Page 22 - ice2023
P. 22
It’s party time
Tent entertainment provides funding for Vietnam veterans
Every year, the Party Tent during
the Plymouth Ice Festival hosts some
very special guests, although most
audiences at the event have no idea
who these heroes are.
The men who greet guests, check
ages and attach wristbands at the
entrance to the huge Party Tent during
the festival are members of Chapter
528 of the Plymouth Canton Vietnam
Veterans of America. They cheerfully
greet guests who are probably
unaware that the guy checking their
identification put his life in unrelent-
ing jeopardy every day during his mili-
tary service decades ago.
“These guys do so much good in the
community and help so many people,”
said Frank Agostini of E.G. Nick's
which hosts the huge Party Tent in the
rear parking lot of the restaurant on
Forest Street. “Many younger people Power Play Detroit
have no idea these guys at the entrance
are heroes or what they did,” he said. ity both nights and there is no doubt Agostini added that the business
The restaurant hosts the tent which people have a great time. takes pride in the help the Party Tent
features popular live entertainment on “It really is a party for the crowds, provides to the Vietnam veterans. He
both Friday and Saturday night as a our staff, the bands, everybody has a said the event has become one of, if not
benefit for the Vietnam veterans. The great time. It is just a lot of fun and a the, major fundraiser for the group and
$5 cover charge collected at the door great atmosphere,” he said. helps them pay for services some vet-
goes directly to the veterans' group and The huge tent is heated and com- erans or surviving families, could not
is used to help provide services and fortable and beer and wine service afford. “They do so much good in the
financial help to those veterans who from the restaurant is available. community, we enjoy being able to
survived the war and their families. Specialty drinks from the full-service help them while giving people a great
“We have a great time and this year bar inside E.G.Nick's are available, too, time,” Agostini said. “It's great for the
we have two great bands,” Agostini Agostini added, although most of the vets and great for the community.”
said. “Atomic Radio is here on Friday crowd sticks to beer and wine from the The Vietnam Veterans of America
and this group is really developing a convenient bar inside the tent. Chapter 528 of Plymouth Canton is
big following. They are really popular. Agostini said everyone involved nationally chartered and is dedicated
On Saturday, we've brought back with the Party Tent is proud that there to promoting and supporting a full
Power Play Detroit, which is one of the has never been any problem or misbe- range of issues important to Vietnam
most popular bands we've had at the havior at the event. “Everyone is here veterans and their families. They meet
festivals. They've been voted the most to have a good time, talk to friends, at 7 p.m. the second Monday of the
popular band by WDIV three times.” enjoy the music,” he said. “Obviously, month at the Plymouth Mayflower
Agostini said the crowds usually fill we are still safety conscious, but we've VFW Hall at 1426 Mill St. Meetings are
the huge tent to the 1,200 person capac- never really had a problem,” he said. open to all veterans and the public.