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February 4, 2021                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        City Holiday Taste Fest plans already under way

                          Julie Brown                             ”                                safely. We look forward to every-  new or gently used children's
                        Special Writer          Our members and the whole community                one joining us ... and bringing  boots, hats or gloves will be
                                                                                                   back holiday cheer” at the Taste
                                                                                                                                 entered in a raffle to win a $100
           The 2021 Westland Holiday            are eager to get out and socialize safely.         Fest.                         gift card.
        Taste Fest is being planned for 6-       We look forward to everyone joining us.             Admission to the Holiday       The $25 admission price
        8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 7, at the                                                          Taste Fest is $25, including food  includes treats and holiday dis-
        Hellenic Cultural Center, 36375                                                            and entertainment, with a cash  plays from area fine restaurants
        Joy Road in Westland.                                                                      bar. Call the Westland Chamber  and culinary artists; music of the
           While the 2020 event was can-  with information available from  Commerce president. “We know  of Commerce at (734) 326-7222  Marsha Gayle Band; a live auc-
        celed due to the pandemic, the  the Westland Chamber of      that it's a ways away. It's some-  for more information or visit  tion and raffles, including the
        event this December will be    Commerce.                     thing for people to look forward  “Bucket of Cheer” raffle (assort-
        even more special, organizers    “We're trying to bring back the  to as we go through 2021.”  Proceeds go to Westland    ment of liquor bottles), and mas-
        said. Sponsorships are available  annual tradition of the Holiday  She agreed “our members  Rotary charities and to the  ters of ceremonies RC DJ Video
        at the Platinum ($1,000), Gold  Taste Fest,” said Gretchen   and the whole community” are  Westland     Chamber      of  Productions Ralph and Kim
        ($500) and Silver ($250) levels,  Heinicke, Westland Chamber of  “eager to get out and socialize  Commerce. Donors who bring  Cabildo.
        Westland council approves reappointments to city boards

           Members of the Westland City
        Council confirmed the reap-                               ”
        pointment of two city board                  Westland Mayor William R. Wild
        members during a Jan. 19 meet-             reappointed long-time city resident
           Westland Mayor William R.              Gayle Nicholson to the Library Board.
        Wild reappointed long-time city
        resident Gayle Nicholson to the
        Library Board.                 the second Wednesday of each   focused, multi-site environment.
           Her appointment was for a   month    in   the    Library     The Planning Commission is
        five-year term expiring Feb. 6,  Community Meeting Room,      governed by a nine-member
        2026. Nicholson is an active com-  located at 6123 Central City  board appointed by the mayor
        munity volunteer with an exten-  Parkway                      and subject to confirmation of
        sive background in customer      Wild also reappointed Delano  city council. Members serve
        service and marketing.         Hornbuckle to the city Planning  three-year terms and must
           The five-member Library     Commission. Hornbuckle has     reside, work or have ownership
        Board is appointed by the mayor  served on the city Parks and  interest in property in the City of
        and confirmed by city council.  Recreation Advisory Board     Westland.
        The board oversees the library  since November 2019 and the     The Planning Commission
        director and the operations of  Municipal Service Bureau      reviews and recommends to city              Gayle Nicholson              Delano Hornbuckle
        the William P. Faust Public    (MSB) since January 2019. He is  council all applications for  cations for special land uses, site  scheduled for 6:30 p.m. the first
        Library.                       a Network Security Engineer    amendments to the Zoning      plan approvals and planned unit  Tuesday of the month at City
           Meetings take place at 7 p.m.  and works in a customer     Ordinance or zoning map, appli-  developments. Meetings are  Hall, 36300 Warren Road.
        Inkster woman is charged with birthday party stabbing

           A Westland woman is facing  intent to do great bodily harm  a report of a man stabbed. When  niece during a birthday party.  the scene, according to police
        two felony charges in the stab-  less than murder, a 10-year felony  officers arrived, they discovered  She was immediately taken into  reports.
        bing of her uncle at a family gath-  in the stabbing of her 27-year-old  the Riverview man with a non-  custody. Officers also cited a 45-  Both the victim and Purifoy
        ering in Riverview.            uncle Jan. 9.                  life threatening stab wound to his  year-old and 24-year-old, both  were treated at the scene for
           Ariel Purifoy, 20, has been   According to police reports,  left shoulder. Initial witness  Westland residents, for misde-  minor injuries by Riverivew Fire
        charged with one count of felo-  officers were called to a house in  interviews indicated that a dis-  meanor assault and battery relat-  Department personnel. Purifoy
        nious assault, a four-year felony  the 15000 block of Golfview at  pute arose among several people  ed to their actions during the  was arraigned on the charges
        and one count of assault with  about 7 p.m. Jan. 9 in response to  including the victim and his  incident. Both were released at  Jan. 11 in 27th District Court.
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