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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 14, 2021

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        City of Wayne Police Department honors officers

           The     Wayne      Police   throughout the year in making  award recipients on their indi-  stolen property, investigative  presented to Ofc. Whalen and
        Department honored several     the selection for the honors.  The  vidual shifts during the past few  work leading to the arrest of a  commendations were presented
        officers for exemplary perform-  members of the committee met  weeks, according to a depart-  sexual assault suspect, and many  to Lt. Springer, Sgt. Hughes, Sgt.
        ance during 2019 recently in pre-  early in 2020 to honor officers'  ment spokesman.        other examples of exemplary    Amore, Sgt. Perez, Sgt. Boruta,
        sentations delayed by the pan-  performance in 2019, hoping to  The awards were based on a  police work..                  Ofc. Jagotka, Ofc. Talmadge, Ofc.
        demic.                         have the traditional in-person  variety of incidents and perform-  One of the highest honors in  Bolton, Ofc. Colwell, Ofc. Whalen
           The police awards committee,  ceremony to celebrate the    ance by officers, including safely  the department, the Meritorious  and Ofc. Williams
        which includes Chief of Police  awards. As the pandemic pre-  de-escalating mental health   Service Award was presented to   The prestigious Chief's Award
        Ryan Strong and several patrol  vented the usual ceremony, as it  emergencies, safely arresting  Lt. Springer, Sgt. Amore, and Ofc.  for 2019 went to Sgt. Perez, Sgt.
        and command officers, met and  has in most area police depart-  dangerous and armed suspects  Colwell.                     Boruta, Ofc. Arndt, Ofc, Bolton,
        reviewed    incidents   from   ments, Strong recognized all the  without incident, recovering  The Lifesaving Award was    Ofc. Colwell and Ofc. Priebe.
        Mayor names 5 residents to Ethics Commission terms

           Mayor William R. Wild has named five  Children's Services, the largest foster care  the city, was also named to the board.  resources and has served as a research
        residents to complete the City of Westland  and adoption agency in the state.  Williams  Nicholson has served on the City of  analyst for the U.S. Marshal Service.
        Ethics Board and has made changes to the  is the former mayor of Albion and has an  Westland Parks and Recreation Advisory  In addition to those appointments,
        city Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)  extensive educational background, includ-  Council and the Disability Concerns  Steven Thomas, a former alternate serv-
        Commission.                            ing a master's degree in guidance and  Committee, where he served as chairper-  ing on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
           The Ethics Board consists of five mem-  counseling, has completed a program at  son. He is the owner of Don Nicholson  Commission, has been appointed to a
        bers who serve three-year terms. The   Harvard University on strategic perspec-  Enterprises, LLC. which has provided  three-year term.
        members are charged with issuing written  tives in non-profit management and a  services to the Wayne-Westland communi-  Ebonite Guyton has also moved from
        opinions regarding ethical questions and  neighborhood builders program for lead-  ties for 25 years.              serving as an alternate to serving a two-
        are expected to engage in activities to pro-  ership. Williams, a longtime city resident,  Nicholson was the Westland 2015  year term.
        mote ethical behavior in the city.     has served on the Planning Commission  Business Person of the Year. He is the  The changes were necessitated by the
           Named to the board were Lori Wilson,  for more than three years.          president of the Westland Chamber of  resignations of commissioners Elnora
        a longtime Westland resident who has     Also named to the board was Daniel  Commerce, president of Friends of     Ford and Fabiola Sanchez Santos.
        served on the city planning commission  Stachow, a 40-year resident of the city.  Nankin Mills, winner of the Governor's  Sheree Conn was appointed to serve as
        for more than 20 years. Wilson is a retiree  Stachow retired from General Motors  Award for Tourism Partnership 2016 and  an alternate on the commission. She
        of AM General LLC where she worked for  after 44 years of employment. He is a vet-  organizes Cruisin' Hines, the Wayne Road  received her BA/MBA in general business
        45 years as the configuration and data  eran and the president of the Wayne-  cruise.                              with and has a professional background in
        manager, working under military contract  Westland Veterans Parade Council.     Named to the board, too, was Deborah  business management and civil construc-
        in support of the Tactical Wheeled Vehicle  Stachow has served on both the Westland  Thomas who has an associate's degree in  tion. Conn has served on the city Parks
        STS Engineering Department.            Board of Review and Compassionate City  business administration from Henry Ford  and Recreation Advisory Council and is
           She will be joined by Michael Williams,  Committee.                       Community College.                    active with the Wayne-Westland
        the president and CEO of Orchards        Don Nicholson, a 45-year resident of  Thomas currently works in human     Community School District.

        Virtual celebration set for

        Martin Luther King Day

           The celebration of Dr. Martin Luther
        King Day in Westland will take place vir-
        tually this year to protect the public from
        the threat of COVID-19.
           The event is set for 10 a.m. Monday,
        Jan. 18 and will be a pre-recorded retro-
        spective of previous celebrations in the
        city. Highlights will include excerpts from
        notable keynote speakers such as Wayne
        County Sheriff Benny Napoleon, Andrew
        Humphrey of WDIV, Huel Perkins of Fox
        2, Honorable Judge Cynthia Stephens,
        journalist and talk show hostess Mildred
        Gaddis and Wayne County Community
        College Chancellor Dr. Curtis Ivery and
        others. The event will also showcase past
        years of musical performances and the
        City Freedom Walks, which were conduct-
        ed to honor all of those who marched with  today.”
        Dr. King more than 50 years ago.         The virtual celebration can be seen on
           “The City of Westland has celebrated  WLND (Comcast channel 12, Wide Open
        the life and legacy of Dr. King for over 15  West channel 10 and AT&T U-Verse chan-
        years,” commented Mayor William R.     nel 99), Facebook and the WLND
        Wild. “We continue that tradition in a vir-  YouTube Channel.
        tual format, this year and reflect on the  For more information, call (734) 467-
        messages of the past that still hold true  3200.

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