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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          February 6, 2020

                         BELLEVILLE - NORTHVILLE

        City of Northville seeking election poll workers

           The City of Northville needs  approximately two hours. They                                                               Saturday, March 7 the city
        poll workers for the 2020 election  are paid $30 to $45 to attend  Hours are from 6 a.m. to approximately 9:30 p.m.        clerk's office will be open from 8
        cycle, which includes the March  training, depending on the loca-                                                          a.m. to 4 p.m. for in-person absent
        10 - Presidential Primary; the  tion.                              on election days and poll workers are paid $175         voter ballot requests. Ballots may
        May 5 - potential election date;  An application and more             per election worked, with dinner provided.           be voted at city hall or taken
        the Aug. 4 - Primary and the Nov.  information are available at                                                            home; 4 p.m. Monday, March 9 is
        3 - General Election.          Northville City Hall, 215 W. Main                                                           the deadline for registered voters
           Poll workers will complete  St. and on the city website.   does not affect voting in the Aug.  Election is available on the State  to request an absent voter ballot
        duties including opening the   <  4 primary, which is an open pri-  of  Michigan  website  in-person at the clerk's office.
        polling location, checking in vot-  Sh                        mary. At that election, voters will  <  Voters are not allowed to leave
        ers, issuing ballots, monitoring  Michigan will have a closed  be issued ballots containing all  ShZHqTxedOEHqXs2OUkeVs4c  with the ballot on this day and
        the voting equipment and closing  Presidential Primary on Tuesday,  political parties and their candi-  2qx4o-_hvc43pTgDbQgHIAto_9  must vote the ballot in person at
        the polling location. Hours are  March 10. While there is no politi-  dates, and will select one of the  Absent voter applications have  city hall.
        from 6 a.m. to approximately 9:30  cal party registration require-  parties in the privacy of the vot-  been mailed to voters on the  Through Feb. 24, residents can
        p.m. on election days and poll  ment in Michigan election law, in  ing station.             automatic application list; they  register to vote at any Secretary
        workers are paid $175 per elec-  this specific election, registered  The written ballot selection  are also available on the city web-  of State branch office, Northville
        tion worked, with dinner provid-  voters will need to make their  made at the Presidential Primary  site < tn.jsp?f=  City Clerk's office, a designated
        ed.                            ballot selection in writing before  does not have any bearing on the  Important deadlines when  State agency, or by U.S. Mail. No
           Poll workers (inspectors)   being issued a ballot whether vot-  way a person votes in the general  applying for an absent voter  residency  verification  is
        assigned to work an election are  ing at the polls or by absent voter  election for president set for Nov.  include 5 p.m. March 6, the dead-  required. The photo ID require-
        required to attend poll worker  ballot.                       3. More information about the  line to request an absent voter  ment is in effect for in-person reg-
        certification training, which takes  The March ballot selection  Michigan Presidential Primary  ballot to be mailed;       istration.
        Belleville DPW director is named as interim city manager

           The scheduled public meeting of candi-  and candidates for that position had until  In response to a comment from the  “He is required to be available 24/7 but
        dates to become the new Belleville city  last Friday to apply for the job. Rutherford  audience regarding any salary increase  as DPW chief, he is required that now,”
        manager last week was cancelled as there  will assume the acting city manager  for Rutherford in light of his new responsi-  she said.
        were no candidates to meet.            responsibilities in place of Police Chief  bilities, Kollmeyer responded that there  Conley said officials would come up
           Interviews for four potential candi-  Hal Berriman, who retired Jan. 31. City  has never been an extra stipend for those  with a salary adjustment for consideration
        dates by the city council members were  Manager Diana Kollmeyer retired Feb. 3.  serving in an interim or acting capacity in  by the council members at the Feb. 3
        also cancelled and officials named       Officials noted at the meeting last week  the city manager's job.         meeting.
        Department of Public Works Director    that they are required to name an acting
        Rick Rutherford to serve in an interim  city manager. Conley said the city would                   CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
        capacity while the search continues.   try not to leave Rutherford in the position                 2020 MARCH BOARD OF REVIEW DATES
           Mayor Kerreen Conley said the plan of  for too long, noting that he is overloaded  The Northville Township 2020 Board of Review will conduct hearings on the following dates for appeals from citizens, regard-
        the city is to hire an interim city manager  with responsibilities now.       ing the 2020 assessment, at the Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road.    All appeals are by appointment.  Starting
                                                                                      Monday, February 24, 2020 please call (248) 348-5811 to schedule an appointment.  Letters of appeal must be received by
        Fire department upgrades OK’d                                                 11:00 am on March 13, 2020.  Postmarks are not accepted. Organizational Meeting

