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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           January 2, 2020

           Seasonal celebration

           The Christmas Concert by music students from the Plymouth-Canton Educational Park has become an annual tradition with the Plymouth Noon Rotary Club and this year
           was no exception. The students filled the Cultural Center just before the holidays and the Festival Singers presented choral selections under the direction of Jennifer
           Neumann while the Symphony Strings performed holiday and traditional instrumental favorites under the direction of Catherine DePentu. The singers were accompanied
           by Carole DeHart on the piano. Photo by Sean Rhaesa

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Families Against Narcotics     (248) 202-1518.                Center, 15218 Farmington      the Arts, 33455 Warren Road.   Policy groups to meet
        sets Wayne Public Forum                                       Road, just south of Five Mile    The story takes place in in   The first meeting of the
           Families Against Narcotics  Plymouth Ice Festival          Road.                         1942 and two of Hollywood's    mayor's policy working groups
        (FAN) will host a Northwest    offers a 'sensory friendly' peek   The featured program for  biggest divas have descended   in Inkster is set for 6-8 p.m.
        Wayne Public Forum from 6:30     The 2020 Plymouth Ice        the evening will be a presenta-  upon the luxurious Palm Beach  Wednesday, Jan. 15 at the
        until 8:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 6 at  Festival, set for Jan. 10 through  tion of selected sets of mem-  Royale Hotel -- assistants, lug-  Dozier Recreation Center.
        the Summit on the Park, 46000  12 in downtown Plymouth has    ber's 3D images.              gage, and legendary feud with    According to Dennis Black, a
        Summit Parkway in Canton.      teamed with the Miracle          Following a refreshment     one another in tow. Everything  senior advisor in the mayor's
           Audiences will hear from    League of Plymouth and the     break, the second “Open” com-  seems to be in order for their  office, “The city policies will
        family members about how       Plymouth District Library for a  petition of the season is   wartime performance until      come from the citizens partici-
        addiction in a loved one       Sensory Friendly Plymouth Ice  planned.                      they are somehow assigned to   pating in these workshops.”
        impacted their lives and family  Festival Evening from 608 p.m.  Meetings are free to attend,  the same suite. Mistaken identi-  Chairmen of the respective
        relationships and how they     Jan. 9.                        and visitors are always wel-  ties, overblown egos, double   groups will be selected he said.
        learned to cope, overcome and    The event will feature live  come.                         entendres, and a lap dog       Current groups include;
        ultimately find peace and joy in  ice carving near the library  Stereo cameras, 3D movies,  named Mr. Boodles round out    Housing; Education; Workforce
        living.                        entrance, sensory friendly     and educational videos are    this love note to the classic  Development;      Economic
           For more information,       entertainment inside the       available for members to bor-  farces of the 30s and 40s.    Development, Criminal Justice
        access      nwwayne@fami-      library and interactive sensory  row or rent.                   The play is not suitable for  Reform; Energy Production or fol-  ice blocks.                  For more information, visit  all ages.                     and Information Technology.
        low       on       facebook      The event is free, includes, or call       For tickets and more infor-   To register for the meeting,
        @WayneChapter FAN.             snacks and is open to all special  (248) 398-3591.           mation visit https://inspire the-  call (313) 768-6071. The Dozier
                                       needs families.                                                Recreation Center is located at
        Garden Club to meet              For more information con-    Township hosts blood drive                                   2025 Middlebelt Road in
           Members of the Country      tact Kelly Hermann at            Plymouth Township will host  Elks host Blues performance   Inkster and the meeting will
        Garden Club of Northville will  Kelly@miracleleagueofply-     a blood drive from 1-7 p.m. Jan.  Blues @ The Elks takes     take place in the multi-purpose
        meet at 11 a.m. Jan. 8 at Ward or at (616) 439-0466.  8 in the board meeting room at  place from 7 until 10 p.m. the  room.
        Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in                                township hall, 9955 N.Haggerty  second Tuesday of the month at
        Northville.                    Photographers to meet          Road in Plymouth.             the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks    Bowling fundraiser planned
           The speaker for the meeting   Members of the only 3D pho-     The need for blood is con-  Lodge #325 in partnership with  The Romulus Chamber of
        will be Cheryl English who will  tography club in Michigan will  stant and only volunteer donors  the Detroit Blues Society  Commerce and Friends of the
        discuss the Autumn Jewels.     meet from 7-9:30 p.m. on       can fulfill that need for patients  (  Romulus Library have planned
        Light snacks will be served.   Wednesday Jan. 8, at the       in our community, noted Fire  There is a $5 donation at the  a bowling fundraiser from
           For more information, call  Livonia Civic Park Senior      Chief Daniel Phillips who is  door and dancing is encour-    beginning with registration at 7
                                                                      coordinating the effort.      aged.                          p.m. Jan. 18 at Romulus Lanes,
           Ford Road                   done to increase the safety on  a unit of blood every 2 to 3 sec-  will perform Jan. 14. Joining  37452 West Huron River Dr. in
                                                                        Nationwide, someone needs
                                                                                                       The Kathleen Murray Band
                                       Ford Road.”
                                         Traffic signals along Ford   onds and most of us will need  Murray with vocals is Mike      Bowling will begin at 8 p.m..
           FROM PAGE 1                 Road will be re-timed, state   blood in our lifetime, he added  Ferencz on guitar, Craig Scott  Tickets are $25 per person or
                                       officials said, to accommodate   For more information, con-  on bass, Bob Bowman on         $50 per couple which includes
           inconvenience for motorists  traffic during construction and  tact Phillips at (734) 354-3221   drums and Evan Mercer on  three games of bowling, shoe
           but that the issue is one of safe-  assured representatives from                         keyboard.                      rental, pizza and a soft drink.
           ty.                         the   Canton    Downtown       Suite Surrender presented        The Plymouth Ann Arbor      There will be a 50/50 raffle and
             “Like any project of this  Development Authority that      Inspire Theater will be pre-  Elks Lodge 325 is located at  a cash bar.
           size, there is going to be some  plans would consider the  senting Suite Surrender: a    41700 Ann Arbor Road in          Organizers said that the
           inconvenience for drivers ...  impact on the aesthetics along  farce by Michael McKeever at  Plymouth.                  event is usually a sell out and
           there's no getting around it,”  the affected area, including the  7:30 p.m. Jan. 10, 11, 17, 18, 24  For more information, call  urged early ticket purchase.
           Williams said.              public art along Ford Road,    and 25, and at 3 p.m. Jan. 12, 19  (734)  453-1780  or  visit  The event is limited to the first
             “But something has to be  MDOT representatives said.     and 26. The performances will or email jaz-  72 bowlers. For tickets or infor-
                                                                      be at the Westland Center for          mation, call (734)893-0694.
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