Page 17 - CLF2019
P. 17
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That’s a B-I-N-G-O
Club 55+ members hosting fundraising games
Club 55+ members are taking their fundraiser for Club 55+ and the
picnic outside and bringing Bingo to We know that many Optimists. They'll split the proceeds in
the Canton Liberty Fest this year. half.
The group of active seniors and not- of the people we serve “We try to keep our costs down,” she
yet-seniors typically get together for an or on a fixed income. said. ‘We know that many of the people
annual picnic during the festival inside we serve or on a fixed income. These
the Summit on the Park, where the 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. To register for fundraisers help offset the costs of our
majority of their usual activities take the picnic, call the Canton Club desk at programs and activities.”
place, but this year are moving out near (734) 394-5485. Club 55+ offers a variety of pro-
the amphitheater, so members can take From 8-9 p.m., the club and the grams from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during
advantage of the outdoors and nearby Canton Optimists Club will host a regu- the week at the Summit on the Park,
entertainment. lar Bingo event, where anyone can par- everything from sports to cards and
The picnic lunch will be available to ticipate at $2 per card. The events are games to Wii bowling leagues, crafts
anyone who registers ahead of time. co-sponsored by Heartland Health and more. The club is open to people
Consisting of a boxed lunch from Lee's Care Center and Glen Abbey Assisted ages 55 and older, she said, in recogni-
Chicken in Plymouth, it will cost $10 for Living. tion that more and more people are
members of Summit on the Park, $11 Stephanie Diago Berkeley, adult retiring early.
for Canton residents and $13 for non- programs specialist at Canton “We have a big mix of people,” she
residents and include Bingo from 5:30- Township, said the Bingo event is a said.