                                                                                             March 03, 2020
                                                                                                                  9:00 am
                                                                                      Appointment Dates for Hearing:
           Members of the Northville City      met shields and Phoenix Safety Outfitters  Monday  March 9, 2020   9:00 am to 12 Noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
        Council approved the second phase of   will charge $74 per pair of gloves.
        upgrades to equipment for the fire       On a prior acquisition of 77 new     Tuesday  March 10, 2020     1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
        department during their regular meeting  Motorola radios purchased through a fed-  Thursday March 12, 2020  6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
        earlier this month.                    eral grant in December, a one-time acti-  Friday  March 13, 2020   9:00 am to 11:00 am
           The department will purchase turn-  vation fee is required, which was not cov-
        out gear including 60 helmets with the  ered by the grant, according to officials.  All persons protesting their assessment must complete a petition (form L-4035) which can be obtained at Northville Township
                                                                                      Hall or on the Township website click on Board of Review or at
        fire department shield painted on them  City council members approved payment
        and 80 pairs of gloves. The items are  of $250 per radio, $19,250 total to                                                             Marjorie F. Banner
        being purchased for a total cost of $22,307  Michigan Public Safety Communications
        from Dinges Fire Co. The expense for the  System, which maintains the network of  Publish:  February 6, 13, 20, 2020                        NT0048 - 020620  2.5 x 3.18
        helmets was $14,037, Detroit Shields will  infrastructure for digital communications
        be paid $30 each for painted metal hel-  statewide.                                                  CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                                                                                                  NOTICE TO PUBLIC
        Teacher                                the first letter, signed by Superintendent  Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Michael A. Siegrist, Clerk of the Charter Township of Canton, County of Wayne, State
                                                                                                            BOARD OF REVIEW APPOINTMENTS
                                               Mary K. Gallagher and Northville High
                                                                                      of Michigan to all residents of the Charter Township of Canton the March Board of Review will be held in the Canton Township
                                                 “We are fully cooperating with law
        FROM PAGE 1                            School Principal Tony Koski, states.   Hall on the first floor, at 1150 S. Canton Center Road.
                                               enforcement and guided by their direc-  All persons protesting their assessment must complete petitions prior to appearing to or in writing to the Board of Review. All
                                                                                      petitions must be received in the Assessor's office by March 11, 2020 by 9:00 p.m.
        the fullest extent of the law.”        tives relating to information we may
           Dean was immediately placed on      release and any other steps that may be  The following is the schedule for March Board of Review.
        administrative leave by the Northville  taken to ensure student safety,” the follow-
        Public Schools and a letter sent to district  up letter sent after Dean's arrest, said.  Monday, March 9th, 2020  Hearings from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                 (Appointments Only)
        families about the pending arrest, A sec-  “Additionally, you may contact the
        ond letter was sent to parents following  Northville Township Police Department  Tuesday, March 10, 2020  Hearings from 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                 (Appointments Only)
        publicity surrounding the charges.     directly at (248) 349-9400 if you have any
        Northville officials stressed that Dean was  relevant information or concern.”     Wednesday, March 11, 2020  Hearings from 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                 (Appointments Only)
        not coaching any sports at Northville High  Reports indicated that the Hawks soc-
        School.                                cer organization also sent a letter to for-  Please be advised that after 4:30 p.m. entry to the building can only be accessed through the front entrance of the Township Hall.
           “We do not have any reason to believe,  mer and current participating families  To schedule an appointment or if you have any questions regarding the March Board of Review you may call the Assessor's
        at this time, that the allegations and  stating that the allegations against Dean  Office at 734-394-5111.
        charges involve any Northville student,”  “do not involve any Hawks club player.”                                               Michael A. Siegrist, CLERK
                                                                                                                                        Charter Township of Canton Township
                                                                                      Publish once per week:
                                       Classified                                     For 4 consecutive weeks prior to board                        CN2015 - 020620  2.5 x 3.739

