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January 23, 2020                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                           NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        School district plans millage informational meetings

           Property owners in the      request is a replacement of the  community's investment in the  series of forums to discuss the  presentation followed by an
        Northville Public Schools dis-  existing sinking fund millage  school district's buildings and  millage replacement request in  opportunity to ask questions
        trict will be asked to approve a  and would not result in an  sites, while preserving General  various locations. A forum is  about the proposal.
        new Sinking Fund millage on    increase over the current mill-  Fund dollars to accomplish the  planned at  at 8:30 tonight, Jan.  The forums are open to the
        the March 10 ballot.           age rate, school officials     district's core mission of    23, at Old Village School; at 7  public.
           Voters will be asked to     stressed in a press release    instruction and student learn-  p.m. Monday, Feb. 2 at Moraine  More information about the
        extend the current .9519-mill  regarding the issue.           ing,” the statement continued.  Elementary School and at 8:30  proposal is available on the dis-
        levy from 2021 to 2025 and pro-  “If supported, the Sinking   Priority projects for the next  a.m. Thursday, Feb. 6 at     trict to learn more about the
        vide for broader uses of the   Fund millage will continue to  five-year period fall into the  Hillside Middle School and   millage election by visiting the
        proceeds, including instruc-   provide approximately $3 mil-  categories of Instructional   again at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday,  district            website
        tional technology and security  lion each year to fund building  Technology and Security,   Feb. 16 at Old Village School.
        equipment.                     and site repairs, along with   Energy and Operational           The forums will include     2020sinkingfund. Questions
           The current levy expires    instructional technology and   Efficiency, and Health and    information about the Sinking  and/or comments may also be e-
        Dec. 31, 2020.                 safety and security upgrades.  Safety.                       Fund replacement millage pro-  mailed to nps@northvilles
           The .9519-mill, five-year   This funding helps protect the   The district is hosting a   posal through a 10-15 minute
        Michigan Philharmonic awarded major funding grant

           The Michigan Philharmonic   ming to a wide range of audi-
        has received a grant of $65,000  ences from children to adults,
        from the Margaret Dunning      she said.
        Foundation to support technolo-  A generous grant of support
        gy and data system upgrades for  from the Margaret Dunning
        the organization as well as sup-  Foundation has helped the
        port for the orchestra education-  Michigan Philharmonic upgrade
        al programming in the Plymouth  dated IT and data systems by
        Canton Community Schools.      funding new computer and soft-
           The Michigan Philharmonic   ware upgrades, a new photocopi-
        serves audiences including stu-  er, as well as technology for a
        dents and numerous multi-cul-  new donor management system,
        tural   groups,   throughout   Stewart explained. In addition,
        Southeast Michigan with pro-   funding was also given to support
        grams that are innovative and  the educational programs the
        educational, according to Beth  orchestra brings to the Plymouth  through the science of sound as  may continue to bring  high qual-
        Stewart, executive director of the  Canton Schools in the form of the  well as a special Koncert for Kids  ity musical and educational pro-  The Margaret Dunning
        group.     The      Michigan   CLASSical Music Outreach       for all 4th graders each spring,  gramming to the Plymouth   Foundation was founded by Ms.
        Philharmonic contributes to the  Program. Now in it's 17th year,  Stewart said.             Canton Community," she conclud-  Dunning in 1997. Ms. Dunning
        quality of life in the region by  this program reaches every 3rd  "Support from the Dunning  ed in a prepared statement.   died in 2015 at the age of 104. Her
        serving as a cultural anchor in  and 4th grader in the district  Foundation has afforded the   For more information on con-  estate provided funding for the
        the community, employing       with music education programs  orchestra the opportunity to  certs, venues, artists and tickets,  Margaret Dunning Foundation,
        numerous professional musi-    designed to introduce students to  more efficiently administer the  visit or  which continues to support her
        cians and providing program-   the instruments of the orchestra  programs of our orchestra so we  call (734) 451-2112 or email:  charitable interests and legacy.
        Free tax preparation service available for Northville senior residents

           AARP Foundation Volunteer   offered  from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.  service is provided to taxpayers  being accepted, and can be made  leave the 1-1 ½ hour appoint-
        Tax Aides will offer free tax  each Thursday at the Northville  with low/middle income with  by calling (248) 305-2851.    ment with a copy of their e-filed
        preparation services at the    Community Center.  First       special preference for appoint-  AARP Tax Volunteers are cer-  returns, and the knowledge that
        Northville Community Center    appointments will begin on     ments will be given to those 60  tified for tax preparation and will  their tax returns have been filed
        again this year. Tax preparation  Thursday, Feb. 6 and the last day  and older.             electronically file federal and  at both Michigan and IRS accept-
        is by appointment only and is  will be Thursday, April 9.  This  Appointments are already   state tax returns. Taxpayers will  ance sites.
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