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       Growth from page 7

         “The renovations have provided us
       with the opportunity to expand our
       services and better serve the needs of
       the community. We look forward to
       our continued growth and finding new
       ways to serve Plymouth and the sur-
       rounding communities,” Munro said.
         Recently, in response to a growing
       need, Growth Works has expanded to
       provide mental health resources and
       support. The organization now has a  staff members have been trained in  lege to serve the Plymouth community
       dedicated suicide prevention coordi-  this approach.                   for over 50 years. It is our partner-
       nator who is working with school dis-  “We recognize that our clients are  ships with police departments, local
       tricts throughout western Wayne    dealing with struggles and challenges  elected officials and other organiza-
       County in an effort to reach a goal of  situations, no matter what services  tions across the Conference of
       zero youth suicides.  For every client,  they may be receiving,” noted Growth  Western Wayne (CWW) that made it
       youth and adult, Growth Works staff  Works CEO Nick Griswold.          possible for us to serve the communi-
       provide trauma informed care and all  “It has been an honor and a privi-  ty,” he said.
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