Canton Liberty Fest 2018 - page 21

The Rotary Club, which has spon-
sored the Liberty Fest Beverage Tent,
for the past five years, will get a little
help from some friends this year to
keepupwith the thirsty crowds.
Members of the Canton Optimist
Club, the Plymouth AM Rotary Club,
and some Canton Township senior cit-
izens have volunteered to help out
serving the adult beverages, noted
Rotary Club President elect Sue
“We hope to have a large number
of volunteers. We will also be support-
ed by volunteers through the (Canton)
Township Leisure Services,” com-
mentedRotarymember Bill Tesen.
The Canton Rotary Club website is
Members of the Plymouth Canton
Optimists have volunteered to help the
Rotary Club members in selling a
selection of red, white and blushwines
in the beverage tent.
This is the first year the Optimist
Club members have volunteered with
the Rotary Club, but Optimist Club
President Pam Batcho and others
expect that the wine sales will become
awell-liked addition to the festival.
Hours of beverage service will be 4-
10 p.m. Thursday, June 14, noon to 10
p.m. Friday, June 15, and 10 a.m. to 10
p.m. Saturday, June 16. Price is $5 for
beer or forwine or five for $20.
Proceeds go to the Canton Rotary
Club Foundation and will be used to
support: Salvation Army food drives, a
school backpack program, high school
scholarships, the Little Free Library
program (which places small “library
boxes” in neighborhoods and business
zones), a tree planting program, and
hydration stations.
In addition, Canton Rotary sup-
ports projects outside the country, like
cooking pots for use at disaster sites.
Wine will be priced at $5 per glass
which is the same cost as the beer. The
Optimists are participating hoping to
raise money to purchase Bravery
beads for children fighting cancer. The
club will also contribute financial sup-
port to The B.L.O.C.K. youth center
and the “Lead Like a Girl” program,
both of which align with the Optimists'
vision andmission, she said.
Friendly drink
Optimists to help Rotary Club with beverage tent sales
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