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February 4, 2021                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Deputy supervisor resigns following public squabble

           A heated exchange at the Jan.  afternoon the day before and                                                               “I'm a full-grown man. I can do
        26 meeting of the Sumpter      that scheduled meetings on                        I'm a full-grown man.                     it on my own. I am perfectly
        Township Board of Trustees has  Tuesday, along with some unex-                                                             capable of doing this on my own,
        apparently prompted the resig-  pected personnel issues, kept                   I can do it on my own.                     Kenny,” he said. “I want to get
        nation of Deputy Supervisor    him from returning the voice                 I am perfectly capable of doing                along and do my job and do my
        Kenneth Bednark.               mail from Bednark. He said the                                                              best for the community.”
           During a study session of the  voice mail message informed                   this on my own, Kenny.                       Bednark responded that he
        board members just prior to    him that Supervisor Tim                                                                     had a 45-minute conversation
        their regular meeting, Trustee  Bowman had instructed Bednark  no recognition of doing so and  been a full-time deputy until  with Bowman on Friday and that
        Peggy Morgan criticized the fail-  to call and tell him that discus-  moved on to the next item for dis-  “this board cut your legs off.”    there were items in Luke's con-
        ure of Police Chief Eric Luke to  sion of his soon-to-expire  cussion.                         “We did discuss this (Luke’s  tract that Bowman needed to be
        return a phone call from       employment contract would be     During discussion at the fol-  contract). I'm covering your back.  aware of.
        Bednark. The call was, according  removed from the meeting agen-  lowing regular meeting of the  If you're not happy with my serv-  “I am quite confident we dis-
        to Morgan, an effort to discuss  da.                          board, Bednark took the opportu-  ice, just let me know,” he said.  cussed this,” he said. “The onus
        Luke's upcoming contract renew-  “I saw no immediacy in the   nity to chastise his boss about  Bowman responded that he,   is on you sir, not only on me.”
        al. She asked why there was this  message,” Luke said.        that exchange. He said that in the  too, had only been in office for  That exchange, and a subse-
        “lack of communication.”         Trustee Matt Oddy asked      two months he had been the    two months and was attempting  quent discussion between
           Luke, in attendance at the  Bowman, “Did you have your     deputy supervisor he had repeat-  to acclimate himself to municipal  Bowman and Bednark, apparent-
        Zoom meeting, responded that   deputy tell the chief the item was  edly had to compel Bowman to  government but obviously took  ly prompted Bednark to submit a
        the “phone call” was a voice mes-  to be removed?” Bowman     respond to his emails. He     offense at Bednark's comments  letter of resignation, effective
        sage he had received late in the  responded casually that he had  reminded Bowman that he had  and tone.                   Feb. 10.
        Sumpter trustees approve settlement of pay rate dispute

           Members of the Sumpter                                                                   insurance, sick and vacation time
        Township Board of Trustees                 We had a review. The board already               accrued from the date of his
        unanimously agreed to a one-                                                                swearing in on Nov. 20 until the
        time $500 payment to Deputy             passed a resolution, so we can move on.             board set his pay as a part-time
        Treasurer Kenneth Bednark                        If this was paid in error,                 deputy supervisor at $8,406 with
        along with a month of a back                                                                no benefits  Dec. 15.
        wages at a higher hourly amount.             we should get the money back.                     The discussion continued
           The unanimous vote came                                                                  with Morgan repeatedly insisting
        after a protracted discussion of  ing more. If the board intended  Bednark had not been paid “the  that Bednark be paid the amount
        the situation at the Jan. 26 meet-  the deputy, in this case Bednark,  money he had earned.”  “authorized by the supervisor.”
        ing. The topic was prompted by  to perform additional or other  Trustee Matt Oddy reminded  She suggested paying him that
        Trustee Peggy Morgan who also  duties, then other laws such as  Morgan and the board that the  hourly rate and then discussing
        raised the issue at the Jan. 12  minimum wage and benefits    trustees had previously agreed  the interest, benefits, insurance
        meeting, suggesting Bednark be  would come into play.         that if it had been determined  and vacation days he was claim-
        compensated at the higher rate   “I need direction from you as  that the supervisor had the  ing at a future meeting.
        paid to the previous deputy    to what your intent on Dec. 15  authority to set the hourly wage  Oddy and Trustee Tim Rush
        supervisor.  At that time, the  was,” he told the board.      rate, the township would not take  were both adamantly opposed to
        question of authority to set town-  Supervisor Tim Bowman     the money back from Bednark as  that suggestion saying this issue   Supervisor Tim Bowman
        ship employee wages  was       explained that when he hired   a reimbursement for the over-  had simply “dragged on too    time worked from Nov. 20 until
        referred to township attorney  Bednark as his deputy, he      payment.                      long.” Both said they wanted the  Dec. 15 along with an additional
        Rob Young for research.        assumed it would be at the same  “We had a review. The board  issue settled during the meeting.  $500 in compensation for his
           Young presented his prelimi-  rate as the previous deputy  already passed a resolution, so  Oddy said, however, it would be  other claims on the condition
        nary findings but told the board  supervisor.  “I was not asking him  we can move on. If this was paid  difficult to vote on the issue  that this would satisfy all the pay
        members last week that his     to do anything more that my    in error, we should get the money  when there was no calculation of  issues.
        research left him needing direc-  statutory duties,” he said.   back. We dealt with this at the  the amount presented.       Bednark reportedly submitted
        tion from the board as to their  During the meeting, Young    last meeting,” Oddy said.        After lengthy discussion, the  a letter of resignation last week-
        intent when they voted on the  repeatedly acknowledged, as did  Bednark delivered a letter to  board members unanimously   effective Feb. 10 following a pub-
        issue Dec. 15. At that meeting, the  the trustees, that there was no  township officials last week  agreed to pay Bednark the  lic dispute with Bowman.
        board reduced Bednark’s posi-  inference that Bowman had any  demanding back pay, interest,  increased hourly rate for the         (See related story, above)
        tion to part time without benefits  ulterior motive in the appoint-
        at a reduced hourly rate.      ment of Bednark and that he had
           Young explained that the    acted on incomplete information.
                                                                           To receive The Eagle in your inbox,
        board of trustees has the authori-  Morgan repeatedly suggested
        ty to set the wages for township  that the board pay Bednark at
        employees. He explained, how-  the previous deputy supervisor’s
        ever, that a deputy official is  rate and stop withholding what
        responsible only for performing  had been determined as an over-
        the statutory duties of the person  payment from his checks. She
        appointing the deputy, and noth-  reiterated several times that        visit

                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                      INVITATION TO BID
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
         bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, February 18, 2021 for the following:
                                     DEMOLITION SERVICES
         Bids may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at https://www.bidnet- or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be sub-
         mitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and
         time of bid opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discrimi-
         nate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
         Publish 02/04/2021                                           CN2170 - 020421  2.5 x 2.055
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