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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 23, 2020

                              BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Romulus council votes to accept 2% salary hike

           Despite the strong objections  more for health care last year, we                                                       said that she was surprised that
        of the longest serving city council  asked taxpayers for a public safe-       There is no provision in our                 she was getting paid at all and
        member, elected officials in   ty millage. The library came to us                                                          that she felt her council service
        Romulus will receive a 2-percent  and asked for $1,000 and we said        charter and no ordinance to allow                was important to being part of the
        pay raise.                     no,” he said.                         such an appeal to the decision of the board.          community.
           During the Jan. 6 regular meet-  Wadsworth said that he, Mayor                                                            “I ran for council because I
        ing,   Councilman    William   LeRoy Burcroff, Councilwoman                                                                wanted to do it. I was shocked to
        Wadsworth asked to speak       Kathleen Abdo and other elected  ing.                        one who wanted to go for informa-  find out I would get something for
        regarding the recommendation of  officials currently return a per-  “I do not need one dime from  tional purposes could attend,”  it. It's a bonus to get money for
        the Romulus Compensation       centage of their pay to the city  the city,” she said. “I did not  Barden said. He did not attend  doing something I enjoy doing,”
        Board, which is a volunteer group  and have done so for several  request $1,000 each year plus 2  that requested second meeting.  she said.
        that meets every two years to rec-  years.                    percent,” she said. “You are not  Carol Bales, chairman of the  According to the city charter, a
        ommend salary changes for elect-  The recommendation from the  going to dump this in my lap. I  compensation board, confirmed  majority of the council members
        ed officials. Wadsworth said that  members of the compensation  was representing five council  that the recommendation did not  must vote to reject the recommen-
        he was concerned to learn that  board before the council for  members based on information I  include the  $1,000 bonus.   dation of the compensation board
        other members of the council had  approval was the 2-percent raise.  received from the mayor pro  “I feel the commission looked  or it becomes effective.
        requested a meeting with the   While the $1,000 bonus was not in  tem,” she said.           totally fairly, squarely at the situa-  Wadsworth made a motion to
        compensation board to suggest a  the motion presented to the coun-  Barden, who was absent from  tion and I think we were more  reject the recommendation, and
        $1,000 bonus in addition to the 2-  cil, it was a matter of discussion  the meeting, confirmed in a later  than fair with the recommenda-  council  members  Abdo,
        percent increase for the council  among the council members.  interview that he had, in fact,  tion for 2 percent,” she said. That  Wadsworth and Webb voted yes
        members.                       According to that discussion, the  requested the second compensa-  amount is estimated to be $16.40  on rejecting the raise. Council
           “There is no provision in our  second meeting with the compen-  tion board meeting, “because cer-  per month for each councilperson  members Celeste Roscoe, Talley
        charter and no ordinance to allow  sation board was requested by  tain council people told me they  and will cost an additional $198  and Virginia Williams voted no,
        such an appeal to the decision of  Mayor Pro Tem John Barden and  felt uninformed about what was  per year, per councilperson.  thereby accepting the recom-
        the board,” Wadsworth said. “We  was attended by Councilwoman  going on. I decided to ask the  Council members currently are  mended 2-percent raise which
        don't negotiate with the board.”  Eva Webb. Webb disagreed with  director of the commission to  paid $9,900 per year.      will become effective this month
           “We made city workers pay   some of the minutes of that meet-  have another meeting so that any-  Councilmember Tina Talley  and again in January of 2021.
        Neighbors oppose plan for Van Buren senior living facility

