Belleville Museum reopens                The craft making will take place at   The deadline to register is 5 p.m. Feb.  will be sold at the door and there will be
           The Belleville Area Museum, 405 Main  46425 Tyler Road in Van Buren       10.                                   no refunds. The cost is $20 for a township
        St. in Belleville will reopen Tuesday, Feb.  Township.                         For more information or to register for  resident couple and $25 for a non resi-
        4 and resume regular hours, 3-7 p.m.                                         the Snowball Tournament or the softball  dent couple. There is a fee of $5 for each
        Tuesday, and noon until 4 p.m.         Coffee With A Cop served              leagues that are starting soon, call the  additional child and $10 for each addi-
        Wednesday through Saturday.              Northville Township officers will   Canton Sports Center at (734) 483-5600 or  tional adult.
           For more information, call (734) 697-  serve Coffee With A Cop at Cassel's  visit               To register or for more information,
        1944.                                  Family Restaurant 43003 W. Seven Mile                                       call (734) 699-8921.
                                               Road from 10 a.m. until noon Feb. 10.  Photos with Cupid offered
        Senior Tax help offered                  Coffee with a Cop brings police offi-  at Belleville Area Museum          Student Jam is planned
           AARP Foundation Volunteer Tax       cers and the community members they     The Belleville Area Museum will offer  The Harris Conservatory of Music will
        Aides will offer free tax preparation serv-  serve together-over coffee-to discuss  free photos with Cupid and Rosie the  present the 2020 Valentine's Student Jam
        ices at the Northville Community Center  issues and learn more about each other.  Riveter from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15.   at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16, at E.G. Nick's in
        again this year. Tax preparation is by  Residents are urged to stop by for a com-  Valentines and candy will also be  downtown Plymouth.
        appointment only and is offered from 9  plimentary coffee and have a conversa-  available.                            Admission is free to hear the student
        a.m. until 2 p.m. each Thursday at the  tion with an officer from the Northville  The museum is located at 405 Main St.  performances.
        Northville Community Center.  First    Township Police Department.           in Belleville. For information, call (734)  E. G. Nick's is located at 550 Forest
        appointments began this week and the                                         697-1944.                             Ave. in Plymouth.
        last day will be Thursday, April 9.  This  Photographers to meet
        service is provided to taxpayers with    Members of the only 3D photography  Enchanted Forest invites              Mr. Brown goes to Washington is topic
        low/middle income with special prefer-  club in Michigan will meet from 7-9:30  daddy-daughter dancers                The Belleville Area Museum will pres-
        ence for appointments will be given to  p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12, at the Livonia  An enchanted Forest themed Daddy  ent Mr. Brown Goes to Washington, fea-
        those 60 and older.                    Civic Park Senior Center, 15218       Daughter Dance is set for 7 until 9 p.m.  turing stories and photos from Douglas
           Appointments are already being      Farmington Road, just south of Five Mile  Feb. 16 at the Van Buren Township Parks  Brown's time in D. C. from 6 until 8 p.m.
        accepted and can be made by calling    Road.                                 and Recreation building, 46425 Tyler  Thursday, Feb. 20.
        (248) 305-2851.                          The program will be a special presen-  Road in Van Buren Township.           Admission is free for members and $5
           AARP Tax Volunteers are certified for  tation about View-Master. A "Freebies"  The event includes a magical craft and  for non members of the museum.
        tax preparation and will electronically  drawing and the regular monthly compe-  light refreshments. Casual semi-formal  The museum is located at 405 Main St.
        file federal and state tax returns. Tax pay-  tition will follow a refreshment break.  attire is suggested. Tickets are limited so  in Belleville. For information, call (734)
        ers will leave the 1-1 ½ hour appointment  The meetings are free to attend, and visi-  registration by Feb. 8 is urged. No tickets  697-1944.
        with a copy of their e-filed returns, and  tors are always welcome.
        the knowledge that their tax returns have  Stereo cameras, 3D movies, and edu-
        been filed at both Michigan and IRS    cational videos are available for mem-
        acceptance sites.                      bers to borrow or rent.
                                                 For   more    information,   visit
        Grief recovery meetings set  , or call  (248) 398-3591.
           A grief-recovery seminar and support
        group will meet at 5 Points Church   in  Snowball Tournament set
        Romulus at 6 p.m. each Thursday starting  The Canton Sports Center annual
        Feb.13. The church is located at 37300  Snowball Tournament, a Chicago-style
        Goddard at Huron River Dr.             softball event, is back by popular
           GriefShare offers help and encourage-  demand.  The games return beginning at
        ment after the death of a family member  10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, at 10 a.m. at the
        or friend. The three key parts to the  Canton Sports Center, located at 46555 W.
        GriefShare experience include:         Michigan Ave., Canton.
           1. Video seminar in which there will  This co-ed tournament is a double-
        be informational videos featuring leading  elimination format and will run from 10
        grief recovery experts.                a.m. to 4 p.m. The entrance fee is $130 per
           2. Support group with small group dis-  team and an umpire fee of $14 per game
        cussion about the weekly video content.   is required.
        Millage                                building and upgrading technology

                                               throughout the district.”
                                                 By state law the bond money cannot be
        FROM PAGE 1                            used for salaries or wages, general operat-
                                               ing expense and maintenance or class-
        work at every building in the district,  room supplies and textbooks. The funding
        according to the district website, “with a  can only be used for construction and
        focus on creating equity across all schools,  remodeling of facilities; the purchase of
        addressing imminent building and site  instructional technology equipment;
        infrastructure issues, enhancing learning  equipment and furniture; site improve-
        spaces through both remodeling and     ments and bus purchases.
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