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January 2, 2020                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                           NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Meter replacement under way in City of Northville

           The New Year will bring     Cureton. “Our department per-                             ”                                 percent interest rate for seven
        some changes to homes through-  sonnel will manage and work                These new water meters meet                     years. The funds will be applied
        out the City of Northville.    with the contractor and resi-                                                               to the total cost of $859,786, with
           Workers recently began a city-  dents to ensure the work is done  the State of Michigan ‘no lead’ requirements          the balance coming from the
        wide water meter replacement   properly and efficiently. These        and are guaranteed accurate for 20 years.            Water and Sewer Fund reserves.
        program to install new water   new water meters meet the                                                                     Letters were mailed to resi-
        meters and replace second      State of Michigan 'no lead'                                                                 dents announcing the water
        water meters used exclusively  requirements and are guaran-   upgrade the wiring. This step in  ures, the vendor's workers will  meter replacement program,
        for outdoor use, such as for in-  teed accurate for 20 years.”   the process takes about 30 min-  carry identification and drive  which is expected to take four to
        ground lawn sprinkler systems.   Employees from Ferguson      utes to one hour, a city      vehicles with the company name  five months to complete. For
           “The majority of water      Waterworks     and    Utility  spokesperson said. The worker  visible.                      more detailed information
        meters in the city are 20 years  Metering Solutions will perform  will also replace the touch pad  Members of the city council  about the water meter installa-
        old or older and have reached  the installations. A worker will  currently located on an outside  approved a $622,000 loan from  tion, visit the “Frequently Asked
        the end of their projected life  need to enter a house or busi-  wall with a new meter interface  the city General Fund to the  Questions” section on the City of
        cycle,” said DPW Director Loyd  ness to replace the meter and  unit (MIU). For security meas-  Water and Sewer Fund with 2.5  Northville website.
        Plymouth Ice Festival will feature 20-block sculpture this year

           Again this year, Tajana     the festival by working in the  frozen giraffe. She also com-
        Raukar will be a big deal at the  studio. The Michigan First  petes and has won internation-
        Plymouth Ice Festival.         Credit Union sculpture, howev-  al ice carving events.
           Raukar, the owner of Ice    er, will be completed in the     Raukar said that sculptures
        Dreams Sculptures, will carve  park and early visitors can even  of the size commissioned by
        the largest ice sculpture in   watch Raukar at work           Michigan First Credit Union do
        Kellogg Park sponsored by        Raukar first studied to be a  present some unique chal-
        Michigan First Credit Union.   chef when arriving in the U.S.  lenges but that her years of
           Raukar, a world champion,   from her native Croatia. While  experience have provided her
        will carve 20 blocks of ice, each  learning the fine points of cook-  with techniques to ensure suc-
        about 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide  ing, she discovered how much  cess. She and a team will start
        into the large work of art-exact-  she enjoyed the sculpting of  on the huge piece early in the
        ly what she will be carving    small fruits and vegetables, and  week to be sure it is perfect for
        remained a secret at press     how good she was at it. Those  display Friday.
        time, but rumors indicated it  beautiful little baskets made    Michigan First is also the
        would certainly have some-     from lemons, flowers sculpted  sponsor of the petting farm and
        thing to do with the Red Wings.  from tomatoes and watermel-  pony rides during the festival.
           Raukar is used to working in  ons led her to try her skill at ice  A credit union spokesman
        subzero temperatures and       carving and the rest, as they say,  noted that the Ice Festival is a
        keeps her studio in Plymouth at  is history.                  great way to demonstrate the
        about 9 degrees so she can       Raukar, like other champi-   Michigan First commitment to
        maintain the integrity of the ice  ons, usually starts with a sketch  the community, prompting their
        while she works.               and transfers her drawing to   involvement and sponsorships.
           Professional carvers from   the ice block, but she would     This is the second year
        Ice Dreams will be creating    rather just take her chainsaw  Michigan First has sponsored
        many of the sculptures seen in  and let her imagination take  the petting farm, pony rides
        front of businesses and in the  over. Raukar is an award-win-  and huge sculpture.           The huge 20-block Michigan First Credit Union sponsored sculpture
                                                                                                     at the 2019 Plymouth Ice Festival was also carved by champion
        park during the festival this  ning champion and has won        “We really appreciate them,  Tajana Raukar of Ice Dreams and drew crowds last year.
        year. The carvers will be busy  competitions in  Michigan,    and all our sponsors,” noted
        for more than a week, getting  Ohio, and nearby states. She's  James Geitzen of JAG enter-  realize this is a totally commu-  of businesses and it is a real tes-
        ahead of the number of sculp-  won seven championships in     tainment, which produces the  nity-sponsored event. We could-  tament to the importance of
        tures than need completed for  Alaska, one for her 25-foot    festival. “Many people do not  n't do this without the support  this event to the community.”
        Hockey classes set to begin

