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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 16, 2020

                                INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Inkster AME church welcomes new pastor

           The Rev. Katrese Kirk, former-  grams geared toward young peo-  Seminary, and she is currently a  Senior Pastor of Oak Grove AME
        ly of Chicago, IL has been named  ple, including a workshop to help  student at Payne Theological  Church in Detroit, which is the
        at the new pastor at           churches attract and retain young  Seminary, pursuing a Doctor of  largest church in the Michigan
           Smith    Chapel   African   adults entitled, Bring Back Our  Ministry in Pastoral Leadership  Conference of the AME.  Kirk has
        Methodist Episcopal Church in  Millennials: Why Young Adults  and Community Engagement.     continued the Soul Food Service
        Inkster.                       Are Done With Church.  She is a  Kirk has worked for Macy's,  at noon each Wednesday, which
           Kirk's appointment, made by  motivational speaker who is com-  Clinique and Fashion Fair  includes a free lunch.   In addi-
        Bishop John F. White of the    mitted to helping others unlock  Cosmetics, where she has worked  tion she has led Smith Chapel to
        Fourth Episcopal District, came  their purpose, and live the abun-  in various management roles.  adopt a family for Christmas,
        at the dawn of the 96th year of  dant life that God has purposed  She is currently Regional Sales  assist with motel expenses for
        service of Smith Chapel AME to  for them, according to an official  Director for Coty Luxury.  Her  another family who is homeless,
        the Inkster community.         statement from the church.     roles have allowed her to travel  and she is planning a reorganiza-
           Kirk was previously senior    Reverend Kirk received her   to London, Paris, South Africa,  tion of the Smith Chapel YPD
        pastor of Coleman Chapel AME   B.A.    in    Mass    Media    Kuwait, Canada and India.  Kirk  (the AME youth division).
        Church in Kenosha, WI.  She said  Communication        from   is a native of Danville, Illinois,  “The members of Smith
        that she is passionate about mil-  Wilberforce University, where  and both her parents are also  Chapel are excited to see what
        lennial ministry, having served as  she was named Miss Wilberforce  AME pastors.            the Lord has in store for them,
        Youth Pastor at historic Quinn  University 2002.  She has a     The previous pastor at Smith  and the Inkster community,
        Chapel AME Church, Chicago.    Master of Divinity from Garrett  Chapel, the Rev. Cindy Carr  under Pastor Kirk's leadership,”
        She has developed national pro-  Evangelical    Theological   Rudolph, was reassigned as    a spokesperson said.                     The Rev. Katrese Kirk
        Northville police arrest 2 in thefts from vehicles

           Two men face charges of identity  Thompson waived his preliminary  under $400.
        theft, stealing/retaining a financial  examination on the charges and will  Northville Township Police
        transaction device and as habitual  face trial. Chambers' preliminary  launched a “Lock It or Lose It” cam-
        offenders following their arrest last  examination was set for Jan. 17.   paign last summer to help prevent
        month by Northville Township        The arrests came following      this type of incident, according to a
        Police.                           reports Nov. 30, 2019 of 11 larcenies  spokesperson.  While out on patrols,
           The suspects, Marwin Lee       from automobiles in the Northville  officers would leave a reminder card
        Chambers, Jr., 21, from Pontiac. and  Colony Estates neighborhood. Police  at homes where an unlocked car,
        Ethan Edwin Thompson, 22, from    noted that in all 11 cases, the victim-  window, house door or open garage
        Waterford, were charged by the office  ized vehicles were left unlocked and  door were found.  According to
        of the Wayne County Prosecutor and  personal property including cell  police statistics, 70 percent of larce-
        were arraigned at the 35th District  phones, credit cards and a shotgun  nies in Northville occur with
        Court. Chambers, arraigned Dec. 13  were taken. According to police  unlocked vehicles.  Since June of
        before Judge Ron Lowe, was given a  reports, the stolen credit cards were  2019, officers have found 400 open
        $5,000 bond. Thompson was         used by the suspects shortly after the  garage doors during overnight hours
        arraigned before Judge Michael    robberies in Livonia, Novi and    while out on patrol, a spokesperson
        Gerou and received a $10,000 bond.  Waterford for purchases totaling just  said.                          Marwin Lee Chambers      Ethan Edwin Thompson
        Country Garden Club members to meet                                                          NOTICE - CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE

