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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          February 4, 2021

                                         INKSTER - ROMULUS - WAYNE
                                          INKSTER - ROMULUS - WAYNE

        Romulus church to host 13-week grief seminars

           Community members who         “Many grieving people find   may be recent or current and  gram features Christ-centered,  Thursday starting Feb. 18 and
        have experienced the death of a  they are only beginning the work  participants will find “find  biblical teaching that focuses on  continuing through May 13 with
        family member or friend can    of healing when friends or fami-  encouragement, comfort, and  grief topics. The DVD seminar  different DVDs each meeting.
        now register for a 13-week semi-  ly have returned to their daily  help in grieving the death of a  features nationally respected  Registration is $15 which
        nar/support group GriefShare at  life routines. Past participant  loved one no matter what the  grief experts and real-life stories  includes a workbook and weekly
        5 Points Church. The church,   have related how helpful the   cause of death. This is an oppor-  of people, followed by a small  handouts.
        located at 37300 Goddard Road  information and follow-up dis-  tunity to be around people who  group discussion about what    There will be social distanc-
        at Huron River Drive in        cussions were to them,” organiz-  understand what you are feel-  was seen on the DVD.       ing and masks are required.
        Romulus, has been offering this  ers said.                    ing,” they added.                GriefShare will be take place  More information is available
        program since 2005. .            The bereavement experience      This nondenominational pro-  beginning at 6 p.m. every    at
        Inkster church plans brick memorial for COVID deaths

           An Inkster church is planning a  COVID-19 virus.             The pandemic has adversely  Michigan Department of Health  munity by giving to the communi-
        permanent memorial to those      Sykes said the church currently  affected the Black and Hispanic  and Human Services. Khaldun  ty,” he said. “Just thinking about
        lives lost due to the coronavirus.  has about 2,000 bricks.   community, according to statistics  has urged members of the Black  all of the people I know who have
           The Prevailing Church in      “I myself know about 50 to 60  and deaths among those ethnici-  community to seek a vaccination  passed away...we wanted to do
        Inkster, under the leadership of  people who have passed away. My  ties are much more prevalent,  against the disease as soon as they  something that brings healing.”
        the Rev. Rick Sykes, is construct-  wife was actually sick in March  according to Dr. Joneigh S.  become available to them.  To inquire about dedicating a
        ing a memorial brick walkway   and she recovered. Loved ones,  Khaldun, MD, MPH, FACEP, the    Sykes said the memorial  at the  brick to a loved one, or to donate
        along the side of the church and  people I knew, also recovered but  chief medical executive for the  church is a means of trying to heal  to the church, contact Sykes at
        each brick will be inscribed with  there are those who passed away  State of Michigan and Chief  the community.  
        the name of a person lost to the  from COVID-19,” he said.    Deputy Director for Health in the  “We're looking to bless the com-  m.
        Lawsuit                        Wayne HYPE center offers cost-free virus testing

        FROM PAGE 1                       Testing for COVID-19 is now                                                              Individuals older than 5 are eli-
                                       available to the public in both                           ”                                 gible to be tested, but must be
        Sanders in the civil suit.     Wayne and Westland.                       Individuals who may be experiencing               accompanied by an adult.
           Chandler is also named as a    The cities have cooperated                                                               There is no doctor's order or
        defendant in Nocerini's lawsuit  with Wayne County to provide           COVID-19 symptoms are encouraged                   pre-registration necessary. As
        which cites an ongoing dispute  the testing sites in an effort to            to get tested and quarantine                  in Westland, there is no cost but
        between her and Sanders as     reach the goal of 8,000 tests                                                               if insurance information is
        the motive for the false police  each day.                                   until test results are received.              available, it will be collected.
        report. She claims that Sanders   In Wayne, the cost-free test-                                                              “With the uptick in COVID-
        tried to impugn her reputation  ing with reportedly shorter                                                                19 cases so close to the holi-
        and have her fired from her job  waiting times is open at the  information is available, it will  from 9 a.m. unto 3 p.m. on  days, our public health teams
        by falsifying emails portraying  HYPE Recreation Center from  be collected for the laboratory  Saturday.                   have stepped up its effort to
        her as homophobic and that his  9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday    testing fees.  There is no pre-  Health professionals advised  offer more testing opportuni-
        allegations of misconduct      through Friday and from 9 a.m.  registration or appointment  individuals not to take any    ties to keep families safe,” said
        prompted an outside investiga-  until 3 p.m. on Saturdays. The  needed, officials said. Minors  fever reducing medications  Wayne County Executive
        tion of her professional per-  athletic center is located at  must be accompanied by a par-  prior to testing. When arriving  Warren C. Evans.
        formance including allegations  4635 Howe Road in Wayne.      ents or guardian and patients  at the drive thru clinic, individ-  Individuals who may be
        of a hostile work environment.    In Westland, testing will take  can expect to receive their  uals should have a form of iden-  experiencing COVID-19 symp-
           That confidential report    place in the parking lot at the  results within 2-3 days, which  tification ready. Visitors are  toms are encouraged to get test-
        dated Aug. 8, 2018 was briefly  Westland Friendship Center,   will be shared via email, phone  asked that they leave their car  ed and quarantine until test
        posted on social media and     located at 1119 Newburgh       call or text message. The     windows up until asked to      results are received. Symptoms
        included interviews with 17    Road. Residents will have no   Westland COVID-19 testing is  lower them.                    can develop up to 14 days after
        employees by the independent   out of pocket expenses for test-  open from 9 a.m.until7 p.m.   In Wayne, both drive-through  exposure to the virus, health
        investigator. He cited multiple  ing. However, if insurance   Monday through Friday and     and inside testing is available.  professionals said.
        and serious problems with
        Nocerini's management and
        administration at city hall. In
        his report, the investigator said
        he found staff members fearful
        of recriminations and who
        were subjected to ongoing and
        overt discriminatory treatment.
        The investigator advised the
        city that this was a basis for
        serious concern as the employ-
        ees believed they worked in an
        atmosphere where the city
        manager and one councilman,
        at that time a candidate for
        mayor, were aligned so strongly
        that employees and depart-
        ment heads had no recourse
        for equitable treatment.
           In her lawsuit, however,
        filed by attorney Scott Ruark,
        Nocerini claims that she was
        “cleared of any wrongdoing” by
        the independent report. She
        also states that the report con-
        cluded there was no hostile
        working environment and that
        the investigation was “unethi-
        cal, slanderous and resulted in
        Plaintiff suffering severe emo-
        tional distress.”
           She further claims that
        Sanders interfered with her
        “existing and prospective eco-
        nomic and business relation-
        ships and expectancies” and
        that as a result of his conduct
        she has incurred damages in
        excess of $25,000.
           Cahalan said that Sanders
        vehemently denies all the alle-
        gations in the criminal com-
        plaint and has demanded a
        jury trial in which his inno-
        cence will be clearly estab-

                   Christopher Sanders
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