Page 15 - CLF2019
P. 15
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‘Safety First’ is rule at Liberty Festival
Julie Brown wearing their uniforms, some will be on addition of the colorful and tall flags this
Staff Writer bicycles and some will be in plainclothes year, a big help to him and colleagues.
to ensure that everyone is kept safe and He said, overall, he feels the safety
As always, safety is the first and fore- is considerate of others in the crowd. measures and techniques used in
most consideration at the Canton Additionally, township staff members Canton will keep everyone safe and hav-
Liberty Fest. have been trained as witnesses and ing a great time.
“We have officers that are trained to observers to notice any untoward behav- “Probably our biggest challenge is
respond,” said Sgt. Ed Johnson of the ior in the crowds. missing children,” Johnson noted, but
Canton police. There will be medics on Jon LaFever, deputy director of the folks from the Canton Leisure
golf carts traveling throughout Heritage Canton Leisure Services explained how Services Department who organize the
Park during the festival who are trained important safety is in the extensive plan- event have a solution. They have booths
to respond to any emergency, anything ning and management of the festival. or tents set up at the entrances to
from serious heat strokes to the need for “We are very aggressive about safety,” Heritage Park where parents can obtain
a Band-Aid. he said. free identification wristbands for chil-
Whatever the need, officials said, the If a storm or other severe weather dren.
medics on hand will be able to provide a comes, it's “all hands on deck” with per- “I think wristbands are very impor-
quick response to ensure that the long sonnel including Leisure Services staff tant,” the sergeant said, noting that they
track record for safety at the Liberty members helping folks get quickly to allow park volunteers or police to identi-
Festival remains intact. safety. “We've been running this festival fy the child and contact worried parents.
There will also be police officers long enough we know what to do,” “We had a huge success with that last
throughout the crowds during all hours Johnson added.
of the celebration this year, some will be Johnson said he is pleased with the See Safety, page 12