                                                                                                              REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
           Members of the Country Garden Club  Sue Grubba who will discuss the Healthy
        of Northville will meet at 11 a.m. Feb. 5 at  Soil and Wise Fertilizing. Light snacks will                   Plate Carriers
        Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in    be served.
                                                                                             The Charter Township of Northville will receive sealed bids for PLATE CARRIERS according to the
        Northville.                              For more information, call (248) 202-  specifications of the Charter Township of Northville.
           The speaker for the meeting will be  1518.
                                                                                             Sealed proposals will be received until 3:00 P.M. prevailing Eastern Standard  Time,  Monday,
                 To subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900.                         February 3, 2020 at which time bids will be opened and read.  Proposals shall be addressed as follows and deliv-
                                                                                      ered to:
                                                                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                                                                                               TOWNSHIP CLERK'S OFFICE
                                                                                                                   44405 Six Mile Road
                                                                                                                   Northville, MI 48168
                                                                                             All proposals must be signed by a legally authorized agent of the proposing firm.  ENVELOPES
                                                                                      MUST BE PLAINLY MARKED

                                                                                                     “NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP POLICE PLATE CARRIERS”
                                                                                      AND MUST BEAR THE NAME OF THE PROPOSER.
                                                                                             The Township reserves the right to accept any or all alternative proposals and award a contract to other
                                                                                      than the lowest proposer, to waive any irregularities or informalities or both; to reject any or all proposals; to sub-
                                                                                      divide the award, and in general to make the award of the contract in any manner deemed by the Township, in
                                                                                      its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the Charter Township of Northville.
                                                                                      Publish: January 16, 2020
                                                                                                                                                    NT0043 - 011620  2.5 x 3.948

                                                                                                     NOTICE - CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                                                                                              REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
                                                                                                                     Ballistic Plates

                                                                                             The Charter  Township of Northville will receive sealed bids for  NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP
                                                                                      POLICE BALLISTIC PLATES according to the specifications of the Charter Township of Northville.
                                                                                             Sealed proposals will be received until  3:00 P.M. prevailing Eastern Standard  Time,  Monday,
                                                                                      February 3, 2020 at which time bids will be opened and read.  Proposals shall be addressed as follows and deliv-
                                                                                      ered to:

                                                                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                                                                                               TOWNSHIP CLERK'S OFFICE
                                                                                                                   44405 Six Mile Road
                                                                                                                   Northville, MI 48168
                                                                                             All proposals must be signed by a legally authorized agent of the proposing firm.  ENVELOPES
                                                                                      MUST BE PLAINLY MARKED

                                                                                                    “NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP POLICE BALLISTIC PLATES”
                                                                                      AND MUST BEAR THE NAME OF THE PROPOSER.
                                                                                             The Township reserves the right to accept any or all alternative proposals and award a contract to other
                                                                                      than the lowest proposer, to waive any irregularities or informalities or both; to reject any or all proposals; to sub-
                                                                                      divide the award, and in general to make the award of the contract in any manner deemed by the Township, in
                                                                                      its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the Charter Township of Northville.
                                                                                      Publish: January 16, 2020                                     NT0042 - 011620  2.5 x 3.948

                                                                                                     NOTICE - CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                                                                                              REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
                                                                                                                    Ballistic Helmets
                                                                                             The Charter  Township of Northville will receive sealed bids for  NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP
                                                                                      POLICE BALLISTIC HELMETS according to the specifications of the Charter Township of Northville.

                                                                                             Sealed proposals will be received until  3:00 P.M. prevailing Eastern Standard  Time,  Monday,
                                                                                      February 3, 2020 at which time bids will be opened and read.  Proposals shall be addressed as follows and deliv-
                                                                                      ered to:
                                                                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                                                                                               TOWNSHIP CLERK'S OFFICE
                                                                                                                   44405 Six Mile Road
                                                                                                                   Northville, MI 48168

                                                                                             All proposals must be signed by a legally authorized agent of the proposing firm.  ENVELOPES
                                                                                      MUST BE PLAINLY MARKED
                                                                                                       “NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP BALLISTIC HELMETS”
                                                                                      AND MUST BEAR THE NAME OF THE PROPOSER.

                                                                                             The Township reserves the right to accept any or all alternative proposals and award a contract to other
                                                                                      than the lowest proposer, to waive any irregularities or informalities or both; to reject any or all proposals; to sub-
                                                                                      divide the award, and in general to make the award of the contract in any manner deemed by the Township, in
                                                                                      its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the Charter Township of Northville.
                                                                                      Publish: January 16, 2020                                     NT0041 - 011620  2.5 x 3.948
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