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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          February 6, 2020

                                      INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Romulus State of the City outlines goals and progress

           Romulus Mayor LeRoy                                                                      more than $100,000 and men-
        Burcroff delivered his seventh              There was more than $85 million                 tioned military banners
        State of the City Address last                                                              installed downtown and the
        week and stressed both the                  in investment in the city last year.            new cemetery gates.
        accomplishments of the year                                                                    Burcroff said that the goals of
        and the goals for the upcoming                                                              the city this year include
        months.                        upgraded, business security    ence that Romulus received a  enhancements in public safety
           His presentation was aug-   assessments were completed     five-star rating in the eCities  to the emergency medical dis-
        mented by moving video testi-  and the city focused on commu-  report for the second consecu-  patch and Advanced Life
        monials about the city from    nity outreach and safer neigh-  tive year, making it the only  Support transport. He said he is
        Chad Newton, CEO, Wayne        borhoods.                      downriver city to receive such  hoping for improvements to
        County Airport Authority;        Last year, the city was able to  recognition and just one of  sidewalks, pathways and other
        Anthony Minghine, deputy       report an unassigned fund bal-  three cities in Wayne County to  infrastructure systems.
        director, Michigan Municipal   ance of up to 25 percent of    have achieved that success.      Burcroff told the crowd that
        League; Neal MacLean, indus-   expenses despite the tax base    Romulus was also recog-     he wants to see “more rooftops
        trial developer; the Rev. Hiram  that has not recovered from the  nized by Southeastern Michigan  and housing opportunities” in
        McBurrows Jr., pastor at       impact of the 2009 economic    Council of Governments (SEM-  the city and the completion of
        Romulus Community Baptist      collapse.                      COG) for completing more      the update to the recreation
        Church; Jordyn Selleck, execu-   “It likely cannot recover due  square footage of development  master plan including more            Mayor LeRoy Burcroff
        tive Director at Conference of  to the broken municipal finance  than any other city in Wayne  grant-funded park improve-
        Western Wayne and David        system in Michigan,” he told the  County and the surrounding  ments this year.              6th Annual Mayors' Ball on
        Glaab, supervisor in Huron     crowd.                         seven-county region.             Burcroff reminded the audi-  April 25, the Hometown Hero
        Township. Each spoke of a dif-   Legacy costs, including pen-   There was more than $85     ence that there were some key  Awards May 14 and Relay for
        ferent element of progress and  sions and health care for     million in investment in the city  events scheduled for Romulus  Life of Romulus set for Aug. 1
        growth in the City of Romulus.   retirees, have increased but the  last year with 32 new single-  in 2020 including the grand  and 2.
           Burcroff outlined his four  city has been able to reduce   family residential properties.  opening of the new 34th District  His presentation was met,
        core focus areas for this year;  that outstanding obligation  Burcroff said the new business-  Court, the celebration of the  again this year, with loud
        public safety, financial health of  while increasing the fund bal-  es opening in the city also creat-  50th anniversary of the city, the  applause.
        the city, more economic devel-  ance.                         ed new jobs in
        opment and community initia-     Burcroff stressed the solu-  the communi-     MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING
        tives.                         tions-oriented culture now     ty.                                          January 13, 2020
           He reminded the large audi-  present with city employees. He  Burcroff          Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
        ence that the city was able to  said the city was implementing  also touched
        reopen fire station #2 last year  creative solutions and efficien-  on community  The Meeting was Called to Order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem John Barden.
        and that new vehicles were     cies with a family-focused,    initiatives     Pledge of Allegiance
                                                                                      Roll Call: Present – Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Tina Talley, Celeste Roscoe, William Wadsworth, Eva
        added to the public safety     team-based approach. He also   including       Webb, Virginia Williams
        department using grant funds.  mentioned the ratification of  grant-funded    Absent / Excused: None.