           Registration for the next Learn to Play  A limited number of gear sets are
        Hockey sessions at the Plymouth        available to borrow from the Recreation
        Cultural Center is now under way. The  Department for use during the program
        classes, which are an introduction to  and can be reserved on-line when regis-
        hockey programs intended for players 4  tering.
        to 9 years of age, will begin Jan. 4.    On-Line Registration is available at
           The program includes seven skating
        sessions and will continue through Feb.  mouthwebtrac.wsc/splash.html
        23. The cost per student is $85.         First time users must contact the
           All sessions take place at the      Recreation Office to be set-up with a user
        Plymouth Cultural Center 525 Farmer,   id and password. Contact the office by e-
        Plymouth.                              mail at or
           Full equipment is required and      (734) 455-6620 x 0.
        includes athletic supporter with cup for  Walk-In Registration will be taken at
        boys or pelvis protectors for girls, shin  the City of Plymouth Recreation
        guards, hockey socks, hockey pants,    Department located in the Plymouth
        elbow pads, shoulder pads, jersey, unex-  Cultural Center Recreation office win-
        pired hockey helmet with full face guard,  dow hours are 11:30 a.m. through 4 p.m.
        neck guard, gloves, skates and an ice  Monday through Friday. For more infor-
        hockey stick.                          mation call (734) 455-6620 x 0.

                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                  January 28, 2020 at 7:00 PM

          The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Northville Township Municipal Offices, 44405 Six
          Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48168 to consider rezoning the former fire station property at 48515 7 Mile Rd.,
          Parcel 77 030 99 0007 001 from PROS (Public Recreation, Facilities and Open Space) to R-2 (Single Family
          The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions.  Plans will be
          available for viewing at the Township between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Written com-
          ments will be received by the Northville Township Planning Commission at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville,
          MI 48168.
          Tim Zawodny, Chair
          Planning Commission
          Publish: January 2, 2020                                     NT0037 - 010220  2.5 x 2.458

                      CITY OF ROMULUS
                      PLANNING COMMISSION - Notice of a Public Hearing
                      January 22, 2020

         Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at  7:00 p.m. on
         Wednesday, January 22, 2020 for the purpose of considering the following: RZ-2019-004; 28430
         Beverly located at 28430 Beverly Road (Parcel ID #80-002-99-0012-000) requesting to rezone 5
         acres of property from M-1, Light Industrial to M-T, Industrial Transportation.
                                                                                                    NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND INTENT TO COMMENCE
         The public hearing will be held at the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road,  PROCEEDINGS TO FORFEIT AND DISPOSE OF PROPERTY
         Romulus MI  48174-1485. A copy of the proposed requests are available in the Planning Department
         during regular business hours - Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Questions may be  TO: All interested persons
         addressed to Carol Maise, City Planner, Department of Public Services, 12600  Wayne Road,  You are hereby notified that on 02/26/2018, pursuant to MCL 600.4701 et seq, the Northville Township Police
         Romulus, MI  48174-1485 or at 734-955-4530.                                  Department seized the following described property:  2004 Buick Rendezvous, VIN: 3G5DA03E84S584868 and
                                                                                      Eric Pierre Warren was convicted of the crime of Attempted 2nd Degree Home Invasion pursuant to MCL
         Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk                                                750.110a(3) and sentenced on May 07, 2018. To file a claim of interest in this property you must, within twen-
         City of Romulus, Michigan                                                    ty-eight (28) days of the first publication of this notice, file claim with the Northville  Township Police
                                                                                      Department at 41600 West Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168, Telephone No. (248) 349-9400. Failure to file
         Publish:  January 2, 2020                                     RM0462 - 010220  2.5 x 2.98  a written claim will result in the forfeiture of the seized item(s) to the seizing policy agency in accordance to law.
                                                                                                                                                    NT0038 - 010220  2.5 x 1.696
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