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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 14, 2021

        League                         strations at the U.S. Capitol last

                                         “This is a dark day in the histo-
        FROM PAGE 1                    ry of the United States of
                                       America. Today's activity on
        past, rather than on Zoom, drew  Capitol Hill should have been a
        well in part because of a press  procedural exercise to finalize
        person attending and giving    the 2020 election. Instead, our
        advance publicity. “We still did  nation's Capitol was attacked by
        the best we could,” she noted.  domestic terrorists seeking to
           “The league is a trusted source  invalidate the will of the people.
        of nonpartisan information,” said  “The actions by these terror-
        Bowman. Individual communi-    ists have had no impact on the
        ties such as Belleville received  results of the election. This vio-
        their own voter guides.        lent mob was encouraged by an
           The remote Zoom forums did-  outgoing president who lost re-
        n't mean securing a venue and  election in a free and fair elec-
        they cost less, but Bowman and  tion.
        fellow LWV volunteers still hope  “Donald Trump has embold-
        to return to in-person forums  ened and empowered violent agi-
        after the pandemic. “It also   tators, perpetuated dangerous
        seems there is more interest” in  conspiracy theories, and dishon-
        person, she said. “The public  ored the office of the president.
        couldn't attend the Zoom       Furthermore, the members of
        forums.”                       Congress who continuously lie to  Area schools plan for in-person classes
           That meant seeking questions  the American people about the
        ahead of time, with voters watch-  proven legitimacy of this election  Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's  across the country.          Romulus Community Schools
        ing prerecorded forums.        are also responsible for today's  announcements last week indi-  In Northville Public Schools,  Board of Education members
           Of, Bowman noted,  horrific events. There is blood on  cated her goal of returning stu-  high school students were sched-  were expected to vote this month
        “Michigan is one of the strongest  their hands.               dents to in-person classes in  uled to return to a combined sys-  on a plan to return students to in-
        users.” Compiling the informa-   “The League of Women Voters  March was met with appreciation  tem of both in-person and virtual  person learning. The district has
        tion takes time and effort, but is  of the United States calls on  by most parents in the area.   classes on Monday. Middle school  been offering virtual classes
        also rewarding for volunteers,  President Donald Trump to con-  The governor's goal is consis-  students will also return to a  since early last year and voted
        she said.                      cede the election immediately.  tent with the plans of some dis-  hybrid/core model while elemen-  Oct. 26 to remain in virtual learn-
           League of Women Voters of the  We call on all members of   trict officials in the area while  tary students are were scheduled  ing through the end of the first
        United States President Dr.    Congress to respect the certifica-  others have already begun in-per-  to return to in-person classes  semester, Jan. 22, 2021.
        Deborah Turner, CEO Virginia   tion process, condemn the actions  son classes for some grade levels.  Monday.                In the Van Buren Community
        Kase, and the full board of direc-  of these terrorists, and support a  Most districts have plans to  In the Plymouth-Canton  School District, students have
        tors issued a statement in     peaceful inauguration on       utilize a combination of in-person  Community Schools dictrict, ele-  been issued Chromebooks at all
        response to the violent demon-  January 20.”                  and online instruction for both  mentary students will be in a  grade levels to continue off-site or
                                                                      elementary and secondary edu-  remote-learning format until at  virtual learning. The board of
        Highway                        cials from both the Federal    cational classes. Students will be  least Jan. 15, officials said.  education members and school
                                         Girdwood confirmed that offi-
                                                                                                    Remote learning resumed Jan. 4
                                                                                                                                   board members are expected to
                                                                      expected to wear masks at all
                                       Aviation Administration and    times while in school buildings  following a two-week holiday  meet this month to again discuss
        FROM PAGE 1                    NASA are working with drone    and they will most likely experi-  recess.                   a schedule for returning to in-
                                       manufacturers.                 ence changes to prevent any      A plan to return middle school  person classes at all buildings.
        as futuristic as it sounds as     “Now you'll see the city of  crowd contact. Students can  and high school students to in-  In the Wayne-Westland
        drones are already used for    Romulus integrate where you    expect to eat lunch at their desks  person learning was still unre-  Community Schools, in-person
        delivery in Western Wayne      can see drones and pilots, where  or in their individual classrooms  solved last week. Remote learn-  classes have been suspended
        County according to Krause. He  they are in the air, what drones  rather than the school gym or  ing for both middle school and  since early last year. District offi-
        said it won't be too long before  are flying,” Girdwood said.  cafeteria in an effort to slow the  high school students in the dis-  cials said they plan to return to in
        drones might deploy directly     The biggest apparent chal-   spread of the Cornoavirus which  trict have been in place since the  person classes for the first time
        from local fire stations-and that's  lenge he said is to determine  is currently at an all-time high  beginning of the school year.  since March on Jan. 19.
        just the start of the possibilities.   which drones have approval.
           “We want to be a part of the  “This is the biggest apparent  Lawsuit                     response to the threats. Clark  founded a nonprofit organization
        tech as it evolves,” Krause said.  challenge: mapping out who is                            and Harrington were convicted  called the Blessed and Highly
        “We train for issues with the air-  where and what has approval to                          of first degree murder in      Favored Foundation. He said he
        port, with trains. We're trained  fly. It's an entire new infrastruc-  FROM PAGE 1          February of 2003.              and Clark distributed more than
        [to think] what are the hazards?  ture,” Girdwood said.                                        Following their release, the  1,000 turkeys to Inkster residents
        We want to be a part of the con-  “Maybe the next century for  any knowledge of the death.  She  pair has begun efforts to improve  before Thanksgiving and have
        versation early on to get ahead  southeast Michigan is putting  eventually named Clark and  their community and help less-  distributed coats and toys to
        of the hazards.”               the world in the sky,” he added.  Harrington as the assailants in  fortunate in the city. Harrington  needy Inkster residents.
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