        The city also hired five new fire-  employee contracts with the  park improve-  Administrative Officials in Attendance:
                                                                                      Leroy Burcroff, Mayor
        fighters utilizing SAFER grant  city as a positive step in 2019.  ments in 2019  Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
        funding. The 911 system was      Burcroff reminded the audi-  that totaled    Administrative Staff in Attendance:
                                                                                      City Attorney Steve Hitchcock
                                                                                      Chief of Staff Julie Wojtylko
                                                                                      Deputy Clerk Robin R. Underwood
           Featured speaker                                                           1. Agenda                                                          Carried
                                                                                      Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to approve the Agenda as presented.  Motion
           State Rep. Jewell Jones (D-Inkster) was the                                2. Minutes
           featured speaker at the NAACP 30th annual                                     A. Res. #20-010 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to approve the Minutes from the
                                                                                           Regular Meeting held on January 6, 2020.  Motion Carried.
           Martin Luther King Jr. luncheon in Kentucky.                                  B. Res. #20-011 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Virginia Williams to approve the Minutes from
           The event takes place each year as a way of                                     the Special Meeting Closed-Session held on January 6, 2020.  Motion Carried.
           honoring the legacy and work of the civil rights                           3. Petitioner -None.
           activist. "As the economic and social land-                                4.  Chairperson’s Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
           scape of our country continues to shift, we                                   Res. #20-012 Moved by  William Wadsworth, seconded by  Celeste Roscoe  to approve a Memorial
                                                                                         Resolution for Michael Baum.
           must continue to fight to have a seat at the                                  Motion Carried Unanimously.
           table to influence positive change, and contin-                               Res. #20-013 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to approve a Memorial Resolution
           ue the work that Dr. King started so many                                     for Ruth Case.
           years ago," said Jones. "If it were not for lead-                             Motion Carried Unanimously.
           ers like Dr. King, I would not be in the position I                             A. Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to accept the Chairperson’s Report. Motion
                                                                                             Carried Unanimously.
           am in today, and I was honored to be able to                               5.  Mayor’s Report – LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
           honor him by speaking at this important                                       •  Mayor Burcroff introduced, thanked and invited Stacey Reeves, of Plante & Moran, to briefly reiterate
           event." The luncheon was one of several                                         the City’s Annual Financial Audit Report that was presented earlier at the Special Meeting-Study Session
                                                                                           held at 6:30 p.m. today.
           events in Paducah, KY in celebration of MLK                                   •  A community events video was presented.
           Day.                                                                            A. Res. #20-014 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Virginia Williams to concur with Administration
                                                                                             and approve the re-appointment of Tracy Leninger to the Property Disposition Committee with a term
                                                                                             to expire on January 25, 2024.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
                                                                                           B. Res. #20-015 Moved by  William Wadsworth, seconded by  Kathy Abdo  to concur with the
                                                                                             Administration and introduce Budget Amendment 19/20-13 for the Dog Run for the Animal Shelter
                         NOTICE OF VOTER REGISTRATION                                        to be funded from Animal Shelter Donation account #701-000-280.032.
                                  City of Romulus, Michigan
                         March 10, 2020 - Presidential Primary Election

