Sumpter Country Fest 2016 - page 8

Page 6
The Sumpter Senior Center pro-
vides multiple services and activities
for township senior citizens. Among
the many services provided is trans-
portation to the center, where seniors
can enjoy socialization, recreation and
educational programs.
Lunch is served at the center
Monday through Friday for a nominal
donation of $3 and those who may
need transportation can call (734) 461-
9373 to arrange a ride to the center.
Home-delivered nutrition and TEFAP
are also available to qualifying individ-
uals through the Sumpter Senior
Transportation is also available at
no cost to local shopping centers for
members and to and from the Senior
Center for the nutrition program and
even other activities such as low cost
The center offers exercise equip-
ment and a computer lab, along with
Arthritis Foundation exercise classes
and a sewing room.
Annual membership is $8 for
Sumpter Township residents and $9
for seniors who live outside the town-
Sumpter Senior Center members proudly represented the community at the
Senior Olympics.
Senior services
Programs offered at Center
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,...20
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