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January 16, 2020                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

               INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Small Business Saturday

        success celebrated in Wayne

           Small Business Saturday was  more than 100 shoppers received  of a $200 gift card to Helium
        a success in Wayne according to  free coffee and tote bags as well  Studio, her favorite downtown
        officials from Wayne Main Street,  as a random gift card from a  Wayne shop.  To win the gift card,
        organizers of the event.       local business in each bag.    shoppers submitted a photo-
           Small Business Saturday is a  This year, Wayne Main Street  graph of their local downtown
        national effort to promote shop-  partnered with the State Wayne  Wayne business receipt taken on
        ping locally from small, inde-  Theatre and Jack Demmer Ford  Small Business Saturday.
        pendent merchants and took     on A Visit with Santa which took  Herber's entry was drawn from
        place Nov. 30 last year.       place at the State Wayne       more than 30 receipts.
        Businesses throughout the down-  Theatre. Children had the oppor-  “Thank you, Wayne Main
        town Wayne district welcomed   tunity to visit with St. Nick and  Street! I am so appreciative of  Rhonda McElroy, left, Helium Studio employee, and  Wayne Main
        customers, the spokesman noted.  get a free photo with the man in  this, and I can't wait to go shop-  Street Board President Juan Bradford present Leslie Herber with her
        The kick off event took place at  red.                        ping at Helium Studio,” Herber  gift certificate to Helium Studio as part of Small Business Saturday in
        Karma Coffee & Kitchen where     Leslie Herber was the winner  said.                         Wayne last November.
        Westland reappoints 2 city department directors

           Members of the Westland City Council unanimously  very strong foundation for the future of planning before I
        approved the re-appointments of two department direc-  was hired and while I know there is a lot more to be done,
        tors during the Jan. 6 meeting.                    I look forward to working with the mayor, council, and the
           Mohamed Ayoub was reappointed to serve as city  community to advance the city's vision,” he added.
        planning director and Kyle Mulligan will continue to lead  Mulligan, first appointed by Wild in May of 2019, will
        the parks and recreation department.               serve as the parks and recreation director for a term
           Ayoub, originally appointed by Mayor William R. Wild  effective through Dec. 31, 2021
        in March of 2019, was appointed to a new term ending  “I am beyond excited to continue serving the great City
        Dec. 31 of 2021.                                   of Westland as your parks and recreation director,” com-
           “I'm very humbled by the experience and pleased that  mented Mulligan.  “I would like to thank the entire city
        Mayor Wild and the city council re-appointed me for  council, the mayor and the parks and recreation advisory
        another year of service in the All American City,” com-  council for their support and assistance in making    Mohamed Ayoub                Kyle Mulligan
        mented Ayoub.                                      Westland a tremendous place for residents of all abilities
           “Every day I'm learning more and more about the City  to improve their quality of life through recreation.”  in 2019,” commented Wild.  “Westland is extremely fortu-
        of Westland which allows me to improve the work I do for  “The unanimous re-appointment of Mohamed and  nate to have these young, talented, individuals leading
        our community. The mayor and city council put together a  Kyle is a testament to the incredible work they have done  their respective departments.”
        State police continue investigation into shooting death

           Michigan State Police continue to   ings scattered in the intersection, accord-  According to reports from the Michigan  patched to the area in question. A subse-
        investigate a deadly shooting which took  ing to initial reports. Police were on the  State Police, the 24-year-old man arrived  quent investigation at the scene, including
        place in Inkster Jan. 2.               scene until late in the night, witnesses  at the Wayne hospital at about 7:30 p.m.  canine units from the Michigan State
           Troopers responded to a report of shots  said.                            Dec. 18 suffering from a gunshot wound to  Police, determined that the man had actu-
        fired in the area of New York Street and  The victim's name had not been     his abdomen. He claimed that the shoot-  ally been wounded during a home inva-
        Princess Street around 7:15 p.m. on    released at press time.               ing took place near Glenwood and Central  sion earlier that evening in Livonia.
        Thursday. As the officers canvassed the  In a separate incident the week before,  Street in Inkster that evening. Hospital  The suspect was remanded to the cus-
        area, they discovered the body of a 23-  an Inkster man was arrested by Livonia  personnel, as required by law, notified  tody of the Livonia Police Department fol-
        year-old man from Inkster in a nearby  police after seeking treatment for a gun-  police and State Troopers were dis-  lowing treatment for his wound.
        garage.                                shot wound at Beaumont Hospital Wayne
           Police also found numerous shell cas-  on Wednesday.
                                                                                                      PLYMOUTH CHARTER TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS
                                                                                      If you experience an overflow or backup of a sewage disposal system or storm water system, you must file a writ-
                                                                                      ten claim with the Plymouth Charter Township Department of Public Works within 45 days after the overflow or
                                                                                      backup was discovered. Notice should be mailed to Plymouth Charter Township, Department of Public Works,
                                                                                      9955 N. Haggerty Rd., Plymouth, Michigan 48170. Failure to provide the written notice will prevent recovery of
                                                                                      damages. Contact the Department of Public Works, 734-354-3270, Extension 3, for assistance immediately upon
                                                                                      discovery of an overflow or backup.
                                                                                      Thank You
                                                                                      PLYMOUTH CHARTER TOWNSHIP
                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS
                                                                                                                                 JERRY VORVA, Clerk,
                                                                                                                                 Charter Township of Plymouth
                                                                                      Publish January 16 & 30, 2020                              PT0277 - 011619  2.5 x 2.114

