and granddaughter graduated from Van Buren Public
During her years in Belleville, Stoltz has been the
archivist (keeper of the records) for the Belleville Area
Museum and has a lifetime membership there. She retired
fromthose a fewyears ago afterworking since 1996.
One of her other altruistic efforts was walking for the
hungry and collecting pledges for Church World Service
during the annual Crop Walk in the area. She collected
pledges to help the less fortunate every year and was the
thirdhighest pledge collector in the state one yearwhenher
total reached $5,000.
Church World Service (CWS) sent Stoltz to work in
Honduras, helping build a house for the poor and she
helped build homes in both Belleville and Ypsilanti while
she volunteeredwithHabitat forHumanity.
Stoltz also volunteered at the Belleville Area Chamber of
Commerce and the local foodpantry.
“I have always believed that God has pointed out the
ways forme to serve others,” she said.
The Strawberry Festival Board was unanimous in their
selection of Virg Stoltz as Grand Marshal of the Belleville
National StrawberryFestival for 2017.
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