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January 2, 2020                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                            INKSTER - WAYNE


        Annual charity raffle provides

        Holiday food, toys for families

           More than 100 families and 300 chil-  State Rep. Jewell Jones and his team
        dren were able to celebrate the Christmas  again did the toy shopping for the more
        holiday this year with food and toys pro-  than 300 children helped by the raffle. Dr.
        vided by the annual Inkster Legends of  Stiles Simmons, superintendent of the
        Basketball Holiday Raffle.             Westwood Community Schools and coach
           According to founder and Director   Jermaine Carter and members of the
        Fred Smiley, the event again this year at  Robichaud High School basketball team
        the Booker T. Dozier Recreation Center  helped with the packing and loading.
        was “a smashing success.”                Smiley said that the foster grandpar-
           Smiley repeatedly thanked all the   ents helped with the registration and
        donors and sponsors, along with the vol-  organization and Al Backus and his staff
        unteers, who made the event possible   at the Booker Dozier center had every-
        again this year.                       thing ready for the event when they
           “I would just like to thank everyone, all  arrived.                       State Rep. Jewell Jones and Fred Smiley, founder and president of the Legends of
        those who sold tickets so that we could  “I just want to thank them all,” Smiley  Basketball join in the shopping for toys for 300 children funded by the annual holiday
        reach our goal. I would like to thank all  said, “along with U-Haul in Inkster for  raffle this year.
        the volunteers who helped fill the boxes  allowing us to use the truck and the stor-
        and bags at Kroger along with the staff at  age space.”                      A special
        the Cherry Hill and Merriman Kroger      Smiley said he also owed a special  display of
                                                                                     fruits and
        store,” he said.                       thanks this year to his daughter, Melissa  vegetables
           Smiley said the generosity of the com-  Smiley, who prepared one of her specialty  prepared
        munity was overwhelming this year and  fruit and vegetable arrangements and dis-  by Melissa
        wanted to express his gratitude to busi-  plays for the event.               Smiley
        nesses that contributed food to help feed  “None of this would be possible with-  amazed
        the volunteers while they were working  out the goodness and grace of God,”  the volun-
        on preparing the gift boxes.           Smiley said.                          teers and
           “Dunkin' Donuts in Wayne and          Winners of the grand raffle prizes this  raffle hope-
        Domino's Pizza in Westland, People's   year included: Detroit Pistons game   fuls.
        Bakery in Detroit, Better Maid Potato  against the Eastern Conference
        Chips in Detroit, S & F Foods in Romulus,  Champion Milwaukee Bucks at Little
        Starbucks in Westland, Beverly Hills Pies,  Caesars Arena on Feb. 20 and a $50 din-
        Hungry Howie's in Garden City, and     ner card at Sports & Social Detroit was
        Pepsico, along with Captain Hays in    Brian Quantz; The Harlem Globetrotter
        Inkster and Walls Fish and Chicken in  package along with an autographed bas-
        Wayne,” Smiley said.                   ketball, head bands plus four tickets on  the Bayshore Resort was Sam Mims.  donated, who helped, who sold or bought
           “Support for the event has grown    Feb. 1 at Calihan Hall Detroit plus a $50  Many, many other prizes were also  tickets. This is really a worthy event and
        beyond Inkster to the entire area and we  dinner card at Mr. Mikes Pizza Detroit  awarded, Smiley said.            we are able to help a lot of people enjoy
        just want to thank them all,” he added.  was Mike Haljer and the two-night stay at  “We just want to thank everyone who  the holiday,” he added.

          On the job

          Wayne welcomed a new offi-
          cer to the police force last
          month when Charles Woody
          was officially sworn in during
          the Dec. 17 meeting of the
          Wayne City Council members.
          Woody graduated from the
          Wayne County Regional
          Police Academy in November
          and earned his bachelor of
          science degree from Central
          Michigan University. Woody
          will undergo the required
          training period under the
          supervision of an experienced
          officer, according to Police
          Chief Ryan Strong. Woody's
          family and friends were on
          hand to witness his oath of
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