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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 16, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Suite Surrender presented              Westland will take place at 4 p.m. Sunday,
           Inspire Theater will be presenting Suite  Jan. 26 at 32807 Manor Park in Garden City.
        Surrender: a farce by Michael McKeever   This year, the pageant will also include
        at 7:30 p.m. 17, 18, 24 and 25, and at 3 p.m.  candidates for Distinguished Young
        Jan. 19 and 26 at Westland Center for the  Women of Wayne County.
        Arts, located at 33455 Warren Road.      The event will take place March 6 at
           The story takes place in 1942 and two of  Wayne Memorial High School and any
        Hollywood's biggest divas have descended  high school junior girl who resides in
        upon the luxurious Palm Beach Royale   Wayne-Westland or lives in Wayne County
        Hotel -- assistants, luggage, and legendary  can register for the scholarship competi-
        feud with one another in tow. Everything  tions at www.waynewestland.mi.distin-
        seems to be in order for their wartime per-               or
        formance until they are somehow assigned
        to the same suite. Mistaken identities,  and click on Apply Now.
        overblown egos, double entendres, and a  Information will be forwarded to organ-
        lap dog named Mr. Boodles round out this  izers who will contact candidates with
        love note to the classic farces of the 30s  details.                            Dr. King                           Middle School; 8 a.m. Community
        and 40s. The play is not suitable for all                                                                          March begins to Romulus High School,
        ages.  For tickets and more information  Jazz performance planned                                                  8- 9:30 a.m. Pancake Breakfast at
        visit   Jazz @ The Elks take place from 7 until  FROM PAGE 1                 Romulus High School cafeteria and
                                               9:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month at                                  9:30 a.m. Celebration Program begins.
        Bowling fundraiser planned             the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge 325.   tory program take place. The commu-
           The Romulus Chamber of Commerce     There is a $10 donation at the door which  nity march and program are an annual  In THE CITY OF WESTLAND the
        and Friends of the Romulus Library have  includes hors d'oeuvres.               tradition in the city.             Annual MLK Jr. Celebration will take
        planned a bowling fundraiser beginning   Pete Siers Organic Roots will perform    Shuttle service is provided from  place Monday at Westland City Hall.
        with registration at 7 p.m. Jan. 18 at  Tuesday, Jan. 28.  Siers will be on drums,  Romulus High School to the middle  Doors open at 8 a.m. and a shuttle bus
        Romulus Lanes, 37452 West Huron River  Duncan MacMillan on organ, Steve Wood    school for those doing the walk begin-  will be provided from City Hall to the
        Dr. in Romulus                         on sax, and Matt LaRusso on guitar.      ning at 7 a.m. Walkers should be at the  Westland Public Library where the
           Bowling will begin at 8 p.m.. Tickets are  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge  Middle School by 7:30 a.m. The march  Freedom Walk, designed to signify
        $25 per person or $50 per couple which  325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road.  will step off promptly at 8 a.m.  unity,   is set to begin at 9 a.m.  The
        includes three games of bowling, shoe  For more information, call (734) 453-1780  Non-walkers, are welcome to attend  walk will take place down Central City
        rental, pizza and a soft drink. There will be  or visit or email   a pancake breakfast at the high school  Parkway and end back at Westland
        a 50/50 raffle and a cash bar.                                                  which will also begin at 8 a.m.  Walkers  City Hall, weather permitting. The
           Organizers said that the event is usually  Daddy Daughter Dances             will arrive at the breakfast following  Freedom Walk will honor those who
        a sell out and urged early ticket purchase.  planned in Plymouth                the march. The continental breakfast  marched with Dr. King more than 50
        The event is limited to the first 72 bowlers.   The City of Plymouth Recreation  is sponsored by the Romulus Rotary  years ago in his fight for Civil Rights.
           For tickets or information, call (734)893-  Department will host the 9th Annual  Club.                             The official ceremony and speakers
        0694.                                  Daddy Daughter Dance at the Cultural       The celebration program will begin  honoring Dr. King's life will begin at 10
                                               Center Reception Room from 6:30 until    at 9:30 a.m.                       a.m. at City Hall including messages
        Frozen winter festival set             8:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31 and again        For more information, contact: Rev.  from Westland Mayor William R. Wild
           The William P. Faust Public Library will  Saturday, Feb. 1.                  Arthur Willis, committee chairman at  and other state and local elected offi-
        host a  Frozen Winter Festival at 1 p.m.  Light refreshments and snacks will be  (313) 701-2423, Romulus Community  cials.
        Sunday, Jan.19. The library is located at  served.  Semi-formal, dressy-casual attire  Schools Central Office at (734) 532-  Those participants who parked at
        6123 Central City Parkway and the event  recommended. Advance ticket purchase is  1610, or Ellen Craig-Bragg at (734) 955-  the library can be shuttled back to
        will take place, in meeting rooms A and B.   required because space is limited. Sorry,  4545                       their vehicles following the program.
           The Frozen princesses are traveling all  no walk-ins will be accepted.         The official schedule of events is:  Participants are urged to check
        the way from Arendelle to Westland to    The cost for the dance is $12 and regis-  7:30 a.m., walkers meet at Romulus  facebook, twitter, WLND and
        meet with children. This magical event  tration is now available online at www.ply-  Middle School; 7:30 - 8:15 a.m. shuttle, as any cancellation of
        will include photos and hugs, singing,                 service for walk participants from  the Freedom Walk due to weather will
        dancing and crafts. Photos are encour-   The Cultural Center is located at 525  Romulus High School to Romulus     be announced at 8 a.m. Monday.
        aged. Registration is required at (734) 326-  Farmer St. in Plymouth. For more informa-
        6123 ext. 2831.                        tion call (734)455-6620.

        State of the City planned              Butterfly Ball returns
           Mayor LeRoy Burcroff will present his  A Valentine's Day tradition returns to
        annual 2020 State of the City address  Canton Township Feb. 7 and 8 with the
        beginning at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 at  Butterfly Ball at the Summit on the Park.
        the Romulus Athletic Center, 35765     The event offers a unique experience and
        Northline Road in Romulus.             dads and daughters can enjoy an evening
           There is a $20 donation requested   of dancing, refreshments, a special butter-
        which will be used for Romulus Summer  fly souvenir, and the highly anticipated-
        Programming including Sounds in        balloon drop that caps off the festivities.
        Downtown an Movies in the Park.        Choose from three dances: 6 p.m. Feb. 7  or
           Registration will begin at 3:30 and light  2 or 6 p.m.  Feb. 8. All three dances will
        refreshments will follow from 5:30 until  take place in the Summit gymnasium.
        6:30 p.m. following the mayor's presenta-  Ticket sales will end Feb. 1.. Tickets are
        tion.                                  $11 for residents and $14 for non-residents.
                                               Dads and daughters are required to pur-
        Distinguished Young Women              chase a ticket to attend.  Early ticket pur-
        orientation meeting planned            chase is advised.
           An    orientation   meeting   for     For more information, call (734) 394-
        Distinguished Young Women of Wayne-    5460.

                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                 NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS
                                      OFFICE CLOSING

         The Charter Township of Northville Administrative Offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2020 in obser-
         vance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.   The offices will re-open at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 21, 2020.
                                                    Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk
         Publish:  January 16, 2020
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