                                                                                                                    LEGAL NOTICE
                                                                                                               1954 PA 188 PROCEEDINGS
                                                                                                      NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARING
                                                                                                                Charter Township of Plymouth
                                                                                                                  Wayne County, Michigan
                                                                                      TO:    THE RESIDENTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH,
                                                                                             WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN, AND ANY OTHER INTERESTED PERSONS:
                                                                                      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that as a result of Petitions of property owners within the Township signed by the
                                                                                      record owners of land whose front footage constitutes more than 50% of the total front footage of the hereinafter
                                                                                      described Special Assessment District, the Township Board of the Charter Township of Plymouth proposes a road
                                                                                      pavement reconstruction project in Plymouth Notch Subdivision along Litchfield Dr and Litchfield Ct, and to
                                                                                      create a Special Assessment for the recovery of the cost thereof by Special Assessment against the properties ben-
                                                                                      efited therein.
                                                                                             Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of
                                                                                      Plymouth has tentatively declared its intention to make the hereinafter described improvement:
                                                                                                The proposed improvement to the existing two-lane concrete local roadway with
                                                                                                integral curb and gutter shall consist of full reconstruction, including, removal and
                                                                                                replacement of concrete pavement, aggregate base placement, underdrain installa-
                                                                                                tion, addition of storm sewer and catch basins where required within the pavement,
                                                                                                and miscellaneous driveway approach work and sidewalk ramp modification as
                                                                                                necessary to facilitate the road reconstruction, or as required by Wayne County.
                                                                                                The project commences at the east right-of-way line of McClumpha Road and pro-
                                                                                                ceeds eastward on Litchfield Drive for approximately 1,350 feet to a dead end. The
                                                                                                project also proceeds north from Litchfield Drive along Litchfield Court for
                                                                                                approximately 185 feet to terminus.
                                                                                      That it has further been tentatively determined that the following described lots and parcels of land will special-
                                                                                      ly benefit from said improvements and will constitute a Special Assessment District against which the cost of
                                                                                      said improvement shall be assessed:

                                                                                                The district limit for frontage along Litchfield Drive and Litchfield Court consists
                                                                                                of Lots 1 through 30 of the Plymouth Notch Subdivision located in the Northeast
                                                                                                ¼ of Section 33, T.1S, R.8E, of Plymouth Township, Wayne County, Michigan.

                                                                                      PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Plymouth shall meet
                                                                                      on  Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Plymouth  Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Rd,
                                                                                      Plymouth, Michigan 48170, for the purpose of reviewing said proposed Special Assessment District, and hear-
                                                                                      ing objections to the improvement, creation of the Special Assessment District, and the assessment thereon.  All
                                                                                      persons may then and there appear and make any objections they may have to such improvement and assessment.
                                                                                      Appearance and protest at the hearing is required in order to appeal the amount, if any, of the special assessment
                                                                                      to the state tax tribunal.  An owner or party in interest, or agent thereof, may appear in person at the hearing, or
                                                                                      may file an appearance or protest by letter.  All parties or agents appearing in person at the hearing for purposes
                                                                                      of protest should request the appearance be entered into the record of the meeting.

                                                                                             PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the estimate of cost and recommendations of the engineer
                                                                                      for said proposed Special Assessment District have been filed with the Township and are available for public
                                                                                      examination at the office of the Township Clerk.  The estimate of cost of such project is currently in the amount
                                                                                      of $990,000.
                                                                                             PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that periodic redetermination of costs for the proposed Special
                                                                                      Assessment District may be necessary and may be made without further notice to the record owners or parties in
                                                                                      interest in the property.
                                                                                                                                                  Jerry Vorva, Clerk
                                                                                                                                          Charter Township of Plymouth
                                                                                                                                             9955 North Haggerty Road
                                                                                                                                             Plymouth, Michigan 48170
                                                                                                                                                    (734) 354-3224
                                                                                      Publish: January 16, 2020
                                                                                             January 23, 2020                                     PT0278 - 011619  2.5 x 8.52
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