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       Cold beer - warm hearts

       Sales of beer and wine will help fund Rotary Club projects

                          Scott Spielman                 ”                    “We've applied for a grant to supply
                           Special Writer                                     kitchen kits to these families.”
                                             The Beer and Wine garden           They also partner with the larger
         The Canton Rotary Club will offer        will be open from           Rotary Foundation to fund the Shelter
       up a variety of beverages to festival-                                 Box program, which initiated in the
       goers this weekend at the Canton        4-10 p.m. Thursday and         United Kingdom about 19 years ago.
       Liberty Festival.                          Friday as well as           Shelter Box provides necessities to
         Canton Rotarians and other volun-                                    families who are displaced by emer-
       teers will operate a beer and wine gar-    10 a.m. to 10 p.m.          gencies, including a tent, sleeping bags,
       den at the top of the hill near the           on Saturday.             water purifiers and other items packed
       amphitheater, as well as a booth selling                               into a plastic bin that can be used to
       soft drinks and water along the path                                   collect rainwater when it's emptied.
       closer to the main stage.                                                They've partnered with Friends of
         “We use the profits from this to sup-  the Liberty Fest provide a number of  the Rouge to plant rain gardens in the
       port the charitable work we do     benefits for the community.         community, the Salvation Army to pro-
       throughout the year,” said Susan     The Rotarians provide scholarships  vide school supplies, scout troops to
       Kowalski, president of the Canton  for Plymouth-Canton students-this   fund Eagle Scout banquets, bowling
       Rotary Club.                       year, they gave out $5,000. They recent-  and pizza parties for international
         The club will partner with O & W  ly installed a free library, along with a  exchange students and more. Last year,
       Distributors to provide craft beers,  bench nearby, in Griffin Park -they had  they supplied 70 Christmas gift baskets
       wines and hard ciders and the Canton  previously funded one at Flodin Park-  that were distributed through Meals on
       Optimist Club, Plymouth A.M. Rotary  and planted trees in Heritage Park and  Wheels to area seniors.
       and other volunteers to keep the lines  Griffin Park.                    “For a lot of these seniors, it's the
       flowing smoothly. Food trucks will be  This year, Kowalski said the club is  only Christmas gift they get,” she said.
       parked nearby, so attendees can grab  working with St. Vincent De Paul to  The Beer and Wine garden will be
       some food, a drink and enjoy the enter-  supply kitchen kits to the working  open from 4-10 p.m. Thursday and
       tainment on the main stage.        homeless in the community. Through  Friday as well as 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on
         “It's all designed to be convenient,”  the program, St. Vincent De Paul iden-  Saturday.
       Kowalski said.                     tifies the working families in needs,  Kowalski said the club is always
         Chartered in 1977, the Canton    provides financial education, upgrades  looking for new members, too. They
       Rotary Club has participated in the  their job skills and helps them secure  meet weekly at L.A. Bistro on Cherry
       Liberty Fest for more than four years.  housing.                       Hill and Sheldon road. For more infor-
       They took over the beverage tent about  “Once they move into a home, they  mation about the club, visit www.can-
       three years ago. The funds they raise at  don't have anything,” Kowalski said.
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