Page 16 - ice2023
P. 16
Page 16
Animals from page 15 are well mannered.
The staff, most of whom are family
going to an event and are eager to get members, enjoy the festivals and other
into the truck transporting them to appearances almost as much as the
their next celebrity appearance. crowds, Iacobelli said. Because the
As always, the weather and outdoor event is so popular and children enjoy
temperature will determine which ani- it so much, it is a pleasure for the staff,
mals Iacobelli selects to entertain she said. There will be several staff
crowds during the festival. If it is too members on hand while the petting
cold, she said, there are some animals zoo is open, she added.
who she won't bring while others really This year, along with the troupe of
flourish in the weather. ponies, Iacobelli is tentatively planning
“These are all animals we have on bringing a miniature horse, a don-
raised here on the farm, so we under- key, some goats, a sheep or two, an
stand their temperaments and natures. alpaca and even a baby calf along with
We won't take a chance with them get- some ducks and bunnies “depending
ting sick or chilled,” Iacobelli said. on the weather.”
This year, an added attraction will The petting zoo is sponsored by
be pony rides at the petting zoo which domestic ponies from Carousel Acres. Michigan First Credit Union and will
will allow children to take a short spin The animals, Iacobelli stressed, are all be open from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. on
on one of the specially trained and used to being ridden by children and Saturday and Sunday.