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January 14, 2021                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        No place like ‘gnome’

        Special scavenger hunt begins

        throughout downtown area

           There's no place like gnome.  this Scavenger Hunt with a     Participants are encouraged
           The Northville Downtown     Gnome in the CENTER of it all,  to take a photo of the clue for
        Development Authority and      at a business in the STATE that  reference during the events.
        Northville Art House have part-  helps people personalize their  There are 15 clues and 23
        nered to cultivate the Gnome   insurance plans. She is not a  Gnomes that will help partici-
        Around Northville event        “FARM”er or from BOSTON        pants make their way around
        throughout        downtown     but is a long time Michigander.”  Northville. Spread the word by
        Northville. The creatures have   This is a driving/walking    using      the      hashtag
        invaded the community and the  scavenger hunt throughout      #GnomeAroundNorthville
        hunt for them can be very      downtown Northville. A map of  when posting selfies taken
        rewarding, officials said.     downtown can be found at       throughout the community. The
           The goal is to find all 23  https://www.downtown-          Scavenger Hunt will end Jan. 31  One randomly drawn person   then enter to win by posting a
        gnomes during the free, public  with a drawing for the $100  will win a $100 Northville   selfie to social media and com-
        event designed for all ages.   _WalkingMap_August2017_web.    Northville Chamber Gift Check  Chamber Gift Check.  So, finish  pleting the digital form listed on
           The starting clue reads “Start  pdf                        winner Feb. 1.                this hunt with a bestie or family  the final clue.
        School board installs winner of tie-vote random drawing

           James Mazurek has been officially                                      ”                                        trict and board members are prepared to
        sworn into office as a member of the                                                                               “welcome and work with either of the two
        Northville Schools Board of Education.                   We are grateful for the strong support                    candidates, each of whom have equally
           His election was not without controver-              of our school community as we partner                      strong community support given the
        sy as the Nov. 3 vote resulted in a tie vote                                                                       results of the election.”
        of 7,856 votes each for Mazurek and candi-                    together to meet the needs                              Gallagher added, “The 2020 election
        date Kimberly Campbell-Voytal. A tie-vote                   of our students and our families.                      serves as a reminder of the importance
        random draw, supervised by the Wayne                                                                               and value of every vote. Northville Public
        County Board of County Canvassers on                                                                               Schools is fortunate to be led and guided
        Nov. 25, selected Mazurek although     Education with a certificate of election  action by the Wayne Board of County  by a dedicated board of education, and to
        Campbell-Voytal requested a recount by  issued by the Wayne County Clerk.    Canvassers to complete their statutory  have a strong candidate pool of individu-
        the county board the same day.         Members of the board of education have  duties, Gallagher said in a prepared state-  als willing to serve in this capacity. We are
           A three-day hand recount of the ballots  no authority or discretion to reject a cer-  ment, the Northville Public Schools  grateful for the strong support of our
        again resulted in a tie vote total between  tificate as untimely or invalid, absent a  Board of Education members and the  school community as we partner together
        the two candidates. Members of the     court order to the contrary, noted    school district would welcome a definitive  to meet the needs of our students and our
        Wayne County Board of Canvassers voted  Superintendent of Schools Mary Kay   outcome to the election. She said the dis-  families.”
        2-2 on Dec. 22 not to initiate a second ran-  Gallagher.  Mazurek was the only candi-
        dom-draw process which had been        date who presented a certificate of elec-                                   NOTICE
        requested by Campbell-Voytal. Under    tion for the fourth vacancy, prior to the                               CITY OF ROMULUS
        Michigan law, the Board of County      start date of the term of office. As such,                    PUBLIC HEARING - DEMOLITION 20-01
        Canvassers is in charge of canvassing  district officials received the Acceptance                         MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2021
        votes and certifying the winner in a school  of Office Form submitted by Mazurek, and                                6:00PM
        board election, according to district offi-  administered the oath of office as
        cials. Mazurek presented the secretary of  required by state law.             PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Romulus City Council will hold a public hearing on
        the Northville Schools Board of          In the event of litigation, and/or further  Monday, February 8, 2021 at 6:00 pm. This hearing will be held electronically via Zoom Meeting /
                                                                                      Telephone conference for the purpose of hearing objections to demolition and/or removal of debris
                                                                                      on the herein described properties:
        Contract agreements with                                                      1.   6980/6984 Birchdale (Remains of Fire Damaged Structure) 01F821 LOT 821 SUPERVI-

                                                                                           SORS ROMULUS PLAT NO13 T3S R9E L 68 P 59 WCR
        2 police unions are ratified                                                  2.   11398 Harrison (Single-Family Residential Structure) 24H2A2 THAT PART OF THE N