           Members of the Van Buren    development of Hampton Manor,                                                                 Also opposing the project was
        Township Planning Commission   said their Hampton Manor facili-                          ”                                 Karianne Butler who also lives
        postponed any decision on a spe-  ties for seniors are operating      Audience members were not in favor of the            in Charter Club, She said that
        cial land use request for a pro-  throughout several local commu-  proposal, however, as the property is surrounded        Van Buren Investors Land
        posed senior living project until  nities and could be inspected by                                                        Holdings LLC is not registered
        more information was provided.  officials. He said he and his part-  by single family homes and zoned as residential.      with the state and inquired as to
           The proposed 64,000-square-  ners will offer Van Buren seniors                                                          the reason for that discrepancy.
        foot Hampton Manor develop-    the opportunity to remain in the                                                              Residents also questioned
        ment was discussed at a Jan. 8  township and that the facility  Taylor Road in Charter Club sub-  tion. Martin added that the town-  flooding in the area and the
        meeting of the commission mem-  would offer free valet services, a  division, was against the plan as  ship zoning ordinance limits con-  impact on the water table with
        bers, The senior living complex  beauty salon, spa, movie theatre,  the development is not compati-  struction at that site to 30,000  the construction of the buildings.
        is proposed for construction on  courtyard, grill, sunrooms,  ble with the surrounding neigh-  square feet the proposed facility  Township  Director  of
        the southeast corner of Tyler and  libraries and outside doors for  bors according to the township  is double that limit.   Planning Dan Power addressed
        Morton Taylor roads and will   each assisted living unit. He said  ordinance and this would not  She urged the commissioners  the audience and explained that
        include 80 units, with 24 desig-  he and his partners now have  adhere to that provision as it is  to reject the plan.     there is a nationwide movement
        nated for memory care and 36   senior facilities in operation in  in a residential neighborhood.  Planning consultant Vidya  to provide facilities for seniors to
        dedicated for assisted living for  Shelby Township, Brighton,  Martin said she was also con-  Krishnan of McKenna said the  age in place. He said communi-
        seniors. The developer listed  Dundee, and one under con-     cerned with traffic, particularly  buildings total 62,516 square feet,  ties have to zone appropriately
        with the township is Zohaib Syed  struction on Ridge Road in  since the area is in a main school  are 17 feet tall, and single story.  and the sites should be consid-
        of Van Buren Investors Land    Canton Township.               bus route on Tyler Road. She  She explained that the property  ered more as special land use.
        Holdings LLC.  Construction of   Audience members were not    said statistics from the      has been zoned C at least for a  Following extensive discus-
        the two sections of the planned  in favor of the proposal, however,  Southeastern Michigan Council  decade and as senior housing is  sion and questions, commission-
        facility would be on six parcels  as the property is surrounded by  of Governments (SEMCOG)  considered residential use in C  ers postponed any vote on the
        of land totaling 7.11 acres which  single family homes and zoned  claim daily traffic of 4,300 to  zoning and would therefore be  special land use request until
        is zoned for local business.   as residential. Attorney Lisa  4,400 vehicles within a quarter  exempt from that size restric-  further information could be
           Sam Martin, vice president of  Martin, who lives across Morton  mile of the intersection in ques-  tion..               provided.
        Animal abuse charges dismissed, then immediately refiled

           The animal abandonment      August. The animals, including  ecutor on the case as he was not  District Court.
        and cruelty charges against    exotic reptiles, hundreds of   present in the courtroom. The    Stacks, of Farmington, has an
        Javon Stacks were dismissed    hedgehogs, iguanas, a peacock,  assistant prosecutor told the  active license with the U.S.
        and refilled by prosecutors    a tortoise and a 16-foot python,  court officer that he was 15-min-  Department of Agriculture to
        within 24 hours last week.     were seized by police and the  utes from the court and that  exhibit animals and claims to
           Javon Pherras Stacks, 36,   criminal charges filed by the  information was relayed to the  have had the license for 10
        owner of Exotic Zoo, a business  office of Wayne County       judge, according to the prosecu-  years.
        that brings exotic animals to  Prosecutor Kym Worthy.         tor's office.                    He has denied any mistreat-
        school and organization events,  A preliminary examination      At 9:21 a.m. last Thursday,  ment of the animals and
        was originally charged with one  and forfeiture hearing on the  the case against Stacks was  claimed that the animals dis-
        felony count of abandoning/cru-  charges was scheduled for 9  called and summarily dis-     covered by Romulus police in
        elty of animals and two misde-  a.m. Jan. 16 in 34th District  missed by Parrott because the  the Ecorse Road location were
        meanor counts of cruelty to ani-  Court in Romulus before Judge  assistant prosecutor was not yet  properly cared for.
        mals on Nov. 5. Romulus police,  David Parrott. At 9:01 a.m.,  in court.                       He reportedly filed a lawsuit
        following what was described   according to a statement from    The charges were re-issued  against the Romulus police in
        as an anonymous tip, discov-   the office of the prosecutor, the  on Friday, Jan. 17, and Stacks is  the seizure of the animals but
        ered about 500 animals in an   court ordered the officer in   set to be arraigned on the same  the disposition of that matter
        Ecorse Road storefront last    charge to call the assistant pros-  charges at 9 a.m. Jan. 22 at 34th  was unknown at press time.     Javon Pherras Stacks


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