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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 23, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Cornhole Leagues forming      with activity
           The Canton Sports Center is currently  code YT0014. All participants will
        organizing new Cornhole leagues that   receive a box lunch, T-Shirt,; and a "Fun  Annual student radio station
        will continue from Jan. 29 through     Patch."
        March 26, at Kickers Sports Bar & Grill,  The B.L.O.C.K. (Building Leaders Out  record show and sale is set
        located at 46555 W. Michigan Ave. in   of Canton's Kids) Youth and Teen Center
        Canton, Players 18  and older can select  is located on the third floor of the Canton
        a play date of Wednesday or Thursday   Administration Building at 1150 S.         The annual 88.1 record show will  director 88.1 The Park.
        for this 8-week league, which will be run  Canton Center Road. For more informa-  bring thousands of vinyl records, CDs,  Admission to the record show is $3,
        as blind draw doubles with individual  tion, visit or call (734)  import only releases, t-shirts, posters  however collectors wanting an early
        standings.  Prizes will be awarded for  398-5570.                               and other collectibles to the Salem High  start can purchase early admission
        the first through sixth place winners.    The Summit is located at 46000        School Cafeteria.                   between 9 and 10 a.m. for $5. Students
           The league fee is $50 per person. The  Summit Parkway in Canton.               The record show is set for 10 a.m.  at Canton, Plymouth and Salem high
        deadline to register is 5 p.m. Jan. 27.                                         until 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22 and pro-  schools will be admitted at no cost with
           For more information or to register  Distinguished Young Women               ceeds will benefit the nationally-recog-  student identification.
        for the Cornhole Leagues, call the     orientation meeting planned              nized student radio station operated by  All proceeds will benefit 88.1 The
        Canton Sports Center at (734) 483-5600 or  An  orientation   meeting    for     the Plymouth-Canton Community       Park and will help the station to contin-
        visit               Distinguished Young Women of Wayne-      Schools.                            ue serving the community with unique
                                               Westland will take place at 4 p.m.         In addition to the wide variety of ven-  programming and broadcast training
        Suite Surrender presented              Sunday, Jan. 26 at 32807 Manor Park in   dors, the show will feature special give-  for students. The record show is one of
           Inspire Theater will be presenting  Garden City.                             aways and door prizes. Last year, more  the station's main fundraisers each year,
        Suite Surrender: a farce by Michael      This year, the pageant will also       than 400 people attended the show due,  explained Station Manager Bill Keith.
        McKeever at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 24 and 25,  include candidates for Distinguished     organizers said, to the resurgence in  Interested dealers or those wanting
        and at 3 p.m. Jan. 26 at Westland Center  Young Women of Wayne County.          interest in vinyl records.          more information can contact Keith at
        for the Arts, located at 33455 Warren    The event will take place March 6 at     “Some people would like you to    (734) 416-7732 or email him at
        Road.                                  Wayne Memorial High School and any       think that music is all digital now, but  Eight foot
           The story takes place in 1942 and two  high school junior girl who resides in  the record show proves that all wrong.  tables can be reserved for $30.
        of Hollywood's biggest divas have      Wayne-Westland or lives in Wayne         It's amazing to see so many music fans,  Salem High School is located at
        descended upon the luxurious Palm      County can register for the scholarship  from all generations, together in one  46181 Joy Road in Canton at the corner
        Beach Royale Hotel -- assistants, lug-  competitions                     at     place,” said Alivia Wiacek, program  of Joy and Canton Center roads.
        gage, and legendary feud with one      www.waynewestland.mi.distin-
        another in tow. Everything seems to be                   or   limited. Sorry, no Walk-ins will be   the day of the show, and complimentary
        in order for their wartime performance   accepted.                             coffee and doughnuts will be available to
        until they are somehow assigned to the  and click on Apply Now.                The cost for the dance is $12 and reg-  the dealers until 10:30 a.m.  Food also
        same suite. Mistaken identities,         Information will be forwarded to    istration is now available online at  will be available.  Admission is $2 per
        overblown egos, double entendres, and a  organizers who will contact candidates    person and $4 per family.  Parking is
        lap dog named Mr. Boodles round out    with details.                           The Cultural Center is located at 525  free.