                              any time prior to the start of  1JJV532D2GL899906                             NOTICE OF REGISTRATION FOR THE
                              the auction. This is a cash  1985 CHEV                                       ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY,
                              only sale and all vehicles  1G1YY0783F5107877                                         MARCH 10, 2020
        On Wednesday, February  must be paid in full at the  2010 DODGE                                     PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN
        12th, at 11:30 am, Frazier's  conclusion of the auction.  2B3CA3CV0AH253238
        Auto Service Towing locat-                  2003 FORD                         TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP:
        ed at 35830 Van Born Rd,                    1FAFP55263A148428                 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any qualified elector of Plymouth Township who is not already registered, may register to vote
        Wayne, Mi, County of     VEHICLE PUBLIC     2013 CHEV                         at the office of the Township Clerk; the office of the County Clerk; a Secretary of State branch office, or other designated state
        Wayne, will conduct a pub-  AUCTION         2GNFLEEK8D6401728                 agency. Registration forms can be obtained at and mailed to the Township Clerk. Voters who are already registered
        lic auction of Impounded                    2017 WABASH                       may update their registration at
        and Abandoned vehicles.  THE FOLLOWING      1JJV532D4HL902869
        The following vehicles will  VEHICLES HAVE BEEN  2016 WABASH                  The last day to register in any manner other than in-person with the local clerk is Monday, February 24, 2020.
        be offered for sale to the  DEEMED ABANDONED  1JJV532D6GL900569
        highest bidder.        AND WILL BE SOLD AT                                    After this date, anyone who qualifies as an elector may register to vote in person with proof of residency (MCL 168.497) at the
                                                                                      Plymouth Township Clerk’s office, located at 9955 N Haggerty Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170 at the following times:
        2008 DODGE               PUBLIC AUCTION,
        2BKA43GO8H254659           FEB. 12, 2020                                      • Regular business hours: Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
        2007 CADILLAC               12:00 PM
        1GYEE637770153739              AT                                             • Saturday, March 7th from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
        2004 DODGE                 J&M TOWING             Adoption                    • Election Day, Tuesday, March 10 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
        3D7KU28D34G135352        8964 INKSTER RD    Loving dads wanting to            Below is a listing of the offices and proposals that will be on the March 10, 2020 Presidential Primary Election ballot. Sections
        2000 GMC                ROMULUS, MI 48174   adopt newborn; uncondi-           are Partisan and Proposal.
        3GKF16T4YG138082                            tional love and a life of
        2002 JEEP             2010 FGT              opportunity    awaits.            PARTISAN SECTION:
        1J4GW58N92C235972     1FUJGLDR9ASAV0472     Expenses paid.
        1993 FORD             2004 GREAT DANE       845-260-1314,               o subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900.  President of the United States
        1FDEE14Y5PHB76398     1GRAA06294W000842,
        1999 ACURA            2010 STOUG TRL         PROPOSAL SECTION:
        19UUA5644XA052713     1DW1A5320AS174520       Class Action Lawsuit            PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Plymouth Township residents will be voting on the following millage proposals as present-
        2001 CHEVROLET        1991 FORD             FARMERS,   LANDSCAP-              ed and listed below:
        1GNCS18W71K137553     2FACP79F6MX146070     ERS or GARDENERS, did
        2015 KIA              2007 WABASH           you or a loved one use            PLYMOUTH-CANTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS:
        2004 CHEVROLET        1997 CHEV             were diagnosed with NON-          MICHIGAN, BORROW THE SUM OF NOT TO EXCEED  TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS
        1G1C52F647294469      1GCDM19W7VB226261     HODGKINS LYMPHOMA                 ($275,000,000)
        The above vehicles are  2001 JEEP           (Cancer)? You may be enti-
        impounded through the  1J4GW48S11C732562    tled to compensation. Call        RENEWAL OF WAYNE COUNTY ART INSTITUTE AUTHORITY MILLAGE:
                                                                                           THE ART INSTITUTE AUTHORITY IS PERMITTED BY LAW TO SEEK A RENEWAL OF THE MILLAGE AT A
        City Of Romulus and   1992 GMC              Attorney Charles Johnson               RATE OF NO MORE THAN THE CURRENT 0.2 MILL (20 CENTS PER $1,000 TAXABLE VALUE) ON ALL REAL
        Wayne Police Department.  4V1WDBRF8NN654192  1-800-535-5727                        AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY. IT IS ESTIMATED THAT IF APPROVED AND LEVIED, THIS
        For Wayne, all paperwork  2006 WABASH                                              MILLAGE RENEWAL WOULD GENERATE APPROXIMATELY $8,500,000 IN 2022
        is to be picked up from City  1JJV532W66L973554  Help Wanted
        of    Wayne    Police  2011 VAN GUARD            - Truck Driver               Full text of the ballot proposal may be obtained at the Plymouth Township Clerk’s office, 9955 N Haggerty Rd, Plymouth, MI
        Department  within  48  5V8VA5329BM101074   CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,       T     48170, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, telephone: 313-354-3224. A sample ballot may be
        hours of the sale.    2016 WABASH           3  MONTHS   MINIMUM               viewed at
           All Vehicles are sold in  1JJV532D2GL900844  EXPERIENCE,  EXCEL-           Persons with disabilities needing accommodations should contact the clerk’s office.
        "as is condition". Bidding  2007 FORD       LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN
        on all vehicles will start at  3FAHP08187R112184  ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-       Jerry Vorva
        the amount due for towing  2005 FORD        CATED ROUTES ROMEO                Plymouth Township Clerk
        and storage. Vehicles may  1FAFP26105G110035  AND WAYNE DISPATCH,
        be deleted from this list at  2016 WABASH   CALL RON 586-752-4529             Publish: February 6, 2020                                  PT0282 - 020619  2.5 x 6.291
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