                            ROMULUS ON TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2020.

         THE LOCAL CLERK FOR THE ELECTION IS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2020.  Persons           Motion Carried Unanimously.
         residing in the City of Romulus can register in-person with proof of residency with the local clerk  C. Res. #20-016 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the Administration
         February 25th through 8:00 p.m. March 10, 2020.                                     and introduce Budget Amendment 19/20-14 for the grant purchase of six (6) 4XR Multigas Detectors.

         Voters may register by mail using a mail-in voter registration form or in person at a Secretary of State
         Branch Office, Wayne County Election's Division, or the City of Romulus Clerk's office.

         PLEASE TAKE  NOTICE  that for ALL Precincts there are three ballot types: one ballot for
         Democratic Party, one ballot for Republican Party, and one ballot without Presidential Primary (this
         ballot choice is for voters not voting in the Presidential Primary who wish to vote on local propos-
         al, only) as shown below:
                                                                                           Motion Carried Unanimously.
         The following proposal will appear on the ballot:
                                                                                           D. Res. #20-017 Moved by  Celeste Roscoe, seconded by  William Wadsworth  to concur with the
                                                                                             Administration and introduce Budget Amendment 19/20-15 to account for the 34th District court
                                 WAYNE COUNTY PROPOSAL                                       share of Gabriel Roeder Smith (GRS) actuarial services and the Court’s reimbursement. Additionally,
                                                                                             to account for the request to complete a Supplemental Valuation for all divisions with the Retiree
                       Renewal of Wayne County Art Institute Authority Millage               Health Care plan as of June 30, 2019.
           In 2012 the electors of Wayne County approved a 10-year millage to provide County resi-
          dents with services from the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) through the Wayne County Art
         Institute Authority. As a result of the millage, the DIA provides Wayne County residents with
           free K-12 school field trips including free transportation, free senior group programming
          with free transportation, and unlimited free general admission. To ensure transparency, the
               DIA submits to an annual independent audit and posts financial reports online.
          To continue to provide revenue to the DIA, which will allow these DIA services for the resi-
           dents of the County to continue, the Art Institute Authority is permitted by law to seek a
          renewal of the millage at a rate of no more than the current 0.2 mill (20 cents per $1,000 tax-
          able value) on all real and personal property in the County. Revenue from this millage will  Motion Carried Unanimously.
          be disbursed to the Art Institute Authority and then transferred to the DIA as permitted by  6. Clerk’s Report – Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
          and for the purposes set forth in Public Act 296 of 2010. It is estimated that if approved and  A. Res. #20-018 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to approve the Second Reading
                                                                                             and Final Adoption of Budget Amendment 19/2-12 to pay for 2020 Sidewalk Program Design for Van
               levied, this millage renewal would generate approximately $8,500,000 in 2022.  Born Road.
                                                                                           B. Res.  #20-019 Moved by  William Wadsworth, seconded by  Kathy Abdo  to approve the Study
          Do you approve the renewal of the 0.2 mill on all taxable property located within the County  Session  Request from DPW Director, Roberto Scappaticci, for February 3, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. to dis-
                          for a period of 10 years from 2022 through 2031?                   cuss 2020 Infrastructure Project.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
                                                                                      7. Treasurer’s Report – Stacy Paige, Treasurer -None.
                                                                  YES    [     ]      8. Public Comment -None.
                                                                  NO      [     ]     9. Unfinished Business -None.
                                                                                      10. New Business -None.
                                                                                      11. Warrant
         Full text of the ballot proposal may be obtained at the Romulus City Clerk's Office, 11111 Wayne  A. Res. #20-020 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the Approval of Warrant #20-
         Road, Romulus, MI 48174, or by calling (734) 942-7540.                            1, Checks presented in the amount of $2,065,399.96.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
                                                                                      12. Communication
         PERSONS ENTITLED to be registered voters in the City of Romulus must possess the following  •  Councilwoman Talley thanked the 13th Congressional District and Councilwoman Williams for hosting
         qualifications on or before the day of the election: (1) a citizen of the United States; (2) at least 18  their monthly meeting at the RAC on Saturday, January 11th.
         years of age (by election day); (3) a resident of the State of Michigan and the City of Romulus for  •  Mayor Burcroff and Mayor Pro Tem Barden, congratulated and thanked DPW, Public Safety and all the
         not less than 30 days prior to the election (MCL 168.492); (4) not serving a sentence in jail or prison.  administrative team’s effort during the rain/ice storm and flooding over the past weekend.
         Registrations will be received at the City of Romulus located at 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  13. Adjournment
         48174, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.           Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
         Persons with special needs as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the  Motion Carried Unanimously.
                                                                                      I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
         Clerk's Office.                                                              copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Romulus City Council held on January 13, 2020.

         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City of Romulus Clerk                                  Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         Publish:  02-06-2020                                          RM0472 - 020620  2.5 x 8.946  City of Romulus, Michigan                     RM0473 - 020620  2.5 x 14.496
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