        this love note to the classic farces of the                                  Farmer St. in Plymouth. For more infor-  For more information or table reser-
        30s and 40s. The play is not suitable for  Jazz performance planned          mation call (734) 455-6620.           vations, call  (734) 728-1247.
        all ages.  For tickets and more informa-  Jazz @ The Elks take place from 7
        tion visit https://inspiretheatre.tick-  until 9:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the  Railroadiana Train Show set at church  Garden Club to meet                             month at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks    The Ss. Simon and Jude Ushers' Club    Members of the Country Garden Club
                                               Lodge 325. There is a $10 donation at the  is sponsoring a buy-and-swap     of Northville will meet at 11 a.m. Feb. 5
        Symposium for girls set                door which includes hors d'oeuvres.    Railroadiana Train Show from noon to 4  at Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in
           The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen         Pete Siers Organic Roots will perform  p.m., Sunday, Feb. 2, at the Ss. Simon &  Northville.
        Center will host a special youth sympo-  Tuesday, Jan. 28.  Siers will be on drums,  Jude Catholic Church Social Hall, 32500  The speaker for the meeting will be
        sium for young girls in grades 3 through  Duncan MacMillan on organ, Steve   Palmer Road, between Merriman and     Sue Grubba who will discuss the
        5 from noon until 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25  Wood on sax, and Matt LaRusso on gui-  Venoy roads, Westland.          Healthy Soil and Wise Fertilizing. Light
        at the Summit on the Park.             tar.                                    There will be approximately 100 deal-  snacks will be served.
           Featured presentations include a      The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge   er tables available.  The cost is $10 for an  For more information, call (248) 202-
        keynote address by Priya Mann, WDIV    325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road.  8-foot table.  Dealer set up is 9 a.m. on  1518.
        reporter, as well as closing remarks from  For more information, call (734) 453-1780
        Michigan State Sen. Dayna Polehanki,   or visit or email
        District 7.
           This special event is organized by  Daddy Daughter Dances
        mentors of the Lead #LikeAGirl, who    planned in Plymouth
        are former graduates of the program      The City of Plymouth Recreation
        which was developed in 2015 by The     Department will host the 9th Annual
        B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen Center to    Daddy Daughter Dance at the Cultural
        challenge young women ages 11-15 to    Center Reception Room from 6:30 until
        take active roles in their personal and  8:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31 and again
        professional development, as well as in  Saturday, Feb. 1.
        local decision making in their communi-  Light refreshments and snacks will be
        ties.                                  served.  Semi-formal, dressy-casual
           Tickets are available for purchase $10  attire recommended. Advance ticket
        per       person      online      at   purchase is required because space is

        Shop                                   store cabinets came from Montgomery
                                                 The donated display cases as well as
                                               Ward, noted Lynne Porter, although she
        FROM PAGE 1                            said that was not documented.  Store vol-
                                               unteers give items like pet supplies to
        linens. “The stuff just flies out of here  appropriate organizations, and keep an
        starting in September.”                area for weekly pickup from the Disabled
           In addition to Christmas, some St.  American Veterans.
        Patrick's Day and Valentine's Day items  “I really like displaying things. I enjoy
        sell. Books and artwork are nearby, as well  meeting people,” she said.
        as electronics.                          Her husband does too, and both note
           “Vinyl records are coming back.     the socializing of regular visitors is also a
        They're very popular,” explained Lynne  mission.
        Porter. Store volunteers, some of whom   Plans are being discussed for the 70th
        work limited hours, may adopt a section,  anniversary observance, which will be in
        such as purses and shoes.              addition to the annual tool sale in May.
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