                                                                                           W ¼ OF SEC 24 DESCRIBED AS BEG AT A POINT ON THE N AND S ¼ SEC LINE DIS-
                                                                                           TANT DUE N 999.07 FT FROM THE CENTER ¼ COR OF SEC 24 AND PROCEEDING
           The City of Northville and two police  cent in years two, three and four. In addi-  TH N 89D 12M 30SEC W 238 FT TH DUE N 97 FT S 89D 12M 30SEC E 238 FT TH DUE
        unions have ratified a new union agree-  tion, permanent 12-hour shift language    S ALONG THE N AND S ¼ SEC LINE 97 FT TO THE POB 0.53 ACRE
        ment.                                  was added and operational changes such
           Members of the Northville City Council  as promotions, discipline, and shift bids  3.  16447 Middlebelt (Commercial Structure)  36R1A1 W 550 FT OF N 3/5 OF SW ¼ OF SW
                                                                                           ¼ OF SEC 36 T3S R9E EXC E 5.0 AC THEREOF ALSO EXC S 2 AC OF N 792 FT OF
        approved the tentative agreement with  were implemented.                           WEST 1039.50 FT OF SW ¼ OF SW ¼ SEC 36 9.03 ACRES
        the Command Officers Association of      City labor attorney Steve Schwartz
        Michigan and the Patrol Oficers        negotiated the contract along with City  4.  35053 Park Place (Single-Family Residential Structure with attached garage) 04F51 52
        Association of Michigan. The four-year  Manager Pat Sullivan, Police Capt. Greg    LOTS 51 AND 52  JONES SUBURBAN SUB T3S R9E L69 P83 WCR
        contract will become effective Jan. 1, 2021.   Hannewald, Finance Director Sandi  5.  5873 Wayne (Single-Family Residential Structure) 05A105A1 LOT 105 EXCEPT THE E
           The contract calls for a wage increase  Wiktorowski and Chief of Police Alan    200 FT THEREOF SUPERVISORS'S ROMULUS PLAT NO 6 T3S R9E L68 P48 WCR
        of 3 percent in the first year and 2.5 per-  Maciag.
                                                                                      6.   6031 Wayne (Single-Family Residential Structure, shed) 05A95 LOT 95 SUPERVISOR'S
                                                                                           ROMULUS PLAT NO 6 T3S R9E L68 P48 WCR
                                                                                      7.   37147 Wick (Single-Family Residential Structure, Polebarn, garage) 17W THE NE ¼ OF
                                                                                           THE NW ¼ OF THE NW ¼ OF SEC 17 10.10 ACS
                                                                                      8.   32185 Ecorse (Single-Family Residential Structure, Garage, Mobile home used as an
                                                                                           accessory structure) 10C2A THAT PART OF THE NE ¼ OF SEC 10 DES AS BEG AT A
                                                                                           POINT ON THE N LINE OF SAID SEC DIS DUE EAST 402.17 FT FROM THE N ¼ COR-
                                                                                           NER OF SEC 10 AND PROC TH S 1D 10M 12SEC W 697 FT. TH DUE EAST 125 FT. TH
                                                                                           N 1D 10M 12SEC E 697 FT. TH DUE WEST ALONG THE N SECTION LINE 125 FT TO
                                                                                           THE POB 2.00 ACRES

                                                                                      9.   11528 Whitehorn (Fire Damaged Single-Family Residential Structure, Garage, Shed)
                                                                                           20A31A TO 33 BL27 LOT 31 EXC THE S 10 FT OF THE W 30 FT ALSO LOTS 32 AND
                                                                                           BLOCK 27 THE JUNCTION SUB BLOCK 27 T3SR9E L17 P34 WCR
                                                                                      This meeting is held pursuant to Public Act 254 of 2020, SB 1246 and the Remote Participation in
                                                                                        Public Meetings Policy, adopted by City Council on 12/28/2020, Resolution No. 20-355; which
                                                                                       permits the remote attendance by members of a public body using telephonic or video conferenc-
                                                                                       ing means in certain circumstances; and to allow the public business of the Romulus City Council
                                                                                      to be conducted in a manner that permits both the general public and members of the public bodies
                                                                                                to participate by electronic means under circumstances allowed by law.

                                                                                      TO JOIN THE ZOOM MEETING:
                                                                                      Click on the following link:, Meeting ID: 223 077 8573
                                                                                      TO JOIN THE MEETING BY PHONE:
                                                                                      1. Call the teleconferencing number + 1 646 558 8656
                                                                                      2. When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 223 077 8573, followed by # sign to be connected.

                                                                                                              THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING
                                                                                         Members of the public wishing to participate in the Meeting may do so by phone or online
                                                                                       utilizing the Zoom Meeting Application. The "raised-hand" method will be used to acknowledge
                                                                                       those wishing to speak. Press *9 to "Raise Hand" from your phone. Members of the public may
                                                                                           submit written comments or questions by email to
                                                                                       Members of the public may contact members of the public body to provide input or ask questions
                                                                                              on any business that will come before the public body at the hearing/meeting.
                                                                                                     To access contact information, visit
                                                                                                          Instructions for Persons with Disabilities
                                                                                         Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate in the meeting effectively
                                                                                        should contact the City Clerk or send an email by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to request
                                                                                           assistance. Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk, 11111 Wayne Rd., Romulus, MI 48174,
                                                                                                         Closed Caption will be provided upon request.

                                                                                       This notice is posted in compliance with PA 228 of 2020 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCL
                                                                                                  15.263a et. seq., and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA).
                                                                                              A copy of this notice is posted on the City Website at

                                                                                      Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, CMC
                                                                                      City Clerk
                                                                                      Publish: January 14, 2021                                    RM0549 - 011421  2.5 x 12.476
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