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Upon discharge or transfer, Senior assessments from nurse practitioners, Department at St. Mary Mercy. The
Emergency Room staff communicate social workers and physical therapists. range of advanced medical emergency
across the hospital and the care contin- Together, this clinical team offers sen- services available to seniors in the
uum so that senior care is coordinated iors and caregivers recommendations community include angioplasty, chest
accurately and in a timely manner. for care and a list of local resources pain evaluation, stroke care, on-site
This includes consults with personal available to them. These recommen- diagnostic imaging, electronic medical
primary care physicians about treat- dations may address special needs, record technology and a fast track
ment options and care plans. such as transportation concerns, med- process for minor injuries and illness-
An added level of service available ication assistance, financial hardship, es.
at St. Mary Mercy includes support or access to medical equipment. For more information about St.
through an outpatient Senior Wellness More than 52,000 patients are treat- Mary Mercy Livonia, visit stmarymer-
Center, which offers comprehensive ed annually in the 24-hour Emergency